Awkward silence overtakes theater

>awkward silence overtakes theater

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>muh oppressed peoples.

>Laura Dern apparently couldn't stop saying "pew" when she fired herlaser gun in The Last Jedi

What did she mean by this?

ruined the movie desu. it got way too cringy when she entered. would've been ok without her.


I still need to watch this.

>muh oppressed peoples

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>would've been ok without her

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>Purple fucking hair
She's probably a self-insert by some dike on the YAAASS KWEEN writing team

Exactly what happened. She has purple hair and made cringe worthy biography of her filled with YAAAS SLAY QUEEEN moments of her fighting oppression. It's pathetic to see how these people live.

Don't give the Disney Rat any money.

>we have a great show for you tonight, our musical guest is The cantina band!
>cuts to mediocre sketch stereotyping jawas
Fuck SNL

is anyone else just approaching the void? There are jokes about nightmare goggles and stuff, but i feel very close to ending it

>Laura Dern apparently couldn't stop saying "jew" when she pointed her laser gun at cast and crew members in The Last Jedi
Wow. I don't remember her doing any work with Raimi.

Fuck I feel bad for the fans of the OT.
This poor franchise will continue to dragged through the shit for the foreseeable future.
I guess I should be glad the things I like aren't as popular.

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Don't forget that she's bipansemidemihemisexual.

>fucking over the OT white male fans
that was the very point/agenda

to them it's all 100% a success

I have beated wife syndrome, so I will see episode 9. (I will skip Solo) I'm curious how they will save the trilogy. This movie was so bad.
I want a movie where two big armies/fleets fight for control of the galaxy. Not some ragtag "resistance".

reminder that she was proven to be wrong in the end and that all their ships would have been destroyed if it wasnt for Finn and Poe

>This poor franchise will continue to dragged through the shit for the foreseeable future.
And that is a good thing.

Ugly ass tranny.

>tfw there will never be armies of Jedi vs Sith/RenKnights

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LOL, they're just like us! Upvote for the based link!

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>little more than every Human Resources 'officer' or humanities professor that ever existed.

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>Holdo? Battle of Tuckfrump Holdo? The one who had all white men in her fleet castrated and jettisoned into space?

This line felt a little extreme. Is Rian Johnson the anti-Raimi?

dont forget that she studies ASTROLOGY

they couldnt even be bothered to hide that shes a tumblr-whale, feminist writers' self-insert
why cant they for one second not push their shitshow identity politics agenda through a kids etablished sci-fi universe? they are so unaware of how awful this truly is that it physically hurts.

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No you really, really, don't

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Lay down all thoughts, surrender to the void. Play the game existence to the end

>they couldnt even be bothered to hide that shes a tumblr-whale, feminist writers' self-insert

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But I need to be in on the memes!

There, you're caught up

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Who is worse, Holdo or Rose?

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Holdo had the sense to kill herself. So Rose.

Well at least she killed herself

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Baftas are shit anyway

Why end it. If you truly cant take it anymore, start working on kickstarting a violent revolution or something. Dont just off yourself...

Nah she could just suicide run through them regardless. One ship destroys an entire fleet, the rebels could have won the war in a single afternoon.

The Tumblr was so strong with her, that I never recognized her as the cute blonde from Jurassic Park
I'm willing to bet that if they kept that long blonde iconic look she would had the public's hearts.

I'm as dull as cardboard, I couldn't stop saying pew when shooting, kind of like those prequel lads with their laser swords h-haha!

Holdo was more obnoxious. I could tolerate watching Rose

I'm no lip reading expert, but I think she's clearly saying "DIE CIS SCUM!"

Holdo just sounds like a basic bitch

>that expression on her face
I remember this scene. She threw a miniature model of the Supremacy to the floor and then took a dump on it. Why feminists do this?

ever since these threads started popping up I've been fapping to her and running various femdom humiliation scenarios where I serve her. the faps have been very good. so good that I may even spend some money on a custom clip to have a milfty dom doing cosplay and forcing the sub to enact all my favorite degenerate fetishes. my imagination is excellent but I really want to see it acted out.

Women are literally so weak they have recoil on a gun that shoots light

i hate being british

>she didn't like her environment, so she protested by dying her hair and dressing funny
why are women so fucking vain

its acting you sexist

I would fuck prime Laura Dern (Wild At Heart)

her dialogue sucked but Sup Forums's obsession with this character is laughable

>not saying pew pew when you shoot finger guns at your coworkers
lmao losers

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>Knowledgeable of the galaxy
How the fuck do these dikes even get the job

>awkward laughter as people realize this wasn't a comedy scene when Luke throws the lightsaber over his shoulder and wasn't meant to be funny and therefore feel guilty at their initial reaction of laughter by awkwardly laughing more.

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It's pretty bad when you can have ridiculous looking aliens on the screen and nobody bats an eye because it's Star Wars, but when there is an obvious purple haired Tumblrina shoehorned into the film it throws people off and just doesn't work visually as belonging in the series.

