Game of Thrones

Give me your thoughts on season 8 Sup Forums because I seriously hope they won’t turn it into some happy fairytale ending

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It will be shit

>inb4 'choose your own ending'

they wont do a happy fairytale ending, they'll do something much worse. They'll make a pseudo-deep-cop-out ending where duhgoodguyz sacrifice themselves and die so they can say it isnt a "typical" ending, but it wont have any real depth or meaning.

The ginger girl is queen Elizabeth. She rules after everyone else dies fighting zombies.

She literally just survives long enough for the crown to fall into her lap. They probably live happily ever after but only the minor/ unimportant characters survive so it’s bittersweet.

The finale will just be a set up for the numerous spin off, one of which is a roomies sitcom where tyrion shares a flat with brienne in king's landing

The show is utter dog shit.
Just read the books.

Implying 4th and 5th books aren't dog shit.
Only the trilogy is kino

i hope like half the cast will be killed, both main and secondary characters. that will make it interesting at least

AFFC and ADWD had some decent moments though. Cersei chapters were pure kino, I wish they kept her as an alcoholic lunatic instead of turning her into the 'big bad' in the show. She was fucking hilarious

Cercei chapters were literally the only fun thing about that book. Grrm should have just sticked with the planned 5 year gap. Maybe the books would already be finished by now if he didn't fuck everything up.

/ourguy/ takes it all.

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stannis with his motorcycle

>Merged the most boring parts of Victarion and Euron into one character
Still mad

True. He should be the valyrian-armor wearing, nightshade-drinking, failed bloodraven apprentice, kraken-summoning occult pirate.

But for this shitty show, even Rockstar Danish Trump is good.

It’s not really gonna end. Dany will Die in child birth. Jon will die fighting the NK and will have an

>Uh ohhhhhhh!
>here we go again!
>Another Orphaned ice and fire baby!
>Lyanna Jr’s hyjinks coming to HBO in 2021 just as soon as the fat man kicks it!

Who is Mary? Dany? A better claim but sadly insane?

His ott hammy acting is pretty fun to watch alongside all the rest of the cast who are just trying to get paid and go home

Can't wait for him to come in with the BASED Golden Company and Westeros to get fucked by war elephants.

I don't care about watching Game of Thrones.
I care about watching Chicago hipsters watch Game of Thrones.

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Hope they win desu, the Night King is such a non-threat now that Dabid butchered him. We could really use a proper villain

Guiness-san is the best, cheering on based Bronn while the Khazar miltanks shrieked.

I expect to be triggered.

What’s Chicago like?

Too bad best boy Aegon Blackfyre and /ourgay/ Jon Connington isn't leading them.

>ywn see JonCon and fAegon betray Cersei, kill literally every other character and take over the throne causing normie riots

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Rich jews, a sea of self-culling blacks, and the ungrateful millennial children of hapless goyim that think being caught between those two horrible societies is worth astronomical rent.

>tfw HBOmos and plebs don't realize lemons don't grow in Braavos, "Daenerys" is more likely Visenya Waters, and Ilyrio and Varys are grown up shounen anime protagonists and actually the most important characters.

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Dany makes Jon kill her and their child, Jon marries Cersei to unite the Kingdom and is miserable the rest of his life.

what happened to /got/ general? just dead because there's nothing new going on?

Based Bobby B killed it

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Old Samwell Tarly reads a story to children, he closes the book and says: "and that was the end of A Song Of Ice And Fire© HBO®"

the show lost any semblance of moral greyness when they offed Stannis


>moral greyness
Do people still believe that?
In the currect state of the show the secret Prince who literally came back from the dead is falling in love with the 'beautiful' Queen and together they're about to fight a war against the villainous 'Night King' and his Army of the Dead.
The only thing keeping GoT off the Disney channel is them shoving the word cunt into every other episode.

Big if true
Can’t wait for the shit storm here if it is.

