What is the first movie you remember watching in the theater? Pic unrelated

What is the first movie you remember watching in the theater? Pic unrelated.

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Spider-Man homecoming

probably the phantom menace, but the first one i vividly remember is harry potter. the whole neighborhood went together to see it for someone's birthday.

Avatar 2

Patch adams, flubber, pokemon movie

Can't really remember


Or Pokemon movie. I remember both but don't know which came out first.

simpler times

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Meister Eder und sein Pumuckel

Mortal Kombat

it was pretty awesome

too bad people wont get to experience that joy, till they do the inevitable remake

either Jurassic Park or Free Willy

Oh man, that movie was the tightest shit as a kid, it's the first one I remember going to the theater to see on my own. It's a shame about the sequel.
I was so pumped after going I rented MK3 Ultimate for the SNES after leaving the theater. What a garbage game.

I can't remember what I liked as a child.

How sad is that.

toy story 2

pretty sure i watched the first one in theaters, but was too young to remember it


Thomas the Tank Engine Movie

Black panther

most people don't remember shit from early childhood

I do remember watching the fuck outta the star wars trilogy VHS set I had, then it was LOTR trilogy. Watched a ton of pokemon too

I don't even know what I like now

You like whatever anybody else doesn't like

First I remember was The Last Unicorn. Then when we got home I turned on the TV and The Last Unicorn was just starting on some channel. Big wyf, made me think everytime my parents took me to the movies I could rewatch it again at home right away.

But that was clearly a rerelease. First proper new movie I probably saw was Jurassic Park

Spiderman 2

Which one were you as a kid Sup Forums?

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Had to check some dates there but it was either Babe or that Ted Danson movie Loch Ness.

Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets, but I didn't know what was going on so I only remember the flying car scene and a giant snake

It was EPIC for me back then.

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Shrek, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and The Incredibles.

Home Alone 2. I remember watching it with my mom in film theater.

Pokemon movie featuring mewtwo

>ywn be eight again and see Jurassic Park for the first time

I hope I get dementia or some shit and re-live this part of my childhood over and over again.

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Which era of kidkino was your childhood Sup Forums?

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Godzilla movies are the best movies to grow up on

Jungle Book (1990 rerelease)

Late Gen X, even if technically I'm a millennial.

1982-1985 born people are called "Xennials" to distance themselves from safe spacers born in the mid 90s

I think there might be one more movie before this but the earliest I can be sure of the title is Dances with the Wolf. My mom took me to it.
Back then I didn't know shit and hated it for boredom. But I do remember that some scenes felt comfy.
I still drive pass that old theater building now it's converted to a club

Toy story 1

this pic is so flawed
I'm 26 and I had aspects of everything up to late gen Y/millennial

Little mermaid. It Terrified me.

Pic is based on when things were first popular or first released, not reruns or hand me.downs.

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He-Man (Animated) and Robocop, I don't know which one was first

Jurassic Park. Apparently I cried, but then again I was about three years old so I think I get a pass.

Good times

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Probably one of the original ninja turtles movies.

i think i saw a double feature of phantom menace and george of the jungle at a drive-in

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ah fair enough

disney hercules

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

am I the oldest oldfag here?

get off of Sup Forums grampa

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My nigga

Toy Story

Or maybe The Lion King, but I was only 3 when that came out, I remember watching it when I was very young but we had it on VHS, so it was probably that.

probably Superman or Back to the Future

mi negro

I have been for a while trying to make a list of my childhood kinos so that I can re-watch them and maybe understand myself better.

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Finding Nemo - my dad had taken me and my sis to it to kill time while mum was at the hospital just given birth to my little brother.

I remember feeling really spooked as the hall's lights slowly dimmed. The booming rattle of stereosound as ads rolled in before the movie started. Munching on fresh caramel popcorn for its actual purpose (we'd usually stopped by the cinema just to buy the popcorns and nothing else before this).
Watching the cinematics of Marlin's stammering fear realising his mate and all but one egg had been taken away from him, and he holds to that one egg for comfort... 'Twas a beautiful, unforgettable memory for me.

