What should we expect? Was Jesus feminist?

What should we expect? Was Jesus feminist?

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hopefully, roon footkino

>slut shaming is bad, goy...the movie

>film about sand farmers living 2000 years ago
>women have beautiful hair and skin and are caked in makeup

there's nothing wrong with farming some good sand every now and then

>not moisture farmers

Rooney > Mara

will there be steamy scenes of Jesus giving her the holy dick?

at least they're white

All that revisionism.

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>Chiwetel Ejiofor as Saint Peter

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>gnostic trash

Oh god no

How can they reconstruct Christ's face when they don't have his body?

>it's real
can't make this shit up
fucking checked

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>>Chiwetel Ejiofor as Saint Peter


Probably the shroud

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No, the dirty kikes didn't use the shroud. They just gathered few bones and made an "average" looking man for that area/age. Fucking moronic.


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It looks like they just took a modern Jew from Queens and made him slightly more baboon like.

>being this much of a psychikoi

Hollywood is a fucking joke

>was Jesus a feminist
How can you type when you're literally brain dead?

>Was Jesus feminist?

Jesus loves every man, woman, and child ever born or will ever be born.

Bullshit. Jesus was a gun loving rootin tootin mudslime killin machine

Just so you know, ancient Egyptyians really did cake themselves in makeup. At least the ones who could afford it. Not sure about the kikes though.

Well, he did also love wine and knocking over Jew moneychanger's tables in the temple.

is this movie jewish antichrist shit or what?

altho Sup Forums """christians""" will disagree because they cant swallow the fact that their own religion is the biggest enabler of mudslime terrorism today

>cast a white guy as jesus
>cast a black guy as peter
I mean I guess? Neither is accurate, so if you're gonna raceswap you might as well go all in.
Who knows, maybe one day they'll have a Christ movie with actual middle easterners.

He certainly was a gross, dirty, Middle Eastern dude with Charisma, that's a fact. I've been to churches that say "THIS IS WHAT HE LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE, ISN'T THAT CRAZY?" and it always bothered me.

Sure, he wasn't some blonde haired pretty boy, but he didn't look exactly like that. That image is to put perspective on what he MAY have looked like.

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Every film rooney mara is in has a poster of her doing the exact same pose, starting to piss me off

>I mean I guess? Neither is accurate
A white person is a hell of a lot closer to a Jew in 1st century Judea than a fucking African, user.

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jesus was fucking sloots left and right, stands right there in the aramaic texts, but the fucking europeans made him into a 999level wizard

Is this The Last Temptation 2.0?

And whipping them until they ran out of the temple.

Sort of? A white person being passed as another race in a movie is something that people (myself included) have complained about for a while. Joaquim certainly doesn't look like this guy . I guess my point is that since they clearly aren't giving a shit about ethnic accuracy with the casting of Rooney and Joaquim, Ejiofor isn't really a stretch at all.
Or, alternatively, if you're going to complain about Ejiofor, then that's also an indictment of the other two actors.

That guy isn't even supposed to be Jesus you dumb kike.

Phoenix or the 3D mockup? Because Jesus was almost certainly some brown dude.

>Sort of?
Jews are caucasoids. Probably had darker skin and eyes, not significantly different. Even some modern Middle Eastern Jews (as in not Ashkenazi) could still pass for white.
>since they clearly aren't giving a shit about ethnic accuracy with the casting of Rooney and Joaquim, Ejiofor isn't really a stretch at all.
What do you think Jews look like, user?

>brown dude
Race isn't all about skin color. God, fuck amerimutts and their retarded classifications.