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people are really fucking crybabies about this shit

>he has a split second moment of weakness and quickly realizes it's wrong


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Luke didn't actually swing at him you morons, Kylo just told it that way because that's how he perceived it.

based simpson ref

I hate TLJ, but dubs speaks the truth.

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A split second weakness is eating a cupcake when you're on a diet. If I pulled a gun on a sleeping teenager, even for a split second, I'd be put away.

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The people who defend this are always the same type of people who whined about MARTHA

what was his fucking problem?

People don't care about the actual movies or the characters within them, they're attached to the juvenile fantasy versions of them they built up in their nostalgia induced memories, and in those fantasies Luke is a perfect paragon of moral goodness who never did anything wrong ever and to even CONSIDER it is a total betrayal of his character


MARTHA is objectively fucking clumsily executed and the delivery is terrible, and it inspires no change in either character

the rashomon-inspired flashbacks we get in TLJ are actually pretty clever.

MARTHA made sense though (and wasn't even about that if you read between the lines).


>and it inspires no change in either character
t. Brainlet who didn't realize it was that exact moment that confirmed Batman's autism and Supes' humanity, causing him to realize that he wasn't some inhuman apocalypse waiting to happen

This meme will never not be funny.

>it inspires no change in either character
Wew lad

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All Batman does is realize he doesn't want to kill Superman, he goes and murders a bunch of people later.

Superman totally forgets that Batman is also a mass murderer which is what caused their conflict in the first place

>Superman totally forgets that Batman is also a mass murderer which is what caused their conflict in the first place
That wasn't it at all you nonce

Why hasn't Rey shown any weakness?

If the images wasn't a big enough hint, Batman realises he's become Joe Chill (the very thing he swore to fight) and Superman, the frightened boy in the alley screaming for his parents.

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A teenager with magic blood that literally might make him turn textbook "evil" someday, though?

Sorry I meant flashback.

Yeah, I get that, idiot. Does this inspire Batman to stop taking life with such ease? No, he keeps murdering people without a second thought.

Ben's pretty eyes are her weakness.


Magic powers derive from oneness with creation, not some microbial culture! You can't expect to wield the forces of the universe just because some microscopic amoebas infected your colon.

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There's a difference between taking life for the pleasure of it and killing being an unavoidable consequence of reaching a greater goal (saving Martha before the clock ran out).

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People don't care about the actual movies or the characters within them, they're attached to the pathetic version of themselves, where it's ok to not learn about your mistakes and then feel sorry about yourself for decades, and in those fantasies Luke is a a complete failure who abandons his dreams and friends and let the FO wipe away everything accomplished in the previous movies. This allows them to project their own failures onto Luke and justify their existence where they were too weak to pick themselves up and make something of their lives.

>implying Batman ever had problems killing when it suited his purposes

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someone shop a nintendo switch into this

> People who appreciate the gray moral undertones in this film also complain about the laziest and most ridiculous capeshit plot contrivance of the decade

Colour me surprised.

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He's mad Ben had sex and he didn't.

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ok Rian

He looks like he fapped to this scene

They're both stupid.

I don't mind a Batman that kills, it's whatever.

But the movie clearly frames this Batman as someone who's gone beyond his code, one that once had issues with killing in the past but after losing Robin decided criminals weren't worth his mercy. This vengeful nature escalates until he's about to murder Superman, and then he realizes he's gone too far and all of this violence had led him to almost murdering an innocent man crying out for his mother. You'd think this would inspire some kind of change in him, make him realize continuing going down this path and playing executioner is turning him into someone he doesn't want to be...yet he goes on to murder another 20 people before the movie ends anyway.

and again, Superman's side of the conflict with Batman is due to Supes taking issue with Batman's mass murdering, and Superman forgets about all of this by the end of the movie.

>well why doesn't Luke just go and murder Kylo with a lightsaber even though Luke almost murdering Kylo with a lightsaber caused all of this to happen in the first place?

Luke is the wrong character for this type of story. It's not rocket science.

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Why are Disney's action scenes so bad?

oh jesus christ i can see the storyboarding YOU NEVER KEEP THE STORYBOARDED PRE-FIGHT SMIRK. YOU DON'T FUCKING DO IT.

>aCtIoN sCeNe

>Why doesn't Luke man up and fix his mistakes?

Isn't he dead?

>defending TLJ
For what purpose?

>that fucked up editing/continuity with kylo
There isn't a single part of this flick that isn't trash.

Because he's an old faggot and that's not how stories work. Why didn't Yoda kill Darth Vader?


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Because he wasn't strong enough, he tried to take on the Emperor and lost. He was too old even since the beginning of PT. He is hundreds of years old. Luke was like...35-40 when he decided to just give up all hope? And Unlike Luke he never gave up. Still trained Luke, even when Luke was being a faggot and running off to save his friends and might die, Yoda still had hope for another. Leia.

