How come race wasn't an issue in 1980's movies?

How come race wasn't an issue in 1980's movies?

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there was no forum for you alt right r/thedonald cuckolds to cry about race in the 1980s

Because the characters were interesting and weren't just there to put their "being a dindu/redskin/nerd" in the spotlight.

Don't you have to buy some more panther man tickets?

because back then russia was our friend

dont you have more damage control to do as your fat orange cheetoking keeps losing his cabinet you cuck?

This. It felt organic because race wasn't the POINT of the many characters.

I'd rather rewatch Beverly Hills Cop a million times than another "we MUST be diverse" travesty.

buncha slack jawed faggots now

Who did it better?

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you don't need an answer to that.

based cuck poster

>neat, disciplined formation
>uh let's just stand around like retards

Yes OP race suddenly became a big issue for no reason due to whining internet people

>the virgin Annihilation
>the chad Predator

>muhh drumpf

In terms of guns obviously Predator. How bland AR15s can even compete with minigun?

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Arnold had the Full Size A2 M16 in auto with the 203, that was tits

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All I see on the left are a buncha slack jawed faggots.

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Because it wasn't force back then..

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Cause the kikes didn't decide to make it one yet.

Are you a fucking retarf?

Left assisted tribalism hadn't reached a head after the Obama administration brought race relations back into the forefront of people's mind. Then, social media started to create identity politics in a way that hadn't been seen before. People just dealt with each other on a face to face basis back then and it made for less extremism.
Everyone knew that black guy they were friends with, it wasn't really about not being racist, it was about being able to relate to knowing a black person. It wasn't about diversity, it was just about trying to portray something quasi military in a post vietnam world where many of the soldiers were black

They're American soldiers, it's nothing that out of the ordinary in the 80s.

it's the liberals that constantly cry about race and diversity.

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You know the answer.


I hate sjws but Sup Forums cucks are just as bad. They deserve each other.

At least the negro knows how to spell. The other asshole just held down one key for his resume.

Centrists are also horrible.

Moral: everyone sucks and your political opinions make you an idiot

>its a "altright underage cucks desperaltey look for a safespace to spew there vitriol" episode

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>if you don't fall into one of 2 very specific and very extreme categories you are a centrist

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>SEETHING over Sup Forums
>unironically uses the word cuck

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sjw's are doing everything they can to destroy every civil rights gain made in the 20th century.

It is? That's weird, because the only time I have SJW shit shoved down my throat is when I browse this shithole.