If I give the store back to Chuck, would he stop selling Feed and Seed?

If I give the store back to Chuck, would he stop selling Feed and Seed?

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Oh you bet he would boyo

You feed the seed
Do you fuck & suck?

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People really started spamming this now, huh?

Cringe. I'm glad the mods are finally banning you faggots.

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Look mom! I posted it again!

They sure are trying

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Oh hey look, it's that same android-posting furry spouting his r*ddit buzzword.
Hows it goin man?

Good, especially knowing you'll get banned shortly.

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They all deserve bans for their spammy bullshit forced meme.


How come he hasn't been banned for spam? Gee, the (((moderation))) around here sure is objective!

You're doing G—d's work

Until I swap IPs sure. Sucks to suck faggot

Nope, but I bet you're seething over your bans.

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Not even a little bit(;

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stephen hawking

formerly stephen walking

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Kek, fuck. This meme's actually getting funny now

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So this is the power of autism.

you mean yhwh right goyim?


Cringe poster BTFO for all eternity

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Sned's Fed n Sed