What a weak comeback, this feels like a Jonah Hill thread. I think we are starting to get to him, boys

What a weak comeback, this feels like a Jonah Hill thread. I think we are starting to get to him, boys.

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I feel like he's close to breaking point
And that's a good thing!

Rina Johnnson is so fucking based.

Holy freaking crap....

*inhales and stands at attention*






>see someone with a blue "youre special" icon and feel obligued to answer
what a retard.

>caring this much about star wars

shit thread, its his mate you dickhead

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What a madlad!! He told him!! Hohoho boy RIANNNNNNNN OHHHHOOOO

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>Thomas Schnauz

Didn’t they work together in Breaking Bad?

Is it so I can move on to a better place where someone competent did TLJ?

read the thread before opening your fucking mouth.

Why is he so talentless and cringe, Sup Forums? Will Star Wars ever recover?

>your movie sucks dude
>Well why don't you get naked and go outside!
>Relax guys we're actually friends joking around, I've felt his manboobs lol
So this... is the power... of American """humour"""

Soyboy humor at its finest



Anyone else baffled by the whole exchange? It makes no sense and the replies seem to not even be in context

Or what? are you going to suck my cock?


Second most Jewish name I've ever read

>Filmmaker arguing with his audience on Twitter
What a fucking idiot. Why would anyone do that? Social media can only be a mistake for someone in his position

calm down before replying

bad bait

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Guys, he wrote the worst Star Wars movie ever.

We already know he sucks at comebacks.

I thought I was the only one. Unless this is just some LOL SO RANDOM type humor I don't get it at all.

I’m waiting for Bravo Vince to step in and finish him off

Guys google "ugly white male", I really feel bad for jonah

did he just advocate self harm? what if this person was suicidal, then did this and got killed. maybe rian johnson gets arrested and goes to jail like that girl who told her boyfriend to kill hisself?
im going to have to ask one of you anons to take off your cloths and go into traffic, leave a note that says rian johnson said you should do it if you didnt like TLJ

posting from my phone naked in the street, but TLJ still exists

It was a heroic effort user.

>btfo the Star Wars saga reputation
>btfo some random guy on twitter

Rian "the madman" Johnnson

>take off all your clothes and go into the street

what the fuck kind of taunt is that? is this what passes as PC banter?

>what the fuck kind of taunt is that? is this what passes as PC banter?
I'll tell you but first take of all of your clothes and go into the street