Thoughts of beast wars?

Thoughts of beast wars?

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Beast machines better


i'd love a live action with the budget of the transformers movies but not done by michael bay
beast machines is trash
>megatron literally has no trouble with beast body
>shitty animation
>upgraded dragon megatron>>>>>airplane optimus
>decides he fucking hates animals in bm for no reason
>at the end has optimus airplane body and is somehow a victory in his eyes

Beast Wars is fucking godlike. As was Beast Machines, even though it looked like shit. Tigatron was the GOAT

you wrong beast machines better
beast machines superior looking, best 3d animation

tarantulas best character

beast machines sucked
>all new transformations sucked
>rat trap had no legs
>waspinator got slingshotted to cybertron somehow
>tankor realizing he is rhinox and staying a villain
>megatron became a floating head with no personality

Beast Wars is the best Transformers show ever shown on tv, still. The voice acting and writing is much better than modern cartoons, and the show was simply a joy to watch. It also seems to be a good introduction to the franchise as a whole, seeing as how it got both my gf and several more people into Transformers, even as adults.

I initially thought it was ugly and lame. I missed my robots that turned into cars and planes.

Until they came back, then I thought it was pretty cool in the second and third seasons.

liked it as a kid but its fucking unwatchable now


we didnt get enough of it. Also wish more characters lasted and didn't die. So many interactions we were deprived of. We never got Depth Charge and Dinobot, or Terrorsaur and Rampage. Tigatron and Silverbolt. Also I know they scrapped it cause they couldn't make it work, but Id have loved to seen the black arachnia airrzaor episode they worked on.

this. the quality of the writing and voice acting is above average for a kid's show but looking at it as an adult 20 years later it's impossible to get past the animation quality. it's so stark and bizarre looking now.

Who is the one on the bottom left? I recognize every other character and remember all their names but I don't remember that guy at all.

A GOAT kids show. They don't make em like that anymore.
Although Silverbolt was such a fucking white knight for Black Arachnia that it was sickening.

i might be wrong but there is an episode where a decepticon from the orignal transformers shows up and turns into a panther, might be him

That's Ravage, one of Soundwaves cassettes from G1.

>but looking at it as an adult 20 years later it's impossible to get past the animation quality. it's so stark and bizarre looking now.
You say that like it's a bad thing. Nowadays most animation is so shitty, sterile and all looks the same. I would take Beast Wars over any fucking Disney Pixar shit.

>you wrong beast machines better
Shut up. Beast Machines was such shit. Every episode was them literally running away from robots down a long corridor.

>beast machines good
Guaranteed replies.


Good til the last season. Didn't like the new look for Primal. I liked the animal look. Also didn't like how the retconned the original ending to make beast machines a possibility.

Starscream Waspinator was GOAT