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about to watch this for the first time, what am in for? i'm hoping for some comfy horror

Attached: mist.jpg (544x800, 50K)

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just watch it and leave the thread because of spoilers

That's exactly what you're going to get

really cool, I liked it a lot. Comfy stephen kind kind of horror.


Attached: Mad_Carmody.jpg (853x480, 30K)


fuck off meng

Its no where near as bad as people make it out to be. 7/10

watch the black and white edition if you can find it

this, it's on vudu.

Horrorkino. Ending in particular is GOAT, they changed it from the book, King himself said he prefers the film's version.

Comfiest horror I've ever seen in my life, nothing has ever come close to this level of comfy. And I say this as someone who usually fucking hates Stephen King and his adaptations.

Idk, that's what I always assumed religious cultists are - bunch of overacting cunts manipulating with people's emotions and stress

watch this after it's over


Attached: 5eb.jpg (600x750, 26K)

The only bad things in the movie are the dated CGI and that fucking kid. I hate little kids in movies.
Other than that, it was kino.
Reminded me of The Thing/Day of the Dead

Kino horror, watch it.
But if you stumble upon the TV series, don't ever think about watching that shit.

Are you trying to imply that religious cultists are a good thing?

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#2 on my most hated movie endings

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>what am I in for
Lots of mist. My oonly complaint aside from not loving the ending is the cgi looks dated, would have appreciated more practical effects.

shit CGI....thats about it. RIP practical effects

no he is implying whatever side you are on and represent there is always a witty meme reply to totally disarm your argument
if your a fedora you get fedora replies if you are a christcuck you get the jew on a stick reply etc

it was funny as hell what are you talking about


They left the worst thing coming out of the mist to the very last minute.

Attached: 1511212357641.jpg (768x768, 40K)

Ending would have been better without the autistic screeching

I love it. One of the best King adaptations and definitely better than the original story. B&W version is especially good, gives me Night of the Living Dead vibes.

this movie is opposite of comfy it goes from rage inducing to suspenseful to tragic

no comf at any point

Protip: There’s a difference between cultist fuckos and normal christians

But is it kino?