Underappreciated Animations

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Waltz With Bashir

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The adaptation of Felidae is great.

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Reminds me of the KMFDM album cover

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Flaklypa Grand Prix

The best selling movie in Norway with great stop motion but virtually unseen from anyone outside Nordic countries.


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that is a legitimately a good movie

Space jam
Roger rabbit
Scanner Darkly

I feel bad no one talks about it much, even though the look of it is phenomenal it would still leave an impact regardless.

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Not counting Japanese animation but including French animation? Kek

Everybody knows you like EVA already.

Gay In Paris, cartoon about stray cats.

good taste, also this scene's even better with the music

Its actually called Gay Pur-ee.

That's the worst title I've ever heard of

Max Richter composed it. He also did the music for The Leftovers.

Blame the 60s. Also, its old school gay not queer gay.


I almost can't believe its a Disney movie. Literally Walt's magnum opus

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possibly the best recent HBO show and no one has seen it

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Fool's Fire (1992)

It's ok. Some of the episodes are amazing but theres one or two that keep it from being an amazing show for me. I love the cat/mafia one doe.

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Step aside for GOAT animated movie

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Happily Ever After

It had an all star cast like Ed Asner, Phyllis Diller, Zsa Zsa Gabor and fucking Malcolm Macdowell as the villain.





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Is it that good though? I'd say like a 7/10

>when I was young i fapped to her, a fucking bird

>still do sometimes

Was it an underrated SynderKino?

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It really is, i stumbled on it late one night and my god was that an experience going into it blind

>No The Thief and the Cobbler

Fuck Sup Forums

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fantastic planet

Howes moving castle

>nearly 40 posts in
>no one has posted the GOAT

kill yourselves

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Brother bear

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What is this? How do you start a thread with underappreciated films then expect everyone to know what it is?

This movie made me appreciate Edinburgh so much. The girl only speaking Gaelic was such a nice touch too.

Loves this as a lil kid!

Yes, yes, we all love Ghibli, but op don't want anime.

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Rotoscoping might take some time to get used to if you're new to it, but Fire and Ice is great.

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Prince of Egypt was better.

Yea, I know, the books written by an American and I read that first, I did fuck up though user

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Swedish animated kino. Even had a nip slip in it.

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Good movie, but I still wonder why have the CGI be as realistic as possible.
Nigga that is Prince of Egypt

Can any animation fans help me here?

I watched an anime movie about 15 years ago that I have never been able to find again. I remember watching it in bed so I'm not even sure if I dreamt the whole thing or not.

I only remember 2 basic things, the protagonist was a small blonde haired girl/boy who lived in a forest tribe (i think) and it got burnt down (maybe?).

At some point he is with some coastal tribe and there is a big scene where they are hunting giant fish on small wooden rafts with long spears and the fish look lilw magikarps.

In my memory it was a studio ghibli film but I went back over their film history and couldn't find it.

Is this an actual movie? Or did I dream up my own anime kino?

The second half of the movie was a convoluted mess of dog shit.

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Not that great, kinda boring, but impressive style

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true and best kino in this thread

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I like French animation, but goddamn do they go off the deep end sometimes.

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Honestly, this wasn’t really all that great imo. I didn’t get it really. It was just a cheating dude who found this one girl and then after they fucked he didn’t like her anymore.

Still kind of this Loving Vincent out to Coco. Pixar hasn't made a bad film yet apart from cars but it does feel like they have been going on auto pilot.

Wow a film about Día de Muertos involves the themes hispanic culture, death and family remembrances. Who would of guess?

Well it could have been a lot worst.


TBLT is disney? Damn really thought it was subtle
indie parody, like a G rate Flitz the cat.

Best gibi film by far. My western basis is strong here but conventional narrative structure and was better for it

I know Coco is better, but it still hurts how much it got overlook

Damn, it really seem like fully CGI animated movies would get mainstream for a hot second.

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They actually go off the deep end in every movie they make. French people can't make a movie without le art cinématographique.

Not exactly what you asked, but it’s interesting to know that Bambi and Sleeping Beauty had, respectively, Tyrus Yu Wong and Eyvind Earle as leading artists, both very accomplished painters. Earle himself was an absolute madman, his background art was so detailed he was afraid the other artists would simplify it, so he decided to do all of it alone, to the point where he was working on thirty of them at the same time.

I get stuck watching a lot of kids movies, being a parent and all, called all my parent friends and told them about this

Sleeping beauty is my fav dis money ever! More than lion king even

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As far as Howls moving castle, the western source material played a huge part in its greatness, the anime adaptation was supurb

Russian Tom & Jerry: youtube.com/watch?v=W8IlkkV-iRM

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The Elm-Chanted Forest aka Čudesna šuma in Croatian. I have no idea how much a foreigner would get out of a satirical cartoon made in Yugoslavia even with subs, though.

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Name please?

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This is in my top 3 with The Rescuers Down Under and The Great Mouse Detective. As a kid I couldn't appreciate everything about An American Tail. As an adult it's just phenomenal. The kind of movie ever xenophobe just watch.

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What movie?

The kind of movie every xenophobe should watch*

Not sure how I fucked that one up.

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Why is 2D animation so much more kino than 3D animation?

Don't get me wrong, I love a good Wall-E or Finding Nemo, but I feel like this obsessive move towards 3D has lost a great deal of the "charm" of animated movies.


this movie is like a fever dream but good

Insanely patrician taste.



Is that what its really about? I was thinking of checking it out

>Why is 2D animation so much more kino than 3D animation?
Because it's hand-drawn by a small number of people who have made it their passion instead of being programmed by a huge team of disinterested slackers

Disney/Pixar keep winning the Oscar because many Academy members are Disney employees. Really biased.

We watched that in french class while I was growing up

I was so fucking confused what we were being shown

Fuck this movie. Slut cucking the old man and he's just fine with it


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I've seen it, it's shit

Trailer was better than the film teebeehee.

Avril et le Monde Truqué.

Traveling speaker meets a lady in a hotel.

I can't think of one but have Comet in Moominland, it's pretty good.

Great poster.

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well, that was quick

t b h


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Love pic related. My fav Bakshino

Crushing to watch.

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years ago, SBS in Australia used to show weird shit on a Saturday night. i never found out who made this, or even what it was called.

simple line drawings and simple animation; an old couple living in a shack near a river. every morning the man would go out and pan for gold, then he'd come home and show the woman what he'd found. at the same time every evening their cuckoo clock would go off (although there were no sound effects), and a little hopping thing would come out and do something different each time; take a shit off the clock platform, or get its head cut off with a little guillotine. when this happened, the man would go over to the door of the hut, open it; this strange violin and banjo music would start playing and a train would rush past the door, then he'd close it.

this happened a couple of times, and then one day the man came back and he hasn't found any gold; the railway was coming through, and they'd ordered him off the land. when the alarm went off, he was too sad to open the door... the music rose to a frantic pitch and the train smashed into the hut, knocking it into the sky, where that little thing from inside the clock chased it into the distance, jumping from cloud to cloud.

i have no idea what search terms i could use to even begin looking for this.

No watership down

>Implying Watership Down isn't babbys first "adult" movie

why does the blood in that film look like melted strawberry ice-cream? it's pink!