Actress turns 18

>actress turns 18
>they immediately put her in latex

How did Gotham get away with this?

Attached: catbutt.webm (1920x1080, 860K)

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I hate the camera tilt. An entire ep in season 2 was like that at Arkham. It isnt kino

I wanna fuck that ayy

they just experimenting, is alright

She's not in Kansas anymore!

camren catwoman

Attached: 10.jpg (3600x2400, 1.91M)

more webms like this ?

Attached: 7.jpg (3600x2400, 1.71M)

more Gotham stills

Attached: 43.jpg (3600x2401, 2.23M)

some more

Attached: 4.jpg (4928x3285, 3.74M)

sexy outfit but she's a chunkyface now!

LOL@ the Siren's bar commercial

Me on the left

Attached: 1511884039979.webm (1920x1080, 2.85M)

So this show is about everything BUT Batman?

me on the second left
(cock in hand)

Attached: vlcsnap-2014-09-30-16h00m58s224.jpg (1280x720, 147K)

It does feature Bruce Wayne's development as a teenager into Batman, but it's more focused on Gordon and the GCPD dealing with criminals as they go from thugs and mobsters to assassins and superpowered beings. I believe the end of the show will be the GCPD failing to stop the criminals until Batman steps in and puts a lid on things.

The actress was whoring herself out on Instagram when she was underage anyways. She probably bullied the producers until they allowed her to be in a latex costume permanently for the rest of the show.

It uses the dutch angles a lot, but it helps with the comic book aesthetic.

The show started out so bad and on the nose that I can’t even tell if this is real or parody
Somehow - against all odds - it kept improving and improving until it achieved apotheosis with Prof Kyno last fall
Too early to say if it can ever reach those heights again

I've never watched Gothem, please respond. Did the Penguin get the hat from someone important, or following doing something evil. Perhaps he just saw it in a store window, turned the camera and smirked? Did any episode end with him putting on the hat?

I need to know if this is good or if its a shitty 'Lets needlessly explain the origin of everything' piece of shit I expect it to be.

This is fake right?

It’s actually only worn in a fever dream Bruce has as he’s dying, so take that for what you will

The penguin does start as another gangster’s umbrella holder, before betraying her and rising to claim her spot in Gotham’s underworld hierarchy, but that was back in the painful first season. Nowadays, Riddler just grabs a green bowler bc he digs it

funny indeed

Attached: 5.jpg (4928x3285, 3.64M)

Why, how, and who is the invisible dude?

Bruce Wayne

It's a hallucination/dream sequence induced by Poison Ivy's poison

Attached: 1517874244650.webm (688x1080, 1.22M)

look at the size of that brapper

need to drop 20-30lbs ngl


naysayers get lost

Imagine it got spanked and whipped by Tabitha

Attached: 1492279677169.jpg (1920x1080, 137K)

imagine getting pegged by tabitha!

her butt is getting a bit too big

Her face got fat. She's like if Norm Macdonald and Benedict Cucumberbach have a baby together

Don’t be gay, dude

it's not gay if its a woman you mong

She needs a big butt so she can jump higher and move quicker, like a cat

Attached: 1513562271927.webm (468x928, 1.03M)

Attached: 1500745472988.webm (502x1080, 1.47M)

that´s a big butt indeed

Attached: 2.jpg (3600x2400, 2.06M)

She looks gross, eww

What if you were Bruce and Tabitha pinned you down and pegged you in front of a tied up Selina who would helplessly watch as Tabitha had her way with you

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another still

Attached: 2.jpg (3600x2401, 1.47M)

wow what after?

Selina would be forced to lick out Tabitha with her hands tied behind her back, as you're helpless and tied up too

imagine if she was positioned under you while tabitha had her way with you and you shot all over her face!

batman and catwoman

Attached: 6.jpg (3600x2400, 1.85M)

>It's not gay if the dick in my ass is made of plastic

Attached: 1488752357066.png (1488x1092, 480K)

That'll teach her not to mess with Tabitha again

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gotham still

Attached: 3.jpg (3600x2401, 1.2M)

Ayyy Lmao

wtf these kiddies are 18 now

Attached: timesafyling.jpg (814x619, 79K)

what about poop that's basically the dick coming out of your ass but it's made of poop. that's pretty gay. it is dick shaped.

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Imagine burying your face in Tabbys ass

Attached: 9 (3).jpg (4200x2800, 3.67M)

Giv chocolate milkies

Attached: giv.png (778x512, 45K)

k-keep it coming user

Attached: lewd.png (602x603, 469K)

It is old Batman tv and movie tradition that is meant to emulate the comics aesthetics.

Ffffuck... Holy shit.

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too busty

Literally every female character besides Will Smiths wife is a 10/10 on this show.

How could one show be so based?


Attached: Gotham.S04E11.Tabby.webm (1440x810, 2.95M)

>show came out at the height of Dark Knight hype
>kids grew up
>now it is the low of Justice League hate
TV show seasons are such a strange thing.

Attached: Gotham S02E05.webm (854x480, 2.77M)

Attached: Gotham.S04E11.Tabitha.03.webm (1172x1080, 2.98M)

>It uses the dutch angles a lot, but it helps with the comic book aesthetic.
No it doesn't. They tried this with the first Thor movie and it just looks bad. When every fucking scene is a dutch angle it loses all effect and just makes it painful to watch.

Attached: Gotham.S04E11.Tabitha.01.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

Attached: Gotham.S04E11.Tabitha.02.webm (1358x1080, 2.97M)

>>they immediately put her in latex
That isn't latex.

They don't really know what to do with Tabitha's character, do they? She's too hot to kill off, but she's also not a canon character like the others.

camren catwoman

Attached: tumblr_p5n0ka24oC1rryn4mo1_1280.jpg (1185x1176, 565K)

Attached: Gotham.S04E11.Cat.webm (1304x1080, 1.79M)

miss bicondova

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gotham cat´s

Attached: tumblr_p5f1a8yzr91rn9uxto1_.jpg (1080x1080, 105K)

i wish cam would do panty scenes now that she's 18

she´s funny

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funny indeed

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She is like a kid who has raided her mother's or sister's wardrobe. Shameful TV.

she likes to show..

Attached: tumblr_p4ukoqy5Fy1rryn4mo1_1280.jpg (750x938, 170K)


>DFC showing off

I love it.

from instra

Attached: tumblr_p4vvfyDInm1rhxar9o1_1280.jpg (1280x1601, 198K)

I'm more curious about why they recast Ivy with an ugly 40 year old manface

strong bones

Attached: tumblr_p58wpjcn1E1rryn4mo1_1280.jpg (750x928, 166K)

tfw no FAS gf

You are a buffoon, sir

I was thinking about watching the show
I am now no longer thinking about watching the show

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I used to think she was hot, then I followed her on insta. What an annoying cunt, jesus christ. She talks like a retard.


Why are you comparing a fantasy action movie to a crime drama?


wtf she used to be cute, but now her face and body is so fucking ugly and she's only 18???? Is she british???

You are missing out on some genuine kino, my friend. There are some completely retarded parts early on but that's half the appeal

you forfeit your right to call anyone an annoying cunt when you use instagram, you mentally ill autist

But Marvel movies are cheaply produced eye sores that look like complete dog shit. Gotham actually has effort put into the lighting and sets. The dutch angles in Thor are undeserved because it looks like a cheaply produced lifetime network soap opera. Ironic that a low budget TV series looks cinematic and classy.

I don't use it, I just stalk qts.

Were you expecting her to be anything other than totally retarded? She's a "street dancer" turned actress.