The """"homage"""" to the first movie and robin williams' character was so fucking stupid and poorly done

The """"homage"""" to the first movie and robin williams' character was so fucking stupid and poorly done.

>alan parrish built this hut
>alan parrish build this hut?

Attached: jumanji.jpg (660x370, 116K)

Who cares
I watched it and it made me litty as fu*k

This thread should have a Jumanji rhyme:

"You played the game, you dirty maggot.
This thread sucks, and OP is a faggot."

How come all the recent The Rock movies are mediocare at best?

Also, all of these The Rock movies got that grey-cloudy-dusty-skyline 24/7. What the fuck?

this entire film was dreadful

i was just warned for a post that was much higher quality than this one

Attached: 1514066758889.jpg (1080x1080, 253K)

not that hot tbqh

All of my posts are of the highest quality. Sup Forums wouldn't be the same without me.

it's a green screen background my dude

but why don't they greenscreen that into a blue skyline?

keep in mind that was very noticeable in Jumanji and even on the beach scenes of Baywatch

It was a pretty good matinee. Not as good as Return of the Mummy but definitely better than The Tomb of the Dragon Emperor. Would probably have loved it if I was 12.

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 1.webm (1600x800, 2.99M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 2.webm (860x800, 3M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 3.webm (1920x800, 2.53M)

>the liam neeson evian bottle story except its with the rock instead

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 4.webm (550x800, 1.94M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 5.webm (1000x800, 1.73M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 6.webm (600x800, 2.66M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 7.webm (1000x800, 1.56M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 8.webm (600x800, 2.99M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 9.webm (1500x800, 2.99M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 10.webm (1280x533, 3M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 11.webm (960x400, 3M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 12.webm (1920x800, 3M)

Literally more respectful to the original than TLJ was to the OT.

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 13.webm (800x800, 3M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 14.webm (1920x800, 2.98M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 15.webm (1920x800, 2.92M)

Attached: Karen Gillan Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle 16.webm (1920x800, 3M)

What honestly pissed me off about this movie is the ending when they teleport Alex back in his time as if nothing ever happened. I understand that time passes slower inside Jumanji and if he was brought back in the present that would mean a few weeks maybe a month or two would've passed since the 4's detention but that would still be better than putting Alex back in the past and literally jumping into another timeline where the creepy house is normal.

What happened to the timeline where the creepy house was? What happened to the 4 characters in that timeline?
Movie just skips over paradoxes and doesn't care, hoping that the audience would be too stupid to understand it?

Attached: ff6.png (600x699, 426K)

>What honestly pissed me off about this movie is the ending when they teleport Alex back in his time as if nothing ever happened. I understand that time passes slower inside Jumanji and if he was brought back in the present that would mean a few weeks maybe a month or two would've passed since the 4's detention but that would still be better than putting Alex back in the past and literally jumping into another timeline where the creepy house is normal.
>What happened to the timeline where the creepy house was? What happened to the 4 characters in that timeline?
>Movie just skips over paradoxes and doesn't care, hoping that the audience would be too stupid to understand it?
You clearly didnt watch the first movie, because that is exactly how Jumanji rules work and how the first movie end.

Watched it but that was a long time ago when I was younger and dumber.

>Watched it but that was a long time ago when I was younger and dumber.
not an excuse, this movie is coherent with the first one in as much thing as it can, even with "time travel" stuff, and for a sequel that came after 23 years, its really impressive.

what else?

Sad but true