What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


What did he mean by this?

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I honestly have to wonder, are all black people retarded? Because only a truly retarded person would claim non-whites are, in any way, "oppressed" in western (read: white) nations.

>only a truly retarded person would claim non-whites are, in any way, "oppressed" in western (read: white) nation

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>are all black people retarded?

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>being this retarded
No wonder American is a shithole, can't wait for Trump to run it into the ground.

>are all black people retarded?
not all, but like 90%

jump off a roof, jidf

>literally hitler, but black
>he's a sympathetic villain

This is why I openly hate all black people. Because the fucking monkey filth hate me.

>literally hitler
Retard pls

You're right. Hitler just wanted a Europe free from jews. He didn't care about global shit. Killmonger flat out called for racial global war with black people ruling all others. So, he's actually worse than Hitler in that regard.

>Killmonger flat out called for racial global war with black people ruling all others
So he was a good guy?

I thought Sup Forums liked Hitler?

>Calling out for a racial war against whites for the opression of blacks around the world is a villian move

not if hes not white

Pretty much this

>From my point of view the Black Panther is evil

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Trips and highest quality contribution in a terrible thread

No, just American black people. Not much different from American """white""" people desu.

>can't come up with his own memes or even evidence to support any of his claims

most american blacks are but there are a few based ones

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>black people are oppressed

Found another retard.

He lost. I don't like losers.

lmao I dont care how "based" you think he is a nigger is a nigger and there are no good niggers just niggers

shutup cumskin

You first poo poo monkey

>are all black people retarded?

Uh, well. This.. this interview is over!

That's it

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where do you live... kara boga will take your pasty ass to pound town

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It's real. Jesus Christ.

They really do. Never have any misconceptions about them wanting equality, they want you dead.

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Holy fuck please don't tell me niggers actually say this. That's the lamest insult I've ever heard. Cum isn't even completely white, it's like almost translucent. Nigs are brown, the color of shit, shitskins. Step your fucking insult game up.

How is T'Challa the antagonist? He wants to prevent a racist madman from using weapons of mass destruction to incite a global race war, kill countless individuals who aren't black, and establish a one world government with said madman as the ruler. Killmonger is literally Hitler-tier. Sure his anger is justified. But his actions aren't remotely acceptable.

MLP Season 5?

Also cum is a life giver, shit is the waste that is expelled from the body.
cumskin >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shitskin

>Cum isn't even completely white, it's like almost translucent.
Not that user but you responded in the gayest way possible.

>Step your insult game up
>Spams nothing but 'nigger' over and over again


>are all black people retarded?

No, but the vast majorty, probably around 80% of them are.

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>muh rusha


Fucking Glimmer

So he's redpilled and supports racial segregation and ethnostates like Killmonger?

Only for non whites

It's real yeah;


I like it better when the mask slips to be honest, so I don't mind this.

>are all black people retarded?
Yes but so are (You).

>being angry about slavery happening hundreds of years ago is justified

Attached: literally.png (750x285, 156K)

Nice argument. I liked your sources proving user wrong. It's pretty obvious you're black, and you also answered his question.

will hollywood ever made a race war movie where black people got tech from wakanda and go to war white whites

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He's a nigger

Literally only the JIDF posts this pic

Will this film mark the start of a new Black Supremacist movement?

>all black people have a duty to help all other black people

>"Nyong’o says the film’s main characters paint a picture of Africans and African-Americans together as a family, in a way that feels “healing.”"

>We, us,

>“I didn’t realize how much I needed the film, a hunger for a myth that [addressed] feeling separated and feeling reconnected” to the African continent.

>“How do you think your ancestors got these? You think they paid a fair price for it? Or did they take them like they took everything else?” The scene plays more like a heroic heist than a theft, and it would have been, if the film wasn’t based in such a good-and-evil-focused comic book world.

These people obviously prefer black people to every other race. They clearly want to live in a blacks-only world. What could come of this?

killmonger wanted to kill all oppressive forces. that includes arabs, and other black dictators. white people just feel guilty and believe it’s only about them

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>What could come of this?

Yeah, gee, I dunno;


>"We are not calling for the slaughter of white people - at least for now"

"'We are cutting the throat of whiteness"

notice how all this cities listed as supporting his genocide are (de jure) white

no rio, no beijing, no khartoum, no dakar

>What could come of this?


>South Africans trapped ‘like frogs in boiling water’ as racial violence escalates

He means it's time to cut yt's throat

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Then explain why other races like indians arabs and asians become somewhat successful and blacks still poor and on welfare? I mean black were here longer than every other race besides natives americans and whites and they are still the ones who survive off of goverment handouts.

Kilmonger used what he had learnt from the US military and VIA and adopted their philosophy of Full Spectrum Dominance.

The only "black" woman I would race mix with

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Harry S. Truman is pretty much the same as Kilmonger.

He created the National Security State to wage perpetual war.

He meant that he was the enemy of Murderlover or whatever the fuck his stupid capeshit name was.


wtf are you me


>There have been media takes discussing how Black Panther protagonist T’Challa sends a bleak message to black viewers by killing his rival. The message, some critics say, is that black liberation is only a dream, and only obedient, peaceful folks can expect tolerance and survival. In this reading of the film, that makes T’Challa the enemy. And Chadwick Boseman, the actor who plays T’Challa, agrees.

