New Ready Player One Trailer

What the fuck? It actually looks kinda okay in this trailer.

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Don't believe WB's lies! They're tricking you with that pitiful handful of critic quotes

>the trailer made the thing being advertised look good
No shit, it's as if that's the point of trailers

I never trust critics anyway, but I had no clue this has an actual plot and characters I could theoretically give a shit about and it isn’t just a literal list of pop culture references

But they’ve been fucking awful at the trailer game up until this point, why give us the good shit now?

It looks dishonest.


Doesn’t mean it won’t be a fun watch tho

To make you want to go see the movie you dingus

Probably because of this

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>What the fuck? Sup Forums told me something would be bad and I believe them.

kys retard

That’s actually reasonable.

Still, my interest has gone from non-existent to mild. Might pirate.

Tell me in what fucking way this could possibly be good?


anymore """"subtle"""" political references this movie wants to shove it for the sake of holding up a middle finger to middle america?

1. Directed by one of the greatest film directors of all time.

>trailer has shitty quotes in it
>quotes near release
>quotes fellating the director and his craft
>it's still just "references: the movie"
>literally no actual threat other than his vidya shutting down
>music is bland and has no connection to what's happening, literally just in there for reference
>comic relief at the end is just a fucking reference with no purpose

It's not like the book is any better. There are like 4 references in every sentence.
What the hell happened to the master of kino ?
This looks like it was greenlit in 2007 by some marketing expert who wonders what kids these days might like.

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>reddit player one

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Shit movie.
10/10 Take on Me cover though, is it out? Sounds like some magical shit

Why did people think Ali Larter was hot?

imagine being this obsessed

another BFG tier shitfest


This is disgusting.
Being a /m/fag, the use of ultraman, eva and gundam disgust me.
>tranzor z

Go be fat and sweaty somewhere else

Spielberg's made his share of shit. The source material is too bad to save.

Pretty sure he's just producing it

This is how they should have been advertising from the start. All of the other trailers were terrible.

I'm only interested because I heard Gigan and Kiryu are in it. Otherwise I detest that the book and now movie even exist.

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>it's okay when critics are in Disney's pocket.

>that epic cover of Take On Me
fucking embarassing, was laughing my ass off

>Directed by Steven Spielberg

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Should have been this

it could be a fun VR adventure movie (like Tron) and the references are just in the background and they don't overwhelm the scenario

>See this on the biggest screen possible.
didn't even bother full screening the trailer. looks like complete circle jerk of cgi. if you have to pay $20 dollars for IMAX ticket for it to be good than I wont go.

>halo and over watch stands
I thought this was supposed to be 80s references?

im gonna watch the first half-decent camrip that shows up a week later after the launch

just follow the black panther strategy and make the entire cast niggers and watch the box office make a billion dollars

>Movie theater now showing Jack Slater

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It’s a hell of a lot better than how the book did it, where there’s literally nothing but 80’s shit, implying 90’s/2000’s nerd culture just straight up didn’t fucking exist at all.

>that melody
>I-I-I-I remember

so its just a better more advanced vrchat world
they just look at a screen in front of their eyes and everything they touch just feels like thin air

Meant for

What's the deal with this Steven Spielberg guy, is he jewish?

It might not be kino but it will definitely be fun as fuck but Sup Forums just loves being sad so they will trash it

One of the earlier trailers implied they can feel, and the book described them as having to wear haptic gloves to interact with the world. Other than that yeah.

He gets a haptic suit. The start of the trailer had an ad for it in the back ground. But for most people it is probably the same as VR we have now but with gloves instead of controllers.

can they feel softness of touching random ass and boobs?

fucking KEK

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I saw it. I don't care if you believe me or not. We have a very small cinema in our town, and they already have it, altought it will be aired at the 29th.

I loved the book and it is a masterpiece (the next one from the author, ARmada, is fucking shit)

The book was written in a way that is showed a literal robot from /r9k/. Since I am not a normie it was quite easy to get used to it and like the character, who has fallen in a magical wonderland, where you can relive your dreams. For example when Wade said that students are going to school with their TIE fighters I almost orgasmed.

The message of the book was never this.

The actor is like a literal Chad, Wade was never like that. The digital Artemis is fucking ugly (I didn't expect a 10/10 girl, just a 7/10 cutie. She looks like a wild gipsy woman.