What if Indiana Jones decides that fuck museums, and starts to hoard rare artifacts all to himself? What if Aragorn decided to be a complete dick of a king? What if Legolas and Gimili decide they hate each other and don't want to be friends anymore? What if Dumbledore decides he should just give up and let Voldemort win because fuck it, he's been a hypocritical failure his life too?

what is narrowly avoiding making THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE and learning from it

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I really like the idea of Kylo just being a straightforward berserker who just fights with reckless abandon but they don't convey it well enough to be satisfying. It was better shown in episode 7.

The biggest mistake of my life was paying $14 to see this garbage

>Luke feels immense guilt and personal responsibility for setting this kid on the path to darkness and then almost murdering him in his sleep, all because he had to be Luke Skywalker, Jedi Masterâ„¢

and you know, the entire point of the movie is that Luke was W R O N G to run off, like, that's the point of his arc. He realizes the legend of Luke Skywalker is important despite his failings as an individual, and he realizes how to confront Kylo without resorting to violence.

Yoda fell off a platform due to dumb luck in the middle of a fight he was already winning because plot and then he just gives up because he had to be in Dagobah before the end of the movie.

If you honestly believe TLJ has more egregiously retarded shit than the prequels you are delusional

Go to bed Rian

Not an argument.

Why would you expect fans to be happy when their beloved character got fucked?

she's ghost/dark type, but they're introducing fairy type in episode 9

Go back to your containment general you subhuman

I didn't hate it, but the entirety of Episode VI is about Luke nearly sacrificing himself to redeem his genocidal father from evil. It's not inconceivable but I feel like it'd take a lot more to push Luke over the edge.

Reylo filth detected

>It's good because Luke is meant to be a failure because plot

>a bloo bloo bloo why didn't I get gary stu jedi master EU luke

not an argument

Pathetic manchildren. He's just another character now get over it

>not being a bitch and crying about a mistake you did for years while the universe burns behind you makes you a gary stu.

>Pathetic manchildren
What does that make you?

>trained under Obiwan
>trained under Yoda
>hand cut off by Vader and got slapped around
>finally defeats Vader in the final film of a trilogy
>took years to rebuild the Jedi Order
>wife gets murdered by nephew
>Vong take over galaxy
>still struggles but tries to overcome
>gary stu

Retarded holes go back.

>trained under obi wan
Obi wan showed Luke the laser shooting droid and died not even an hour later. I wouldn't count that as training

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the plot contusions in TLJ are worse than attack of the clones

This. The real stupidity is why Kylo was even evil to begin with. Why? It's not explained at all. Snoke got into his head? How? Who the fuck is Snoke even?

the sequels are worse than the prequels and that is objective indisputable fact.

>who the fuck is Snoke
wait for the Sequel Prequels

Did TLJ kill the Star Wars franchise?

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The Mouse did

imagine unironically believing TLJ is good

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Why is it always DC shitskins behind these disney product threads

>have a gun on my belt
>load it
>aim it at a sleeping kids head
>...nah i cant do it
supposed to sympathize with this
what the fuck?

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That is not a "split second of weakness"

>momentarily considering stabbing your sleeping teenage nephew to death as you stand over him in his bed in the dead of night


>Luke was like...35-40 when he decided to just give up all hope?
He was only in exile for about 4 years. Moreover, Kylo was the stronger duelist and would have killed him had he been able to get to Crait.

>Moreover, Kylo was the stronger duelist
>Beaten by a girl who has never held a lightsaber.
>Got rekt by a red guard and had to have Rey save him

Tfa did

>Kylo was the stronger duelist
Luke beat down vader
kylo lost to a 50kg girl with no training.

What is his force ghost?

Back this up you fucking coward

I always got the impression that either Kylo or Hux was a fairy type

You both are correct

It was in the movie retard

Kylo hasnt won a fight ever you fucking coward

>The closest
Han And Leia... or Leia kissing Luke..
He did not watch the movies

Ok then why do you think he is a better duelist than Luke if he never won once fucktard?

>Luke's only duels were with Vader when he was barely able to move.
>Kylo's duel was with Finn and Rey and got btfo and yes, the wound had him fucked, it is an excuse. Then we see him fight the red guards and almost get's owned at one point...

it's hard to say, what is certain is that they both lived/live in a time where sword dueling in a real fight environment is extinct.

>when he was barely able to move.
Fuck off reylo. Kylo is a gyno soyboy.

>heh nothing personell, kid

Whatever happened to Luke not casting a shadow in these scenes? He clearly does.

>Kylo is a gyno soyboy.
so are you but what does that prove