What movie had the best visualization of Hell ?

what movie had the best visualization of Hell ?

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Hell is suppose to be burning you cocksucking faggot

fuck you
Hell is freezing cold

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Legend did a pretty good job imho.
The ogres sleeping on hot plates was a nice touch.

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As Above So Below

Ghostbusters (2016)

I don't know about had, but Passion of the Christ 2 will have the best.

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Dante's Inferno

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Ghostbusters 3

South Park movie

The Black Hole. The imagery and John Barry Score are so haunting.

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you mean Sheol right?

unironically bill and teds bogus journey and little nicky

Are personal hells included? Because then TWBB

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The Last Jedi

Event Horizon

Also the scene in This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse.

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Why would you abbreviate something so obscure?

What Dreams May Come


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Jacob's ladder

>bill and teds bogus journey
Hell should be about disturbing emotional traumatic experiences, not just a red hot poker up your ass

because im lazy

Trueman Show

>the absolute state

Being a white Brit in modern day London

>what movie had the best visualization of Hell ?


Not the actual hell, but for all the problems Alien 3 has, its religious themes and depiction of the refinery as an almost-literal hellhole is fucking spot on

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Little Nicky.


Altered States

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David attenborough
Planet earth

The Exorcist: The Beginning.
Opening sequence:

came here to post this

Not a movie but in Lucifer, hell is depicted as a cold barren crag filled with rooms, in which individuals are permanently tortured by their own guilt, with each punishment essentially being the thing the character finds most guilty about/distressed over happening to them ad nauseum with no way to change the outcome

Every time.

I still love that it was established early on that Mormon's were the chosen religion.

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Popeye's chicken is the shiznet!

the killing of a sacred deer. you see, hell wasWATCHING THAT FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.

or do you mean current year???

The Do Lung scene in Apocalypse Now

off the top of my head, id say constantine or the mummy 2



Not a movie and certainly cheesy, but there is something kinda creepy/eerie about that vision of Hell.


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