>“I actually am the enemy,” he says during a discussion with castmate Lupita Nyong’o and Marvel comics writer and journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates at Harlem’s Apollo Theater on Tuesday. (The comments were transcribed and reported by The Atlantic and Rolling Stone.) “It’s the enemy I’ve always known. It’s power. It’s having privilege.” He characterizes T’Challa as “born with a vibranium spoon in my mouth.”

>killmonger wants to restart society with blacks on top by killing millions of people and starting a new world war

>every black person in the cast thinks he was in the right

pic related

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I'll post some since

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jesus even black liberals can't escape from that self-hating white privilege shit

>black liberation
What exactly does this mean? How in the name of fuck are africans not liberated right now?
Do they really thing that "murdering all whitey" is black liberation?

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>Do they really thing that "murdering all whitey" is black liberation?

At this point, essentially yeah.

That's exactly what it means

last one faggots

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> Bast's gonna be pissed at T'challa letting Chthon into Wakanda.

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>Anti-white agendas aren't rea-
Really makes me think, bros. Really makes me think...

"black liberation" is "blacks and blacks only"

Alright, I give up. I'm not going to keep lying to myself that all black people don't have genocide in their minds. Because if this is what highly-paid actors employed by fucking Disney are willing to say because they think it will help their public image, imagine what ordinary blacks think.

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Meh, the soy meme just doesn't work when you put a NatSoc flag there. I'd give you Trump because a lot of fat faggots support him, but otherwise, it's shit.

>wanted his race to become the master of all others
>wanted to take over the world
>wanted to overthrow the perceived “oppressor”
The best part is that they have no fucking idea why he’s bad


I don't understans why they choose to live in an "oppressed" country when they could just go back to africa and be with their fellow people

uh, why is this thing saying rightists (righties?) think nazi flags and the union jack are for losers? and why do they get excited over interracial marriage and trump making a dumb face?

Because deep down they know, without whitey to give them gibs n shieet, they'll starve to death. Imagine if whites suddenly left America, it'd turn into a third world African shithole in about 10 years (100% guaranteed).

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if you leave your house this angry someone will hopefully beat the shit out of you, fat fuck

Unironically looks like my dad. Also, checked.

t. nigger

So now liberals love racial superiority? Or is it only if its a colored?

someones jimmies are rustled
Eventually (and unfortunately) mexicans are going to be the majority and when that happens niggers are fucked.

>Do they really thing that "murdering all whitey" is black liberation?

I don't know what else people expect blacks in America to think at this point after the last 20 years of mass media.

Every time a black man is killed by police, even if he was armed, hostile and attacked police, it's framed as police executing a harmless innocent black man who probably had his hands up who was straight executed. I'm not saying black people (and other races) don't get wrongfully and needlessness killed by American cops, they do. But the media spent the last two decades pounding the race-war drum every single time a black person gets shot by cops, even in cases where they cops were completely in the right and defending themselves from a hostile armed attacker.

They also pound the fact that race doesn't exist and is "just a social construct" into peoples heads virtually ever day from kindergarten on. And anyone who says there is any genetic evidence for links between race and IQ they get their career ruined and fired. So blacks look at the amount of blacks in STEM compared to whites and think "If there is no such thing as race differences in intelligence, then why are there so few blacks compared to Asians and whites in theoretical physics and engineering and robotics? I mean in every movie and tv show I see the black characters are the smartest and most of the time the are scientists. And race doesn't exist. That "Bell Curve" stuff was all disproved! So really... the only possible explanation for so few blacks in STEM is that... whites are conspiring to KEEP us out!"

Add to that every single villain in 99% percent of Western media over the last twenty years usually being a evil white male who is usually also violently racist. Just look at Disney movies. I mean if you grow up watching that on tv and in the movie theater your entire life then after a while who isn't going to start thinking "Maybe the only way we will ever really be free is if whitey is dead".

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That's what these fucking monkey niggers want. Look at every single media outlet. Every single one is praising the black hitler as "a good boy who dindu nuffin."

Most black people don't think race is a "social construct". That's only pounded into the heads of other races. Black people are told, through black history, black culture, black TV, black movies, black brotherhood, black music, black pride, that race is the single most important part of who they are.

So it's okay for a black to say this shit (killmonger,) but as soon as a non-black says it, he deserves violence inflicted upon him? Found the Democrat.

I'm not sure calling black people "monkey niggers" really proves your point that racism against black people is dead in america

Racism against blacks by me does not 'oppression' make you fucking kike. Just like these niggers referring to a 50 year old man as "white boy" and "colonizer" clearly show anti-white racism is alive and well in America.

>are all black people retarded?
No, just half-retarded. US black average IQ is 85, retarded is defined as 70 or below. So blacks are only halfway between average and retarded.

They are absolutely given a strong racial identity, yeah. I mean every race after world war two has had it taught to them to be proud of their race and proud of the accomplishments of their race. You know, except one.

But what I'm saying is everyone is taught from day one that everyone is equal mentally and everyone stats with the same general intelligence and roughly the same ability intellectually. There can be differences across individuals of course. But NEVER across race. So when people see clear domination by some races in extremely technical or scientific fields what other conclusion can they reach but that there is a conspiracy to keep blacks out of these fields. It can't be that blacks have less general aptitude in this fields, because that would mean that race exists and that people of different races have different average levels of intelligence across certain areas, which can't be possible. I mean people lose their entire careers for saying that. So how could it be true? So if it isn't true, it must be a plot to keep blacks down. And if this racist plot is this pervasive and reaches so deeply through all levels of society, then maybe violence is the only way to break it.