How can silence be awkward in a theater?

This is our son's room, he is quite the political activist!

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that first scene with her was top tier cringekino

There isn't a meme title degenerate enough for what Britain is

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why do you care? the harry potter audience is gay as fuck already

>he actually saves all of these images
>he's unironically a right-wing political activist on Sup Forums

just end your life, you pathetic sack of shit

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try to stop trembling as you type...

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It's just fucking pathetic that I'm sure you have a fucking folder of """evidence""" of the subversive jew menace trying to feminize franchises and make them gay, and you feel the need to save all of them and repost them here.

Don't you have anything better to do with your time?

You know the answer to that question, user.

She got everyone killed that died in transports

>prime dern
>not a perfect world
Hahaha I'm laughing

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It was directed so poorly it came across as a comedy, user. This isn't Logan

too old

Her plan probably would have gone off without a hitch had Poe and Finn not leaked it to DJ. that said, Holdo could have been more open with Poe in the first place, though I think she had valid reasons for keeping him in the dark.

I don't know, am I out of line for thinking the whole conflict between Poe and Holdo was between two well-meaning but flawed individuals who disagreed in the proper way to carry on Princess Leia's will? Or am I just a cuck for not picking a side based on my own politics?

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Abrams has said the fans' expectations of '8' were too high. Then why the fuck did he set them in '7'? I watched Luke toss the lightsaber and knew I was in for something terrible. JJ had a vision, whatever it's flaws or virtues may have been we'll never know, and Rian came and shit all over it.

>comedy based on awkwardness or unexpected subversion of expectations doesn't exist

and don't give me that S U B V E R T E D meme crap that you use to deflect any actual discussion of the movie

I don't know what your politics are, but I know the injection of politics into a Star Wars film is in really bad taste. Rian wrote in that unnecessary and easily avoidable conflict for the sake of feminism. Also she wasn't only secretive with the plan, but was also super cunty to Poe.

Right, I'm sure you're a perfectly reasonable and normal person and not some delusional neocon/drumpfkin who sees anything that doesn't align itself with your specific examples of gender roles as an attack on your masculinity

I don't even know what you're talking about. I don't know what you mean. I don't know what your expectations are. In my opinion that scene, that moment in the saga, was built up to be more than it was. The audience wasn't meant to laugh was my point.

so you're saying the humour is really too deep for most people?

>most people thought Luke and Rey's meeting was going to be this big, grand thing
>It ends with Luke comedically tossing the saber behind him and then waltzing off nonchalantly

You were meant to be taken aback and laugh at the same time.

Did you even watch the film? Seriously. It was Poe who was earnestly attempting to take orders, but it was Holdo who "sized him up" in that way that only campus feminists employ. Remember that scene about "You flyboys doing things your own way?" It was gross to watch.

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I disagree. I think it was certainly meant to stoke intrigue, but it had the opposite effect. It felt like the last two years waiting for this moment were wasted in some strange way. And the more we learned about Luke losing hope, turning his back on the force, it was all so incongruent with that character. Remember that when Yoda and Obi Wan went into exile they went in hope and in faith. With Luke it was the opposite. George talked about the films rhyming. This wasn't rhyming.

And are you forgetting that Poe had just been demoted because he's shown a tendency to disregard orders when he feels it suits him, costing lives in the process? Given the context, Holdo's behavior towards him is not wholly unreasonable.

and you know, like I said, I think both sides were flawed. I'm not a child who needs characters to align with me morally and politically at all times.

Sorry but you need an IQ of 140 to get this fantasy flick, user. The sword fighting is particularly deep.

Holdo got more people killed than Poe.


lol this is real. Hahahaha you bongs wtf. You pay for interracial threesomes propaganda, the same company protects the most prolific pedophile in history even whrb he targeted disabled children my goodness.
The very same media, bong police and government hides rape gangs targeting your children spanning decades. You elect a faggot mayor who came to the US to demand that we censor the internet to deter blasphemy. Lol u ultimate fucking faggots. How dare you mock sweden you are worse!

wow those must be the most depressing clothed tits i've evr seen

Literally how? The only reason those people on the transports died is because DJ found out the plan, BECAUSE Poe and finn got a random, untrustworthy hacker involved

beat me to it. I'm not going to argue. I just don't have it in me anymore, especially not for Star Wars. But I'll just leave you with this. Didn't that character seem a bit "shoehorned" into the whole film? Couldn't her role have been filled just as easily by Admiral Ackbar and over a more meaningful plot than her not being a very good communicator? Couldn't we have given Ackbar the glorious sendoff he deserved? (I didn't mind the lightspeed ramming since star wars was always light on the science.) That's one of the biggest flaws with '8' in my opinion. Old and beloved characters killed off without the glory or fanfare they deserve and the audience demands, and the new characters killed off without explanation or exploration of their histories or motives.

That's all I"ve got. Take it or leave it.

Thats just a rehashed story of when Ewan McGregor couldn't stop making lightsaber noises during filming of the prequels.