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are you implying that there still is moral greyness? there isn't. the show gives zero shits about the fact that daenerys has caused political turmoil throughout an entire continent, or that jon is a zombie. the show has decided that theyre the good ones. and... well.. pretty much everyone is just "good guys" now, except Cersei & glorious Euron (who are just "evil")

Considering Gurm will most likely die before Winds is released and there is absolutely no way he lives to complete Dream of spring there is nothing to read, the show will be the canon ending.

Also season 8 will most likely be the same shit as season 7, well produced and well acted at times but complete garbage writing and plot.

That's what I'm saying, there is no morality in the show besides Good vs Bad anymore. It's a childrens fairytale about dragons vs zombies

>Dorne Prince rules with all the women

Rumor has it Sansa dies next season

thats what i fucking said
when Stannis (& Roose Bolton, lastly) died, the show became black & white

I was agreeing with you, why are you so angry?

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FINE sorry, sounded like you were disagreeing

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>Stannis who? Jon is my God now

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You have a webm of this?

It's gonna be a boaring season.

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Game of Strong Women
(formerly Game of Thrones)

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That's been the rumor for every season after season 4. Probably just wishful thinking.

>Short Temper, starting this fall on HBO!

sansa and tyrion rule the seven kindoms after almost everyone is dead. they found a new dinasty, the tudors...

>Give me your thoughts on season 8
I only care about pic related and two of them are fucking around with the whole white walker bullshit, for all we know season 8 Cersei is going the same way and will have her characterisation shit on by the ice zombies but at least we know she's getting another naked scene desu

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stop pretending Sup Forums has anyone except normies anymore. smartphones ruined this site.

too much shitposting
btw why is /reylo general/ alive?

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normies coming from plebbit are the whole reason we lost /got/ generals in the first place. if someone likes the below characters best, that's how you know they're a normalshit

>jon and dany
>liking jaime and tywin but hating cersei and tyrion

Don't die pls

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The Winterfell scenes in Dance were as good as anything in the series. Roose is the best character in the books. Plus Stannis.

Just admit you didn't read them.

Reminder that littlefinger paid the faceless men to take his face and die in his place once shit got too hot in winterfell.

Jaime in AFFC was amazing

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Stannis! Stannis! STANNIS!

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Anyone have a webm of this charge?

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>Stannis wanted to start mining Dragonstone for dragonglass way back in the third book and understood the white walker threat

Why was he so pure, lads?

>Jon marries Cersei

This one thing I really want to happen.


feast is a pleb filter
the 5th does drag a few parts though
there would be no problem with he pacing if he could write faster

spoilers for season 8:
-close-ups of Jon's face looking moody every single episode
-close-ups of Dany with a blank face every single episode
-scenes of Cersei with watery eyes whispering her dialogue lines every single episode
-scenes of Arya with a smug face making 2deep references to the house of black and white
-several scenes of Jaime saying he loves Cersei but wants to keep his oath
-scenes with Tyrion looking sad and telling the audience that war sucks
-comic relief moments with Sam
-comic relief moments with Tormund
-comic relief moments with Davos
-scenes of Theon having PTSD followed by scenes of Theon being a competent fighter
-a Ghost cameo
-an eyepatch for Euron
-a Lyanna Mormont scene about women being as strong as men
-a love triangle with Brienne, Jaime, and Tormund
-a lengthy Jon action scene filmed in a single shot
-a long Cersei sex scene that Benioff wrote while touching himself thinking of Lena
-nobody sitting on the throne at the end ! "oh boy, no one in the audience saw that one coming !" (~D&D)
-Inside the episodes youtube videos featuring D&D trying to justify their retarded writing decisions with stock phrases like "It made sense to us because we wanted it to happen", "We looked at the pieces on the board, and Ghost sacrificing himself was the only logical move", "We created that scene to enhance Emilia Clarke's acting performance"
-a full 8 seasons Blu-Ray bundle featuring a teaser for the next Game of Thrones spin-off

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Jon Snow will heroically die fighting the Night's King and his ice dragon thus saving the realm

It will probably end well and then it will end in the North with some WW raising ice babies or some shit

>people actually watch 8 seasons of this shit