What are some movies that make dumb people feel smart?

What are some movies that make dumb people feel smart?

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how can a movie make someone feel smart, i think you might be retarded?

All of your favourite films?

Blade Runner 2049

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Mad Max: Fury Road
The Martian

nice reply famalam

Godfather 1 and 2

mad max makes people feel all kinds of things because it's kino

Yeah, that's accurate.

But the thing is, for an action movie - Inception is pretty damn smart.

How many action movies have you seen that are as complex as Inception? Whether you think the movie is "smart" or not.

Interstellar, Fury Road and Inception are literally the pleb trifecta of overrated shit

>for an action movie - Inception is pretty damn smart.
No, it's really fucking not.
>How many action movies have you seen that are as complex as Inception?
Every Bond film. The Bourne trilogy. Aliens. Terminator 2. Gladiator, if you can class that as action.
Pretty much every war film ever made.
There is nothing smart about Inception except that it managed to convince legions of plebs that its plot holes were depth

I think you're the dumb one that feels smart, buddy

it's not only a dumb movie, it's the most unimaginative film about dreams I've ever seen

>enter someone's dream
>it's Call of Duty Death Match

Every episode of CSI ever.
Every episode of Hannibal.
It's a more common tactic in tv than in movies, but it does get used in movies as well. Most recent example in movies would be Annihilation.

Any movie op likes.

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Commenting on it’s own easily digestible pleb themes in a way that makes it sound more profound than it really is. Redditors gobble this shit up.

Film in general. It doesn't have the depth critics credit it with 99% of the time.

Donnie Darko, Mr. Nobody, Enter the Void, Inception, Cloud Atlas, Mother!, Shane Carruth's films, anything with Brit Marling in it, and every Godard film with Ana Karina and pretty much everything by Godard other than Le Mepris.
Those are the ones that came to my mind.