Ffs Sup Forums i'm on the verge of killing myself give me something good to watch to distract me a series or a movie or...

ffs Sup Forums i'm on the verge of killing myself give me something good to watch to distract me a series or a movie or anime i don't care just something immersive

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Fraggle Rock

watch kurosawa samurai flicks


in Bruges

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The Extended Lord of the Rings Trilogy with all of the Appendices.

any Miyazaki movie
Chungking Express
The Thing
The Double
Withnail and I

If you kill yourself now people will just think you are imitating the guy who did it yesterday. You should probably wait a year or 2 before trying.


Don't give up!

Stay, starring Goose and a Scottish cocksucker

Redline, my man. At least check it out, it's crazy how hard it must have been to animate this

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If you're an artist, La La Land.

If you're a student, Whiplash.

The Expanse

Un homme qui dort

Brawl in Cell Block 99
Good Time
I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore

^ these are good

second this

why would you kill yourself? seems like a hassle really

>If you're an artist, La La Land.
unironically kill yourself

Watch Hannibal or Black Sails.

Good Time is good. The rest of those are shit

Try unubore deka


If you like that try "tiger x dragon"

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True Detectives. Nuff said

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

It's going to lift your spirits hopefully

If you're over 20 and this is your opinion, end your life

I feel the same way. I'm bored as fuck and trying to find something to watch but EVERYTHING seems boring, and the odd time I start something I'm bored as fuck while watching it too.

Is my brain broken?

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The Entire Battlestar Galactica Series.
Great characters, great story (I know the ending is divisive but I really liked it), great music and set design (On the Galactica at least).
Plus the first two episodes are some amazing Television.
And I want to fuck the brains out of Starbuck and number 6

Like, I absolutely love that first season but how helpful can Rust's cynicism be for a suicidal bloke lol