1.1 Billion and counting

>1.1 Billion and counting

Infinity War is going to make 2 billion

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3 billion

It's not going to outdo Avengers 1. No way. It might match it or gain a slight lead, but not to the extent of noticeably exceeding it, certainly nowhere near $2 billion. That's not only because Avengers 1 was an unprecedented event, while the formula is stale by now. But because big superhero movie trilogies go this way in general; the third film always has a gross right between the first and second. Happened with Star Wars, the Star Wars prequels, the Spider-Man trilogy, the Dark Knight trilogy, the X-Men sequel (prequel?) trilogy, they all follow this path.

$1.5 billion. Screen cap this.

There has never been a movie with this kind of build-up, though. Almost every MCU movie until now has in some way set this up.

1.6-1.8B range

lit af

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Can I get this updated?

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Conceivably, there are people who don't care for Black Panther. Who haven't seen it even though its popular. There are certainly people who didn't go to Thor, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange. Some Iron Man fan who doesn't really give a shit about the other heroes. So not only is this a movie with Iron Man, but its potentially one of the last movies with Iron Man that'll send off the character. Every hero is going to have individual fans who want to see it, in addition to the people who obsess about all superheroes and see everyone that comes out.

Can't believe it actually reached the suicide tab.

This. Avatar nearly made 3b close to 10 years ago, IW can break 3b.

Through KARA BOGA all things are possible

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marking up the office box its serious business

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all those naive black folk being convinced to give whitey they money. feels bad.


Nigger Black Panther alone will make $1.3 billion, and you think every single Marvel hero together won't beat $1.5 billion? It will make $300 million from China alone

Avengers 1 and 2 and Civil War

>the pleasure of being cummed inside
what did he mean by this?

Iron Man, Cap, Hulk, (weirdly) Scarlett Witch and Vision are the only ones I'm remotely interested in seeing in movies. the rest are characters for my characters to bounce off.

In the case of The Spider man, Dark Knight, and X-Men trilogies, the final films were all received more poorly than the first two, by critics and fans alike. I agree that Revenge of the Sith probably made less than TPM because it wasn't as big of an "event" as the first prequel, but correlation isn't causation friendo.

Captain America: Civil War didn't make 1.2 billion. I wouldn't be surprised if doesn't make 300 million more than that. The exchange rates and ticket prices are different now from when Avengers 1 came out. If Infinity War is liked by a lot of people and Avengers 4 is said to be good by many people who see it, I can see A4 hundreds of millions more than A3.

It doesn't work like that. It's the same people who watch black panther who are going to watch infinity war.

>implying 13% of the population (large percentages of whom live in poverty and have no interest in Hollywood) was the biggest factor in pushing this over $1 billion

Stormfags are always such brainlets. How do you explain its success in China?


Fuck that, we need BLACKED.com Panther hand caressing a seething Sup Forums wojack

the black chinese of course

TFA was easily the most hyped film of all time. Easily.

I'd say 2 billion. It has massive amount of hype.

Avatar was directed by the greatest living director, BASED Jimmy C. The new Avengers is directed by.... literally who? Infinity was won't make as much as The Force Awakens, let alone avatar.

Jimmy Carter?

2.3 billion of that was one James Cameron buying tickets. Do you REALLY think Avatar earned that much?