Predict the RT score both critics and audience

Predict the RT score both critics and audience

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50-60% Critic
30-40% Audience
Critics use it as proof that people don't want movies with (((white))) male leads anymore

>all the articles the next day

Critics 92%
Audience 29%

>RT score

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60% critic
50% audience

RT wouldnt dare make a SW "bad" but 60% is still "fresh". Audience scores will be flooded with bots like usual.


This fag is not Han Solo.

94% critic
57% audience

Critic score: 90

critic score: 14%
audience score: 90%

75% Critic
30% Audience

Oy my grandfather died on the set of Solo.

daily reminder that Sup Forums is always wrong

Critics will say its shit and give it 40%, they will use it as proof of not being paid shills, then LANDO will come out and they will give it 100%.

>all the articles
you mean the ones /poltv/ will dig for so that they can post them on Sup Forums. They're even better than articles by liberal Jews for cherrypicking

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Quero que esse filme se foda. Adeus.

Critics: 95%
Audience: 73%
Its just an annual spin-off, so both critics and fans are more likely to go easy on it, especially when it has imagery directly from the original trilogy, just like with Rogue One.

103% on RT
49% audience score

lol they photoshoped his hairline

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It stars a white male. It won't get any higher than 80%.

>you mean the ones /poltv/ will dig for so that they can post them on Sup Forums.
No, he means the ones they'll make up in MS paint to start threads.

Low-mid 60's critic, probably low 70's audience score

Like 90% of the negativity towards the movie is based on behind the scenes bullshit and rumor spreading, or "RLM makes my opinions for me" bandwagoning.

If people saw the trailer in isolation without knowing any of that stuff the reaction would mostly be "huh, that looks ok" (which is why it's views and score are super high on Youtube)

nice pic of young Ray Liotta

>it stars a white male
he's a Jew

funfact: real cinephils give a shit about RT, general audience opinion and most critics in general

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critics: 85%
real humans: 50-60%

When I saw the trailer without knowing any of the behind-the-scenes stuff my reaction was "Han Solo sounds like a millennial pussy"

critic 65
audience 55

he's so ugly

98% critic
56% audience
screencap this

>Critics : Han Solo has faults...but it's entertaining! 90/100

It's funny that out of the butthurt polshitter stuff here you left out "Han's black wife" who is almost certainly in the movie

Looks like young kurt russell or ray liotta not young harrison
You had one job disney.

Oy, Han Solo really showed the plight of the 6 million, now watch it

I dont have any numbers but I feel like it'll make less and get a slighty lower score than Rogue One, but not by too much