The 100 | Season 5 Official Extended Trailer | The CW

Finally. Such an amazing show.

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maybe if you're a 15 year old girl or 32 fat virgin who watches it for the lesbian kisses.

I don't know how I feel about this. Five seasons of the same thing is a bit too much for me.

I'm an olicity-fag. I like CW shows. Still watch spn.

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>if you're a 15 year old girl or 32 fat virgin
Yes, I'm just like you.

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Seek help. That's truly inexcusable.

>Seek help.
No need for that. I embraced it long time ago.

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oh wow so gorgeous pls take my dikk baby

Remember when she broke up with him for LYYYYYINNNNGGG and then literally got up from her wheelchair and walked away?

My Greekfu

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>then literally got up from her wheelchair and walked away?
Yes, it was so beautiful. Such a strong woman. I cried...

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Coalburner and race traitor.

Is Clarke still a dyke? If so, I'm not watching.

She's with this little girl now, so she's more like a pedo or something.

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And that's ok.

what the fuck

I stopped watching a few episodes into season 3. have I missed anything?

>And that's ok.
Tumblr pls go

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>have I missed anything?
Yes, a lot.

I hate that time skip.

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I've started so many CW shows but can't see them out past the second season. Even when my life was empty and they weren't enough to fill the void.

Oops don't know why I linked your post

>don't know why I linked your post
Don't lie to us user. You like Olicity too.

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I don't remember who that is

my only guilty pleasure show. please let bellamy be based this season. literally all i care about

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It's a bit hard to admit, but if you can get past the YA shovelware shit of the first 5 or so EPs of S1 it's a really entertaining show.
I literally giggled like a retard when she first shot the old dude and then gassed all of the mountain kikes

imagine that face looking up at you while she squeezes your dick between her tits haha

>what if Hitler was a teenage Australian lesbian with huge tits?
How did they get away with making this show?

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Only female lead character in tv than occasionally doesn't follow muh feelz. Almost as if they'd written it for a male lead and then changed a few things around, but it works.

Genocidefu back

where is that qt from fear the walking dead

>watching this shit show past season 2 still

She is on Fear The Walking Dead. The biggest paycheck for any breakthrough actress.

In fear the walking dead making money. Ded and uploaded onto a chip last I recall in the show.
It's still fun