Is that how yu got your job?

Is that how yu got your job?

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>Yes, it worked out for me. But you can't seem to workout yourself

>ur a nobody!!! >:(

Blowing dudes for a job seems more your style. How is Seth, by the way?

Let's say you catch your gf messaging some guy on Facebook and you think it's getting flirty? How do you respond? On the one hand if you confront him you look like an insecure bitch, but if you do nothing she goes and fucks this guy. I sympathise with Jonah you know.

>Let's say you catch your gf messaging some guy on Facebook and you think it's getting flirty? How do you respond?
You fuck her.

Depends on the guy,is he a muscular black man? If so,I let them fuck while I enjoy watching

That's fucking terrible. Stop posting like it's not dogshit.

You are a fucking ugly bitch I want to stab you to death and play around with your blood>

>Why do you ask? Do you already need to look for a new career?

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>No, because I worked my up to this position. While you, a Jew, got a job despite being fat and untalented due to nepotism.



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Yeah we cracked it. Shame even if we had a time machine and sent Jonah back to deliver this she'd be saying it out of friendly ribbing and he'd be saying it because he's an insecure ninny.

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>Yeah we cracked it.
no, it's a weak ass line, it requires a set-up which no one posts anymore because it's too wordy, without the set-up it makes no sense. There have been plenty of better comebacks.

Is there a video of him freaking out on that girl?

>Implying a frog who cant speak english would come up with a wordplay like this

>Yeah? Well I have a fantasy where you and I are both being impersonated by anonymous people of a taiwanese bowling board, but that doesn't mean it's ever gonna become real.

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threesome with brad and leo? no, I wish

>implying Jonah would come up with anything we write for him

His reply was fine. Didn't lose his cool, and reminded her what her station in life is compared to his. This is not Jonah btw.

his reply was to cancel all other interviews and flee the country.


He had to go home on an unrelated culinary matter.

Why do y'all respond like she would have a good comeback? This is a woman! And a good looking one at that she wouldn't have a good fucking comeback. Stfu already

there are plenty of Subways in France


That's pretty weak.

The big mistake is being offended and replying defensively in the first place. Allowing the words of a woman to affect you this muh just revealed Jonah's latent insecurities. He should be the man in the conversation and patronize her like a man would when 'attacked' like that.


*You fuck her up