Previously on homeland

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> tfw you get bogpilled on 5chinz

the longer i watch this show the more she disgusts me

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I cannot fucking stand this actress for this exact reason

Bitch ate too many tater tots desu

>Saul I need you to believe me

my favorite qt desu

Genuinely though how do people respond to this

>they just look out for each other
>they are just smart
>you are a nazi

>mfw "Sup Forums pole" has featured multiple times this season

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to what?
Jews are nepotistic people and they dominate media
it's a far stretch from that to ''joooz cuntrol errything''


It's so intended

>Control the primary source of information for the majority of people
>Control the banks, which generate absurd amounts of wealth and power
>Control Hollywood the primary propoganda industry for the United States of America, the strongest country on the planet

Hmmm, but nah, I'm sure it's nothing.

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You jelly all your race has accomplished was 2 failed wars?

Everyone lost world war 2 but the Jews

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they don't control banks
check top 10 banks of the world and their CEOs and boards of directors
very few Jews

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I hate how arrogant that character is. I'd love tie her to a chair, flip it over and just fuck her for the rest of her life.
