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what a retarded concept.

>ScarJo types 'Sup Forums.org' in browser
>ominous music begins to play

Oh boy if this movie gets made this will be the end of gaming as we know it.

>inadvertently creates 4th reich

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yaas kween

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This literally sold 3k copies, it was a complete failure. There is no way they're going to make a movie lmao. They clearly expected some Gone Girl style thriller but they didn't realise Zoe is a hack who's only talent is using people and sucking dick.

Can't wait for it to crash and burn at the box office

>the site gets the movie makeover where you can see video streams of fat and balding white males arguing how women are cancer
>most of them have nazi flags on their walls
>ominous music intensifies
>she has to close the site because of shock
>music ends

>woman experiencing online bullying and overcoming adversity to be a total boss XD
it's getting made and we all know it

>somebody posts pepe
>jumpscare soundbite

>implying they wouldn't stream it so they can't fake the numbers easier

this is as ridiculous as that pro-gawker movie that just came out. i didn't take any especial interest in gamergate, but the con logs leak conclusively proved they were in the right and if anything were underestimating the level of collusion

Unironically the best thing to come out of that reddit shitshow was the SVU episode.

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>pro-gawker movie
Its not a movie, its a documentary.

I wonder if they'll start off with the character doing nude photoshoots for alt porn sites

they're not that good

>Powerful: the Zoe Quinn story
>white man wearing pepe shirt attacks her in an alleyway
>Zoe kicks the shit out of him
>"That's for nasty women everywhere, asshole!"

it's a revisionist turd is what it is, even the people it's aimed at aren't buying it

And when the movie inevitably bombs, they'll blame gamergate.

You do mean the russian

I'll get sony on the line

if it's anywhere near as bad/unintentionally hilarious as the law and order gamergate episode than I'll be happy

Avengers, Lucy, GitS, etc.
How did she reduce herself into a schlock clown?

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She looks like Cher, how old is Zoe again?



Reminder this 'news' is from 2015 and Johansson is only mentioned once without a source.

I don't think it matters
it's all about perception and having this out there accompanied by a shitton of praising articles is enough for them to point to in the future
the rabbit hole is too deep

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2bh kike bitches look the same 2 me, scarjo seems fine for the role

>implying she's a talented cock sucker
just because she's sucked a lot of cock doesn't mean she's good at it


is she playing zoey quinn?

back then it was .net

I got banned from a site for pointing out SVU was shit in reply to a Wu article where she bragged about it

She's past the wall, time to start playing ugly characters

>This literally sold 3k copies, it was a complete failure. There is no way they're going to make a movie lmao.

Those two things are completely unrelated. (((They))) have been busy making movies that have no chance of success, but push a narrative for years now. Then (((they))) can blame its failure on evil white alt-right frog Nazis to push the narrative even further, and barely lose a dime on the whole venture through "creative" accounting.

What even is gamergate?

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