ITT: Villains who were actually right

ITT: Villains who were actually right

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He btfo Phil so hard, they escorted him out


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This will never not be funny.


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wew lad. how can someone be any more thoroughly B T F O
>"I got the same" at 3:27

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>posted 2006
>only 450k views

Wtf this is top notch youtube kino

It's satire though, sorry to burst your bubble.

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Actually Dr Phil humiliated him on tv on purpose. You don't think he saw this guy before this aired? You actually think that was the first time they met? He got him up just to call him a piece of shit and then kicked him off his show like the bad ass he is.

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He was just acting on his nature.

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Go to bed, Phil, you hack. Your colonoscopy is tomorrow.

>I'm an electrician

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I lost it after that final moment that he tried to compose himself.

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Can I get a quick rundown on this?

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What did David Chase mean by this?

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I don't get it

It's your show, doc.

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>it makes you a crap eater

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Those are fake, right?

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I could see luke wilson portraying dick masterson

>What makes you think I haven't tasted crap
Weeew I've never seen someone body themselves this hard

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Feminism cannot recover from this.

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Feel like this was written.

Bob E. Feet

>didn't say Simon says


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holy keks what the fuck he absolutely blew her the fuck out

>no hitler

God damn, every line out of his mouth is 10/10 gold material. I'd quote the whole thing if I could but I'll settle with a jpg

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Who is this?
What's the video for this?


he killed 3 people...


I'm not talking to you. That's despicable, you can go


The Creator of Bum Fights gets invited on by Dr. Phil for exploiting people. He comes dressed up as Dr. Phil to show Dr. Phil's hypocrisy and is immediately kicked off.

10 years ago I thought Dr Phil was in the right. Boy was I wrong

dr phil has never been in the right you redditcuck

whats wrong about him?

>dressed like dr. phil
>And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee

I was like 14 you faggot, gimme a break

Fine, I will forgive you.

>i refuse to publicize that
but you just did

to save billions

to kill trillions

did the bumfights really make millions

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He didn't make millions... He killed millions.

He still won in the end

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He was probably exaggerating a bit but he probably netted at least a million.

to save billions

What a pussy. He just tapped out because of his ego. If that guy hadn't come out dressed as Dr Phil he wouldn't have called for the tape to be stopped and for him to leave.
And the bumfights guy was right, they're both in the exploitation business. One is just more honest about it, even if he still deludes himself to some level that he's helping those bums.

Wouldn't surprise me if he'd made that much at all. He would have lost a lot to lawyers and legal fees over the years though so probably not worth anywhere near as much now.

post the video

dr phil helps people with their problem he doesn't say hey monkeys dance into the camera for a bottle of beer

>guess what honeybun I slept on the couch last night

holy shit she just got BTFO so much she set fire to herself.

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I had totally forgotten about bumfights and now I can't stop laughing that this was a thing. I'm also shocked by how young that dude was

>dr phil helps people with their problem
By parading them out in front of an audience and a camera. He's essentially the same as the doctor from The Elephant Man, if he's a man of conviction he should have the same inner turmoil wondering if he's truly helping these people or just doing it for his own gain by putting them in a more respectable freak show.

Holy shit he called her an old hag straight to her face.

I bursted out laughing when she said that, literally doing the job for him

What was her point even supposed to be with that comment?

If Dr. Phil really wanted to help people with their problems he'd be a real psychologist

>Helps people
He is the jerry springer for the middle class

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this guy wasnt the creator of bumfights he just bought the rights and kept doing publicity.

this is projection personified.
It would be good to watch this everyday just to confirm that spending time in anger is fruitless and unattractive.

What a piece of shit. The dude is just playing a trumpet. Who gives a fuck? What was this kike's problem?





But Hillary was the villain....

not enough shekels

Or height

That dude looks like his whole world just got fucked up and was having a break down. He's still a dick but by the end of the video i felt bad for him.

not in they eyes of normies

They’re both idiots

probably saw a decent looking dude playing his instrument of choice and couldn't swallow the pill or his pride.

I didn't. Fuck him. Keep your breakdown to yourself. It's not the fault of some dude playing a trumpet on the sidewalk.

I don't think the Dr. Phil show would script a scene like this in favour of the owner of

this was golden, thanks OP

Videos like this make me wonder what set Hitler off.

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Haha it's a shame the trumpet guy finally said enough, I wonder how long he would've gone on for

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It was a better time.....


what a hero, everytime

Bling Bling is still alive btw

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