This actually seems relevant. How come tattoos are so bad for an actors career? They help musicians ones

This actually seems relevant. How come tattoos are so bad for an actors career? They help musicians ones.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Well, hip hop basically created the modern urban youth. They're not wrong.

>Why would having a permanent marking be bad for a career where you try to convincingly become other people

because musicians aren't required to pretend that they're in a universe where tattoos are not a thing.
You can't be in a Victorian period drama with pickle rick on your person.

You can easily add temporary tattoos for a role, much harder covering them up.

Tattoos are degenerate. If strip clubs, porn and instagram banned them no women would ever get them.

Forgot to add: Fuck China for banning hiphop


hip hop is shit

Absolute irony: China becomes stronghold of western cultural values.

are they rapping in manderin or cantonese?


Tattoos have to be covered with make-up in many TV and movie productions since they wouldn't fit in the setting.

How did Black Panther get released?

when you say that i know you mean WHITE SEPARATIST values

>based chinks btfoing degenerate nogs

Unequivocally BASED. The fucking CHINKS are leading the charge.

chinese century soon

But tatoos were very popular in Victorian england?

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fuck off nigger

China knows it too bitch. Rhite is wight.

It costs money to cover up tattoos every single day of a shoot

I wanna say this is a good thing for chinese rappers cause now it'll be even more forbidden and cool but I know theres no way the chinese govt. is gonna fuck around,probably shooting people in the streets jst for baggy clothing already.

Your body is a canvas. As a musician it is your own. As an actor it is someone else's.

>american culture

>China bans nigger "culture"

What the fuck? I love China now!

>what is make up

Was this post bait, it fucking has to be, if not youre a full blown spazz

An expensive hassle.
Every minute they're in makeup is a minute they're being paid for where they're not working on set.


Niggers btfo



all one guy

Based China. This is what happens when you don't have "white guilt" holding you back.

imagine not having rap music in movie trailers

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The Chinese government becoming more authoritarian can only mean one thing: there is a major economic shitstorm on the horizon and they are bracing for angry masses.

Based China

No, they are cutting all ties with murrica while feeding the public anti western propaganda. Enjoy your war with China.

Based China

I'm against banning tattoos. They're a good filter for knowing which people to avoid at all costs. Low inhibition and low iq go hand in hand.

Because it’s degenerate, and China is a brutal dictatorship.

Based China



>Autoritarian state bans unpoliticized counter-culture popular with the youth
That surely won't ever come back to bite them in the ass.
That's never happened before, what could go possibly wrong?

Based China

fuck off marxist

Wow, how easily are you fags triggered?
If anything, it's a bane of dictatorships spawned from marxism

>people's republic of china has anything to do with marxism

I bet you think NK is communist too

This is a sensationalist headline. All the did was state that tattoos and "hip-hop culture" should be avoided in state produced media.

Not a lot of non-state produced media in china

You do realize most actors today have tattoos and they are simply covered up by make up? Oh wait, of course you don't because you made such a retarded comment.

No, show business is mostly waiting until they're ready to shoot.

>banning hip hop
>banning tattoos
Hip hop is pure garbage and one must be a degenerate to scar oneself with pure ratardation, so it doesn't surprise me that so many rappers are tattoed cunts

China does the right thing here

Attached: retard_junkie.jpg.jpg (756x898, 75K)

Why does that young man have the 9gag logo tattooed all over his body? He must love his memes for 10 yr olds

China knows the jew.

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Are you serious? Its a country of over a billion people. Its likely they produce more independent content than the west just based on size. Even in my country (not Asian) we have 4 chinese public TV channels. Obviously not state funded media.

Less time on Sup Forums. Its stops you from being able to use simple logic.

it'd be marxist if he rightly believed that everything's political


Or did the modern urban youth create hip hop?

>Censorship is western cultural values
at last I truly see

You can tell that a white person made this

And you think the state censorship doesn't behind closed doors pressure the public channels to adhere to their agenda?


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>censorship is a western value

Surprisingly good song. I'm not even fan of hiphop.

>Chinks With Attitude
I'm guessing hip-hop became political over there.

>Wang Hao, better known by his stage name PG One

Wang Hao is already a terrific rapper name though.


Does Sup Forums have any tattoos

I have a lot of prison ones and memorials for dead friends i did on my own, only 2 pro ones that cost me too much. My best friends black gf is going to tat a sunwheel on my back next week.

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Sure, but not over tattoos and hip hop rofl. Its literally just posturing. Its not different to countries that block pornography websites to "promote conservative values". Its just to save face, no one actually cares or enforces it.

what the fuck?! I love the chinese now!

Meanwhile general tsaos chicken farmer is dying of hunger and has a iq of southern African spear chucker. 95% of China is filled with the hungry and an iq about 65/70.

So white Will Smith is Kenneth Branagh?

But China does enforce it's censorship regimes and is actually not like other countries.

Based China banning degeneracy.

Black Panther would have been likely banned under this laws.

wtf i love china now

Of course, blacks cant read.

China will ban anything that Beijing perceives as subversive. I hop you Sup Forums fags applauding this shit do realize your shitty board wouldn't exist in Wachinka.


Good, lmao

Maybe I´ll do something with my life then! based chinks saving me from 4chins