What the hell does that mean?

what the hell does that mean?

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Capitalism is bad m8, just like big tobacco ends up owning him cause he chain smokes.

just some pseud millennial garbage

Stop defining your self worth by what you own.

Spend your life chasing possessions and you'll become a slave to that mentality.

you work to buy stuff, things, you feel that you own them. but you're wasting your time and energy, ultimately your life trying to own these things. things that seem important but aren't. so in turn they own you, they're tools of your own enslavement.

this was the point of the ikea furniture being brought up. he was looking for some sort of identity by buying everything from a catalog. his second personality was just telling him information he he knew deep down, that he was miserable and he was a slave to his boring shitty consumerist lifestyle.

Ok, so say for example you were on holiday, having the best day of your life, but then you get a call saying your house has burned down.
Now imagine how, by just a little bit of information your best day turned to shit.

Because you are enslaved by your material things.


he wasn't anti homes, he was anti filling them with bullshit. he was pro homes in the most functional minimalist ways. he saw it as shelter and nothing more. when he needed to hold more people or run electricity he fixed it as minimally as possible to make his life work. of course the movie and book takes everything to extremes to be blatant and make a point.

>need insurance to protect my crap need to work to afford insurance, warranties, maintenance, replacements, must do more hours for shekelstein my car is acting up my life goes for 25 dollars an hour plus benefits

Sent from my iPhone

umm, it's almost like humans come out the womb with a house, car and clothes on.

Nearly 33 years on this earth, still no need or desire to pretend to own a house.

it means that despite hollywood movies being prohibitively accessible, there's always gonna be some brainlets that need to be spoonfed

i own a small property because i found the idea of renting retarded. but i need to live somewhere so i bought a place 80,000 in 5 years. paid off and now i don't have to worry about that.

So you what, rent? Or you still living with mommy and daddy big boy?

Where do you live, then ? Out in the open with no clothes on ? How are you even on Sup Forums ? How are you even alive ?
This was the dumbest post I've seen all day.

it doesn't mean that owning shit is bad. Owning a house is not bad, it's actually a kind of necessity. Still don't put all your life into it, into material things. Take adversities with philosophy, especially if they don't directly involve a person's health but rather a person's belongings

inb4 retards who take the movies message at face value

He's a manifestation of mental illness. Do not believe his lies.

That there's more to life than buying shit.

>need or desire
Ok peasant

Live a minimalist lifestyle.

BTW theres books about this shit, not just what he said.

People are reading this wrong as always, on Sup Forums. It's not about having stuff per se but about letting that stuff influence your life. Like, "I can't go driving to this cool thing, I might wreck my car" or "I don't wanna jump over this fence I might tear my clothes", it's about situations where you limit your life because of property and stuff. So own as much stuff as you want but if you find a situation where the only reason you're not doing something you want to do is your stuff then do it anyway, fuck stuff (obviously does not apply to necessities like a home, so eon't autistically try to disprove it with bullshit arguments)

OP is the absolute state of amerimutt education

Consumerism ends in misery and unhappiness.

There are studies that show that what makes you truly happy is not buying things, but real happiness comes from experiences.
You find happiness from trips, social interactions, concerts, stuff like That.
Those memories increase happiness with time.
Buying things decreases happiness because those things start losing value after you get them. You only truly find joy in the purchasing and the obtaining of the item
We see this in the movie, he only finds joy in calling and ordering stuff.

But joining the fight club gives him meaning and social interaction. Gives him cool experiences.
Things his expensive stuff cant give him

This movie was gen x retard

when u spend all day working a shit job to afford things that ads tell you that you gotta have at the end of the day youre working to buy things not to enjoy them. which is the purpose of ads. if we arent all enslaved to a desk job to buy the next greatest thing how are the rich going to get richer???

I rent, and have rented since I was 16. At any time I can abandon all of my material things and go carefree to anywhere in the world. Like I did in my 20s
You know why.....because things you own, end up owning you.
Good luck while you have a 30 loan tying you to one place.

what is the hidden meaning user? please enlighten us with your superior intelligence.

you can get sued by your landlord for breaking a lease with no notice. it sounds to me like youre 16 still, what with that idealistic opinion on wanderlust. once you grow up and your soul is sucked out of your body by a job that you need just to pay rent, car insurance, and buy food, youll give up that real fuckin quick.

>hidden meaning
the satire is in the plain sight unless you're a retarded male rights activist or whatever the bitter virgin males call themselves

>Good luck while you have a 30 loan tying you to one place.
Lol what the fuck are you talking about
How are you 33 years old and this dumb? You don't have to live in a property that you own, dumbass. You can rent it out. Like the person who owns the property you rent does with you. Haven't you noticed that they aren't living there?

As far as travel goes, having a steady stream of income which requires nothing on your part to attain (i.e renting a property) makes that easier, not harder. These days through a site like airbnb you can even just swap houses with someone from another country briefly to see another place, i.e live in another country completely free of charge. I mean goddamn

>wants to rebel against the system
>ironically by doing so he achieves an ideal within that system
what are some movies with this theme

it means you should ignore its meaning and simply go back to your shit-kicker job, goy

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Why the fuck are there so many fight club threads up?

It's a good motion picture

>fight club is for retards

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well the actual fight club in the movie is

So if you live in an empty house you're happier than if it was filled with things?

He predicted the Obama presidency

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it means niggers are trying to enslave white people

beware of diversity

He meant he who question training only trains himself in asking questions.

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Having furniture is fun but buying fucking differently colored lamps is shit for example.

where did you find anything worth buying or living in that costed 80k that isn't nigger or spic infested shit show of a neighborhood

that settles it. no one on Sup Forums know what a fucking millennial is lmfao

>So if you live in an empty house you're happier than if it was filled with things?
That wasn't what he was saying at all. Can you read?

Stop watching porn

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Is there a more retarded, tryhard opinion than "Fight Club is for pseuds"?

fight club so perfectly captured the zeitgeist of its time that it now appears cliched despite creating all of the cliches it supposedly commits