ITT: Actresses that have aged like wine

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mmmmm mommy
i love you mommy

Gillian Anderson

itt: crypt keepers

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Marisa Tomei

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>posting worst emma

She was a beautiful ice queen in The Fall. Great show too.

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is this the shrink from THE DEPAHTED?

62 in this picture

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>Gillian Anderson

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No pics but Helen Mirren for sure

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Guy on the left looks like a cardboard cutout

>oven dodger

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>Sup Forumsposting in 2018

seek enlightenment

she looks fifty...

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Two buck chuck maybe

is that Gillian Anderson? looks nothing like her young self. too much surgery?
off-topic pic


She absolutely does not look 49

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synthetic wine

is he not?

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lol, no

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Who dis babe

So sexy. How does she do it?

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thought slav women age like shit

like wine in a box

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vera farmiga sucka

be nice. she's maintained the same level of gross for a very long time.

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more hotter than she was in her 20s
same for Carla Gugino

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I dreamed of her; it was a very realistic. In the dream I was at her house for a few hours because my son knew her son and they were off at an event, leaving Vera and I alone together. We talked, had drinks, flirted... just a nice evening with a lady. It was a wonderful feeling, which lingered with me long after I woke up.

But I couldn't remember who the lovely lady in my dream was! I could remember the face, clearly, kind and beautiful but with a constant hint of sadness... but couldn't place where I knew her from. I didn't know if it was an old acquaintance, a prior coworker, or purely a figment of my imagination.

But it clicked, two days later. Revelation poured over me, jolting me like a shock of water. The lovely mother from Bates Motel.

Since then, whenever I see a picture of her, I can't help but pause and recall some of the closeness I felt to her that night. That night that never happened.

>still no mention of salma hayek

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yup. gugino gets all of my filthy stinking pino (and i ain't talkin' danny!)

She got beautiful eyes, dont post after user.

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kirsten or emma?

this senpai

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This is the right answer. So much sexier now than she was a decade ago.

who is this??


What an absolute ball drainer she must be

ma nigga
she's also one of, if not the best actress currently working

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A qt.

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she was better looking in her 30s than in her 20s, but 40s kinda got to her- still a milf though

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gillian anderson's ugly as shit, and now she's old too. good actress though. but big ugly easter island head.