How did this make a billion dollars?

How did this make a billion dollars?
I don't remember any hype for this from normies or anyone in particular

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How old are you exactly and what would you call normies? The people you work with?

Are you retarded? Normie is another way of reffering to the average bloke you stupid nigger

reddit trying to fit in

Yeah okay reddit, thanks for googling the urban dictionary definition so you can fit in. I'm talking about if you actually talked to people in social groups or just the social outcast or old people at your work.

is it summer already?

>highschooler phoneposter

928.9 million USD according to Google.

Anyway it is the best Video Game movie, since maybe Wreck it Ralph. The problem with video game movies is that they hew too closely to the specific franchise. Then they fuck it up with other dumb shit like bad direction or cheaping out. But Jumanjii and Wreck it Ralph were both broad takes on them, with humor General enough for even normal people to get it. Combined with great casts and fun action.

And the elephant in the room is The Last Jedi being divisive and not really family friendly. I personally went to see Jumanjii purely because I wanted to see something fun after sitting through Last Jedi. And it did it.

That's not a videogame, user. Go take your medicine.

Id like to see you try calling me a nigger irl

Bet I would, and I’d fuck your little ass up too

? Jumanji was a video game movie. They get sucked into a video game. You retard.

Stop sperging out plase

It's at 990 million fickle autist

I think he is saying neither wreck it ralph or jumanji are true video game movies. I.e based on existing video games. It is true that they have a lot of video game aesthetic though.

how dare he refer to such an obscure term, am I right

>I personally went to see Jumanjii purely because I wanted to see something fun after sitting through Last Jedi

>these are the people you share a board with

Attached: 1519655124778.jpg (620x400, 32K)

Shut up for I sneed you up

That was my point. Video games that stick to a franchise flop. The highest rated rotten tomatoes is the new Tomb Raider which is still like 40 percent. They consistently don't work, because they are gimmick first. Wreck it Ralph and Jumanji are both good stories, with video games as a setting.

Families and teenagers were the main demographic. Do you hang out with families and teenagers? Cause that's how you would hear about it form word of mouth, not on some image board.

This was fucking awful. I Unironically could not finish it. The villain was so poorly written and terrible, this movie was so obviously a cash grab. I don't think I have anything good to say about it. It was like watching paint dry.

It's completely inoffensive and easy to watch. Very high production values and a funny concept played out well by the actors.

ignore this bait

TLJ was so bad. I watched it in HD for free and I still turned it off less than an hour into it. The last movie I didn't finish was Weekend at Bernie's 2 in 1993.