I still mantain that opinion that Spielberg is considered good because of his holocaust movie.

You're just easily manipulated.
The advertising for the movie was shit, no one gave a fuck, so they improved it a bit and now some more people give a fuck, (you)

Spielbergs worst is still leagues better than the majority of the "best" churning out of Hollywood. If nothing else, the cinematography alone will keep you interested.

>I loved the book and it is a masterpiece

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>"Ill wait for you at the finish line..."
>Joke music pause
>"Well that went well!"

If Sup Forums spent months trying to come up with the dumbest fucking record scratch joke possible for this movie, you honest to god couldn't come up with something that bad.

That’s fucking amazing

Were they in the trailer OP posted? The Iron Giant was the only mecha that jumped out at me.

>I loved the book
I feel you mate
>and it is a masterpiece
Let's not get ahead of reality user

A Gundam was in another trailer.


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Only ones we've seen for sure in trailers are Gundam and The Iron Giant

A *lot* more are mentioned in the book

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Spielberg never made a bad sci-fi movie. This is why I have some hope

I'd read a book that makes odd but deeply perceptive connections between Toys R Us closing all 30,000 stores this month, and Ready Player One flopping at the box office. The notion of young American males playing is being politicized as "backward," while female play is now basically like being drafted into the army of a progressive utopia, with IDF stylings. And whoever and whatever is behind this paradigm shift, we all know it's working, it's successful. If you showed two boys wrestling in the grass in a real estate commercial, most millennials would think "hmm, problematic, why not girls?" on a subconscious level.

The marketing for RP1 is conspiratorially awful. Trailers are like CGI bukkake, like scattershot IP bait for idiots to point and cling to. Instead of playing up the nightlight awe of early Spielberg, then revealing a thrilling Willy Wonk trip into vidya modernity. Not sure how to even feel about The Shining sequence, except exhausted, defeated by movies as geek site slop.

Hook meets Minority Report, no thanks.

Sorry but I will always call it like that. I have a very shit life and I would do anything to have such a technology to escape from it.

This reads like the type of crap that I'd write as a ten year old for homework short stories.

Read a better VR-centric story like Snow Crash or the Sprawl Trilogy

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>and of course, Kevin Smith

LITTY Warner Bros vs SHITTY DisneyMoms

>Snow Crash
I'll wait for the TV show available soon on Amazon Prime™

>actually looks kinda okay

No it looks like garbage, and that's when they're lying their best to get asses in seats because it's not getting a good response.


>tfw we’ll never get Ruby Rose as Molly Millions

Spielbergo has never made a film as bad as the best MCU film you fucking DisneyMom

Would it be illegal to hire women whose boobs you'd feel and examine, so you can tweak the VR touch experience?

Good, she's fucking awful

Eh, there's someone perfect in every generation

Carrie-Anne Moss played Molly in all but name in The Matrix a generation ago and I've never seen anyone fault her performance

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>unironically calling the book a "masterpiece"
>anyone who is an outsider or who isn't a normie is automatically "a literal robot from /r9k/"
You need to go back.

>I still mantain that opinion that Spielberg is considered good because of his holocaust movie
You can hold that opinion if you enjoy being wrong.

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why do you keep mentioning disney?


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no. u

She did the "unfeeling, murderous professional" thing well already though

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but what does disney have to do with spielberg and his mixed record in recent times?
in fact one of his shitty recent movies (the bfg) was produced by disney
are you autistic or something?

>Idris Elba

This is the closest thing we'll get to seeing an Eva on the silver screen.

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Ryan Coogler?

Based Electrolemon

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looks like a fun flick, will download it

>I loved the book and it is a masterpiece
Thanks for letting me know up front that you're a moron

I love that it only gets better with time, since trailer houses still haven't cottoned onto the fact that most people don't care much for trailers that are all borderline identical

>Miles Teller


unironically this

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ALWAYS get me hyped.
Fucking hell

Is that the actual book? Fuck, I don't want to read it anymore.

That's not even The Excerpt

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How come everyone on this board hates the book but clearly they have read the entire thing ?

It's not exactly a tough read.

wow this applies to infinity war trailer perfectly

It's just a really long list of things from the 80s with a rant about how awesome jacking off is in the middle

because we're not autistic Sup Forumsirgins like you who hate things without actually experiencing it