What are they up to, Sup Forums?

>FEMALE LEAD (European, 20s, any ethnicity) - A Bond-type international agent and femme fatale.

Rumored to be Jessica Drew / Spider-Woman.

>MALE LEAD (18-24 to play 18, any ethnicity) - High school student. Must have leading man qualities and keep up with Tom Holland.

>MALE AGENT (40-60, any ethnicity) - Field agent associated with FEMALE LEAD.

>FEMALE AGENT (40-49) - Field agent associated with FEMALE LEAD.

>LEAD VILLAIN (30-45, any gender/ethnicity) - A figure with elevated ideas.


Attached: Spider-Woman.jpg (630x315, 33K)

This shits gotta stop man

>any ethnicity)

Attached: polfag.png (291x344, 85K)

>LEAD VILLAIN (30-45, any gender/ethnicity) - A figure with elevated ideas.

My bet is on Mysterio. No one will care who plays the character as long as he/she's wearing the fishbowl suit.

Attached: IMG_2617.jpg (600x555, 151K)

Bruce Campbell? That or Steven Tucci. I have no idea why I thought of him, but he was the first alternative that popped in my head.
>Go Fishbowl or go home.

Why don’t any of you guys that ever happen to be in the area attempt to at least audition for one of these roles? Surely, not every single visitor of Sup Forums is an ugly piece of shit. And even still, you miss every shot you don’t take. Maybe you guys can get a bit part as some high schooler in the background

I wish they'd introduce Puma aka Thomas Fireheart as a High School rival who figures out Pete is Spiderman.

that's not how it works

>ALE LEAD (18-24 to play 18, any ethnicity) - High school student. Must have leading man qualities and keep up with Tom Holland.
>EAD VILLAIN (30-45, any gender/ethnicity) - A figure with elevated ideas.
Osborns. The female lead sounds like black cat but dunno if sony keeps with her retarded solo project desu.

Are they deaging Black Cat, and making her high-school aged?

Feige said they're not retreading material previously touched by Raimi and/or Webb.

>Not using Uncle Ben AT ALL
>Not even mentioning Osbornes
It's like they don't know Spiderman

>any ethnicity
Interesting to see what the final cast will look like

>Any Ethnicity
Honestly It's better to get someone best for the role

>MALE LEAD (18-24 to play 18, any ethnicity) - High school student. Must have leading man qualities and keep up with Tom Holland.
>Must have leading man qualities and keep up with Tom Holland.
>LEAD VILLAIN (30-45, any gender/ethnicity) - A figure with elevated ideas.
Villain already confirmed insignificant.

I just want them to go fucking street level and do more with the High school setting.
The Plane sequence and Ship scene were way to big

>LEAD VILLAIN (30-45, any gender/ethnicity) - A figure with elevated ideas.
I'll do it.

Do you really want YET ANOTHER Green Goblin movie?

I'm not saying GG isn't a great villain, but it suffers from the "we've all seen this shit before."

>>MALE LEAD (18-24 to play 18, any ethnicity) - High school student. Must have leading man qualities and keep up with Tom Holland.
My money is on Eddie Brock/Venom.

>Feige said they're not retreading material previously touched by Raimi and/or Webb.

Venom was hardly in Spiderman 3. If they cross out any apperance of Eddie Brock/Venom just because a bastardized version of Venom showed up on screen in SP3 for 10 minutes they are SERIOUSLY missing out.

Everybody loves Venom. He's so fucking cool. And he could fit right in in their universe. If they keep deciding to do TOTALLY their own thing, completely divorced and unique from Raimi's trilogy and the ASM movies, they are seriously limiting themselves. Only the C and D list Spidy villains are left if they decide to ignore any prior iterations of characters conceived in those films.

>any ethnicity

I was really hoping it would have less niggers.

The Osborne family is integral to Peter as a character.
We don't need Green Goblin, especially since he wouldn't be better than Raimi's, but you shouldn't shy away from him completely

Kraven is still the best Spidey villain we need to have.

Hopefully we get it for Spidey some day or the Daredevil show.

>Has his on solo
>Moving the goalposts arbitrarily because he wasn't used THAT much
fucking retard

Theres a fucking venom movie coming out you idiot. And he wont play with spidey.

they might get to them eventually, but they've said they want to focus on characters not seen on screen. Venom, doc ock, goblins all had their time. They want to do the undone and I think there's plenty of villains to do that with.

>My money is on Eddie Brock/Venom.
Oh user, I have TERRIBLE news. Terrible news in the form of the worst fucking trailer.

That's Marvel small now though. Spider Man Homecoming felt explicitly like "Here's a small little incident to explain why all the Avengers don't get involved". They probably aren't going to go backwards in scale

>LEAD VILLAIN (30-45, any gender/ethnicity) - A figure with elevated ideas.
Big Man confirmed

Attached: big-man-amazing-spider-man-2.jpg (550x448, 34K)