
Women in Trek: Captain Katherine Janeway edition
post your favourite Janeways and discuss Janeway exclusively

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Janeway is the best way.

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WHY aren't you learning Klingon right now?

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because I'm a petaQ

I already told you, because I'm pissed off at Duolingo for delaying the Arabic course again.

>I remember when I was a Starfleet young officer. I used to call the Captain funny names - Iron Butt, Boner... once I even called him... Double Dumbass - but there was always respect. I always knew where the line was drawn, and you just stepped over it, buddy-boy. You've insulted me and you've insulted the Federation with that bastard creation of yours. I had a guaranteed military sale with Soong Android Type-R - renovation program, dedicated replicators for twenty-five years... Who cares if it worked or not?

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What's the point? Even on their homeworld while among other Klingons they still all speak English with the occasional Klingon word thrown in.


Why is T'Pol the best Trek main cast girl?

Just like everywhere else where they don't speak English

Daily reminder Janeway's bussy was made for BAC (Big Akoocheemoya Cock)

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Just finished STD tonight.
Ok overall I guess
I like how strict rigid Michael had her mind changed by seeing the Mirror Universe and the type of world her former point of view would have created.
I didn't like how soap opera drama it often was.
I didn't like how empty the ship felt.

Also, Saru got fucked shafted


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Nigga, you forgot to take your UT out!

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>tfw Chakotay doesn't know 7 and I were able to comply

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Gas all STD posters

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>Why is T'Pol the best Trek main cast girl?

"Tuh" Pol just end it all
Your Vulcan star charts are over
It's time to take the phaser overload retirement plan

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Guys, please read this post before completing your next post.

You are an STD poster.

Don't be rude. T'Pol has more depth than Jadzia, Seven, and Troi put together.

I already did that! Jerk.

T'Pol was Vulcan Sex Slave Tier
Kira was best girl though

Didd geordy have sez??

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It's canon that he married a Hologram after the Doctor gave them all sentient rights

I don't know any Klingon but I still know it's fucking mev'yap. Right?

Kira was old, ugly, and has the body of my grandma. I like her as a character but she was hardly best girl.

He pounded holograms all day because they never say no or laugh at him.

>Kira was old, ugly, and has the body of my grandma.

Nigga WHAT?!

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>has the body of my grandma
Excuse me?

Nana is still fuckable as hell even if she is a (great?) grandma now.

Eeew, go away user. Bad.

If only my grandma had an ass like that.

Sorry bros, but that episode is the only time she is remotely attractive and even then I'd rate her below a 5. She's very short and stumpy, and she has gay short 90s hair and no figure.

''Holodeck's all yours, user. I just finished up.''

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I am just shitposting, there is no reason to get upset

>She's very short and stumpy,
She's 5'8", which is tall for a woman.

Thank you for confirming that you're full of shit.

What level of gay are you on unless you're this thirsty this late?

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Wearing a uniform doesn't make a woman ugly. It makes unwrapping her all the more delightful

>not liking petite women
>no figure
The first part is you being a complete pleb and the latter part is you being blind.

You know, you can just say "post Kira" to get the same results, right?

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Do you think Kate sexually harassed Jeri on set?

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It's about stature, not actual height. Jeri Ryan and Jolene Blalock and Terry Farrell all have better statures. Kes probably doesn't though.

It's only 2pm here bro.

I agree, Terry Farrell pulled it off magnificently.

Sorry bro but it turns out that you're the faggot.

B-but I wanted to post T'Pol.


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I hate personality and how important she was on the show.
But she was THICC.

Why wasn't she just an Ensign? Like Harry Kim? Why a cadet? She was Stametz second in command practically.

A firm rump for a fast pump.

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If that is true, it's really sad. Jeri's exhusband made her a sex slave for a long time.

>It's about stature, not actual height.
Bullshit, you said that she's very short. You're the type of person with a gigantic yet fragile ego who can never admit to being wrong about anything, and you have netted yourself nothing but my pity.


Really? She looks pretty short, is everyone else on the cast really tall?

Save your pity for the weak, boy!

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Yeah, you tell him, user! Huehuehue!

>he likes T'Pol and hates Kira
Jesus Christ, absolute pleb tier. Fake tits are disgusting and she is a walking plastic surgery nightmare.

t. BTFO T'Polbaby

Tilly whipping my bare ass, telling me I'm worthless.

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>doesn't have an argument
Yeah, I didn't think you would.

That's why I like T'Pol actually.
Woman disfigured herself to be a sex doll. Hot as fuck

Too skinny. No kusin for the pushin.

>Woman disfigured herself to be a sex doll. Hot as fuck
Okay, so you're not a pleb as much as a fucking weirdo with issues. Fair enough, user, fair enough. You keep doing you.

These generals are supposed to be tolerant, tho.

She just is

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>You have to be this crazy to think Search for Spock is better than Generations

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The end of Dukat's arc was horrible. Surprised the actor even went along with it. In the end, I guess he was a whore, like the rest.

I wanna push on Tilly's belly until she begs me to stop.

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I will happily tolerate your being a weirdo, don't worry.


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Some things seem better in script. Plus they had written him well since then. Hes a professional.

It was garbage though.

>disfigured herself to please male sexual appetites
>it doesn't work
>becomes addicted to drugs
>her first and only lover (Trip) dies in a tragic holodeck accident

One of my favourite characters.

I too have a thing for chubby cute redheads user.

The Emperor is a jap. Shocker.

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This. It was garbage, but actors need to trust their writers.
I guess "Dukat becoming Bajoran" seemed like a good idea at the time

And we shall be friends.

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This has been known for quite some time.

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She's supposed to be Malaysian.
She looks North East Chinese though.


Japs are japs

This was my thoughts too. But there are a lot of Chinese in Malaysia so it worked for me.

>Don't you bow before your Emperor?

I like Michelle Yeoh


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I'd bend over for my Emperor too.

Oh, you'll take it.

I hate how her hair got taller.
Is this was passed for formal in Star Fleet nowadays?

At least at present, us white men are still in charge.

t. an absolute virgin

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how would you rate yourself, user? just curious

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When you spoiler stuff it's supposed to be porn.

Next season will have Black Vulcan as captain.
Saru being affirmative action'd

Fuck I loved that episode

Once a gook, always a gook.

Laughed heartily at this post.

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gee whiz okay mr. Sup Forums, won't happen again
oh wait eat a dick, kiddo

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Baseball is gay. The coatches fuck the players.

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>us white men

Yeah. "us". ;)

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>Pilots ranked
TOS The Cage
TOS Where No Man Has Gone Before

>Finales ranked
(TOS had no "real" finale)

God enterprise looks so cheap and terrible. I refuse to watch it soles based on the way the outfits and characters look. Nothing has any color or warmth, it all looks like battlestar galactia or some shit.

What do people have against that episode anyways

It's one of the best of the light-hearted DS9 episode

Who Mourns For Morn is the best, of course

Fine, don't watch it. Who cares?

You're a good friend, Reg. Never change.

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Don't respond to obvious bait please, thanks.

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