Which movie was the true boxing kino?

Which movie was the true boxing kino?

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They're both great. Not everything is a competition, you playstation vs. xbox identity politics obsessed faggot.

Both are no question

The Rocky movies are pleb filter.




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>They're both great.

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i knew it

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Rocky 1 is shit, how can people like that movie? it boggles my mind

It's inspiring

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Boy, that picture of Bobby D's family sure proved to me that Raging Bull is a shitty film. Great rebuttal, retard.

brainlets love happy endings and feelgood flicks
spielberg made most of his career out of this

Easily Raging Bull. Jesus you people are fucked.

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Rocky is great but Raging Bull is a masterpiece.

raging bull without a doubt

Rocky I is the best of the series lmao at you plebs

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but spielberg made good movies

>Scorsese drones enter the thread

so rocky is a 4/10 while the others are a 2/10? great to know

>You don't agree with me so therefore you are sheep

Only briainlet plebs who see themselves as patricians see happy endings as a bad thing

Hajime № Hippo would beat both of them dead

Not enough bright spandex and explosions for you?

rocky is uplifting kino and raging bull is downfall kino


It is a shitty film when you have nigger-mixer like Deniro there

Not everything has to be a completion. This is why you guys in this website are so easy to manipulate with us vs them tactics.

they are both about whites who remain defiant whilst getting cucked

Raging Bull is objectively better, but if both movies were on, 9 times out of 10 I'm watching Rocky

Retarded Bait: The Motion Picture

>i only like actors that share my political views on race

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scorsese isn't worthy of the praise he gets

Rocky IV

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Rocky 1 petstore glasses mouse Adrian is best.

Rocky is a b movie compared to Raging Bull.


Raging Bull just on the basis of how unique it is, its the antidote to every underdog middle class boxing picture

They're both great but it has to be Raging Bull for me since it actually happened.

The one that didn't shit on it's legacy by rebooting with a nigger

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better film.

In reality rocky is the best, original, created by stallone though it is loosely based on rocky marciano copy pasta.

raging bull is just a biography

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Joe kino
