I'm putting together a crew

I'm putting together a crew.

Attached: 4chan-chris-poole.jpg (538x404, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


literally who?

michael cera
he invented myspace

is that the guy who made Reddit

who the hell is this fuckhead? suitcase kid or whatever?

Some bellboy

>newfags not recognizing Boxxy post-hormone therapy

Attached: 1521075756216.jpg (494x605, 68K)

Backpack kid
Such a faggot

and my ass

What does moot even do these days? Didn’t he get hired by google like Bighead from Silicon Valley?

Attached: 1483837945735.jpg (600x545, 108K)

2015 was the last good year. RIP in peace.

Attached: moot_google.png (865x477, 361K)

>That shoulder to hip ratio

Attached: yikesj.jpg (400x400, 34K)

why did he leave us bros ;_;

See He's been indoctrinated, just another gear in the cog

>woman mod
Sometimes I forget about what this place really is.

So I was browsing Sup Forums the other day, and I see this skinny guy looking at me like "Hey! You gotta problem with me?" So I walk over to him, and he says "because if you do, it's a MOOT point. Good bye."

Ha Ha

Attached: CoolHockeyStat.jpg (2048x1536, 417K)

We know all about your crews........

Attached: wrong_neighborhood_motherfucker.jpg (646x474, 88K)

Attached: mot.jpg (500x598, 80K)

"Watch where you walkin newfriend!"

Attached: moot.jpg (600x450, 47K)


>stand in front of people
>still shorter than them
wow never knew moot was a manlet until now

sometimes if you lose focus while look at this photo you will see Moot floating like if he had no legs.

Attached: 1483840190217.gif (297x336, 1.81M)

>sorry ... oldfriend

Damn, Sigourney Weaver looks like THAT??

>people can change for the better
Why would moot need to "change for the better"? Sup Forums may be a cesspool, but that's hardly his fault. I always had the impression that he was just some harmless nerd.

I recognize that hentai.

do fringe leftists really still use words like "inclusion" and "toxic" and "problematic" and not realize how immediately "othering" these terms and their use are?

is it for a luggage delivery service?

We have a tranny mod? Nice

He has more hips than my wife


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who has the pic with the hair
you know the one

Attached: 1519034653159.png (1360x1103, 335K)

I think its that chris hanson guy from the memes

It's like you have no idea how angles work at all.

Attached: tits o gtfo.jpg (1200x800, 193K)

Someone post the "you don't get to 1000 posts without meeting a few pedos" image.

>asks an idiotic question when the answer is right in front of him
Why do you even bother?

I'm in.

Attached: 1497587885481.gif (85x93, 87K)

>white guy at Google
He transitioned into a girl already, right? That's the only way I could imagine him keeping his job there.

>female mod
That explains a lot

He's Jewish

I laughed and spit milk all over my computer screen

Oy Vey!

Attached: 11d.jpg (660x522, 264K)



But really, what the FUCK does he do at Google??

Attached: 19984411.jpg (1080x1080, 129K)

a-are you h-here mootykins

probably just snitching all day

Beta males

its getting cucked part of your plan ?

>You won't like the newest recruit, but we need him
>what's the problem?
>He's Australian. No name, no family, top of his class at the shitposting Academy, studied banter under Karl Stefanovic, practically wrote the book on Kanagaroo CQC, surpassed his instructors in Emu Warfare at 18... He's practically a ghost

Attached: SxCVVQw.jpg (600x315, 17K)

Can he act? I feel like he could be a star with those strong facial features.