Can we have a legitimate discussion about this Simpsons episode, "IE-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)"...

Can we have a legitimate discussion about this Simpsons episode, "IE-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)"? I found the jokes to be pretty humorous and the tomacco was a nice touch. Farm setting was a good set up for jokes as well. What do you guys think?

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I enjoyed it

You trollS Need to calm down.

the glove slap joke is funny


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Based Moe Poster

Is Tomacco still around in the Simpsons universe. In the opening sequence now there is Tomacco juice?

Oh hey look, it's that android-posting cringe poster autistically spouting his favorite r*ddit buzzword, what's up my guy?

Enjoy your ban.

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Before the meme, I remember always thinking how unfunny this episode was. I went out of my way to watch it after some Tomacco mission on the Simpsons Hit and Run.

Keep dreamin buddy boy (;

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You'll give up soon, like a typical youngfag.

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If it took any effort maybe I would, but alas this is all a drop in the ocean to me big man. The difference between us is I get a kick out of sneedposting while it only tickles you in the ass. I'll see you in the next thread xoxo

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>watching season 11 episodes

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I don't get it. Can someone explain the joke to me?

ignore the redditors, you're pretty based user!

Why it not named E-I-E-I-D'oh?

This might be the simpson's episode that i remember most of all from my childhood

This is a good question. Was it just to keep with the supercalifragulic(annoyed grunt) or whatever that episode was called?

d'oh is never written in homer's scripts, it's always just [annoyed grunt]

It's refreshingly addictive

I don't think I've seen anyone more angry on Sup Forums than the sneed spammer was earlier today when the mod was deleting all his posts.

Are you the same fag from earlier who was insisting it was all one person? I don’t care for the _____ posting, it’s as dumb as the le 56% meme to me, but I know a lot of people are posting it

Why? No one ever remembers it as "annoyed grunt"

>Can we have a legitimate discussion


It's just the salty reylo bitch coming to try and gloat

They didn't intend it to become iconic I'm guessing? And they just kept it as a running gag, and the title is in reference to that.

"Eat my shorts!"


I got banned for 3 fucking days for this exact post in a Simpsons thread and yet you're allowed to do it.

Fuck you.

Did you capitalize the first letter and only the first letter and no punctuations?

Maybe you shouldn't post that reddit shit.

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This is hilarious

Are you under the impression that mods have to approve posts before they get posted?

Should 've died long time ago.

Fitting avatar you chose.