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Some shit flick my dumbass aunt brought me to watch
>Some chick in her 20’s has a crush on a guy
>one day a peruvian kid knocks at her door and start living with the girl
Zero explanation btw he just knocks get in the house and start watching TV it was painfully unfunny
>Also that 12 years old can’t speak a word in english aside from the occasional «mama» which made the audience go awww while I was dying inside
>45 minutes of funy hot blond tries to understand what kid is saying, kid breaks everything which made my aunt laugh and ask me «DID YOU SEE THAT ????» also the occasional flirting between the love interest and the blond
>Then boy and girl kiss and they find the kid parents
That same aunt tried to /ss/ me one time but I couldn’t stand her because of her painfully shit taste and her wacky made up story she told all the time which made my whole family cringe a lot

Ace Ventura: When nature calla

Toy Story 2, though my first theater movie was the Rugrats Movie according to my mom


Empire Strikes Back special edition. I was really young, I think the only reason I remember was because like my dad was super excited about it, he showed me ANH on tape for the first time to prepare and everything.

the power rangers movie in the 90s

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I think either The Secret of Nihm or E.T.

t. old fart

The Fly II is terrible. The first Fly (Cronenberg) is kino.

Beauty and the Beast

101 Dalmatians 1991 re-release

An American Tale "Fivel Goes West", my parents and family all went for one of my cousins birthdays.

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Half of Tarzan (1999)... screening had to be aborted since the film broke.

that movie about two burglars or some shit, chasing a mouse inside a house
that one and Antz

Shrek 1

finding nemo

[problematicness intensifies]

Fucking jurrasic park when I was 5. I think everyone in my cup de sac wanted to see it so bad they just said fuck baby sitters and drug all the kids along. It was great.


So your friends got excited for one of the dullest dullest movie frAnchises ever?

Think I blocked all of my memories from my early childhood, just thinking about it makes me want to cry about how shitty things are now.

Home alone?


Mid 30s?

>Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Very underrated Disney movie

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Which of these would you say is closest to you?

My brother took me to see Rock-a-Doodle when I was four but all I can remember is the drive there and the opening song and then I think he got bored and dragged me out. The first movie I saw with my parents was the Muppet Christmas Carol.

I'm not from America so i didnt see most of the stuff but Core Y seems like it.

Lion king with my dad.
A few months later he died.

Pokemon is before Shrek by 2 years

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Either The Sandlot or Jurassic Park

Probably not the first one I saw in theaters, but it's the earliest I can remember. My dad took to me to it without me even knowing what I was seeing. That opening scene blew my mind and I remember all the kids in the theater cheering.

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HOW IRONIC. I bet you didn't come out as well as Symba

I've probably seen older, but this is the earliest I know of. Apparently 7 year-old me chastised my sisters and mom for crying at the end.

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underrated and beautiful post.

I'm going to do something fun, I'm going to use a combination of commercial breaks from different childhood eras and you can see how the generations differ (applies to americans only).

Early Gen X: youtube.com/watch?v=q4ucQQvxGeg

Core Gen X: youtube.com/watch?v=BrscrhNeNmk

Late Gen X: youtube.com/watch?v=CoX6nypk0ss

Early Millennials/Xennials: youtube.com/watch?v=mcliOkwKXds

Core Millennials: youtube.com/watch?v=0Bvg_EBpa-I

Late Millennials: youtube.com/watch?v=c5EAm5v3RB0

Early Gen Z: youtube.com/watch?v=II9qwUJSVWs

Core Gen Z: youtube.com/watch?v=FEqLy0-U4Rk

Late Gen Z: youtube.com/watch?v=rNhlRv4kfHw

What do you think?

Pokémon Movie and The Iron Giant

Iron giant will be in reddit player one btw

What was his name again?