What was the worst thing they did?

What was the worst thing they did?

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Enable faggots like you to make these threads.

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Parked in a handicapped spot

They gangraped Elaine's original actress until her uterus fell out. Julia Louis Dreyfus was actually a replacement starting in season 2.

When George dates the bulimic girl

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it's on a paper on a magazine, literally nothing wrong with it.

And he only gets mad because he thinks she's wasting food that he paid for

Probably 9/11

It was trash.

Live in the United States.

these people were way worse

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george double dipped

He was at a dinner party, if he was alone then it would've been fine. It's the same as digging through trash in a public area

This is the correct answer

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>that expert shakedown
So that's what Kramer did for money.


in order
>Kramer took over the back of a fire truck just to give them directions, causing it to crash & ultimately allowing Leaping Larry's shop to burn down
>Jerry & George accidentally let a Serial Killer escape
>Elaine ate an incredibly rare piece of wedding cake that her boss spent a fortune on
>George ruined Susan's life by getting her fired from NBC, introduced Kramer into her life where he vomited on her & burned her father's cabin down, exposed her father's homosexuality, delayed their wedding purposefully, then buying the cheapest envelopes available with toxic glue that ultimately killed her

Burning down Ellen's dad's cabin with his own Cubans
Killing Ellen, trying to call up Marisa Tomei after Ellen died, George's whole tenure on the Ellen foundation was pretty bad
Stealing the marble rye
Being faithless, godless, Semites In Name Only, oversexed, selfish lunatics

It was partially eaten


"The Fire" George knocking over the kid and old lady in his rush to escape the small smoke fire.

>these people were way worse
This is true. Far worse.

Friends is trash. No mainstream show ever did more to bring degeneracy into mainstream normie goyim lives. In the relatively innocent 90's you had introduced:

The breaking down of traditional relationships and marriage: "Hey, I slept with you, and you and you, and here's my new boyfriend... but let's all hang out like a big happy group! That's what cool people do!"

Normalization of gay relationships and gay adoption.

Race mixing.

etc. etc.

This is how the "long march" of leftism works... normalization of something that was then quite radical, that two decades later, looks quaint to people.

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Look at all that diversity. They got genes from every European nation.

Seinfeld did all of this and more.

Jerry heckled Kramer's girlfriend at her off office until she ran out and got her toe cut off, leading Kramer to hijack a bus in order to rush the detached toe to the hospital

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Can confirm i was part of the crew.

only thing close was Elaine & Jerry remaining friends, but even then not nearly as bad as Friends

I read somewhere that they wanted this character to return but the actor refused because Kramer's actor hurt him a lot on all the retakes of this scene.

Based Jerr

that was under George instead of Kramer
in the long run, he's done worse

if we're being serious, i started watching it a couple days ago and Jerry kisses a girl George used to date and he doesn't want him to know about it, he eventually tells him and George says he doesn't care but still, what a shitty friend

Kramer detected A mulato, RIP
You don't come back once he finds you .

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yea he had a bruised rib. kramer let a lot of his rage come thru in that scene. you can tell hes got a lot of pent up anger

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I don't have the webm but i saw one here once were he accidentally cut Elain with a golf club or some shit. Kramer was a dangerous dude.