I don't get it. which one was more important and more powerful in elvish society? who answered to who?

i don't get it. which one was more important and more powerful in elvish society? who answered to who?

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Galadriel is the most powerful being next to Sauron in Middle-Earth.

In terms of “power”, Galadriel was much more powerful than practically anyone save the maiar and Sauron in middle earth by the end of the third age. Not only is she a firstborn elf, but she is also a ringbearer. As the only firstborn elf remaining outside of Valinor, she in technicality holds the most authority of any elf in middle earth. But Imladris operates basically as an independent single state of its own, one house with Elrond as its master. Imladris and Lothlorien are two separate entities and as such neither Elrond nor Galadriel would answer to one another.

> stronger than gandalf and saruman
> doesnt join the fellowship get the ring to its final destination
what a retarded lore. thank god the movie didnt have that bombadil faggot

could Gandalf give Elrond a wet willy

The Elvenking.

We both know there would have been way too much sexual tension had there been a female as a part of the fellowship.

there is literally an scene where they tell you that having the ring near to her is a terrible idea.
another dark lord but in female form and all those things.

I'd say nominally and overall it's Galadriel, but Elrond would probably have a greater impact on the average elf's life such as his tax policies.

Is there any fag that could resist the ring?

Can any of these dumb threads NOT be answered by simply saying:
"Read the fucking books".

Rivendel =\= lothlorien

Hurrr durr who's the in charge out of putin and xi jingping. Different countries fool

Hobbits had the highest resistance to it

galadriel is more important and more powerful in tolkiens universe. if you are just talking lotr they are probably of equal importance but galadriel is still more powerful, except for sauron, gandalf the white and maybe the wk if sauron is powerful enough she is going to btfo everyone in middle earth.
politically they dont really answer to each other but work closely.

I wish Galadriel was my mom.

outside of the hobbits only faramir really does it. all the other characters never really get close enough to the ring or have it in their power.

that doesnt mean she should stay away from all the giant fucking fights that had elves in them anyway
if she's sauron-tier why the fuck isnt she attacking isengard
this is bullshit

She was like fifty thousand years older than him.

Elrod Hubbard was slightly less powerful and could only lift above his head a mere 14 tons.

Ultimately, no. A decent amount who are somewhat resistant though

Those things are just worldly matters to her. She can't even be bothered, she doesn't give a fuck about the world. She can just leave middle earth like all the other elves when shit hits then fan.

there are huge battles not seen in the movies.
she and the dwarves hold all the north together with their little armies against thousands of men of the east.

a fuckton of powerful elves fought evil in the past and never truly defeated it

at this point they'd basically given up and just wanted to leave middle-earth

Galadriel is probably the most powerful non-divine being after all the Maia.

Otherwise, Gandalf the White at one point says he is "more dangerous than anything you will ever meet, unless you are brought alive before the seat of the Dark Lord." so unless Gandalf was just bluffing, this would make him the next more powerful being after Sauron.

You quite literally are spoon fed the information that she would be unable to resist the temptation of the ring and you watch her grow corrupted almost immediately before your eyes.

If Galadriel leaves Lothlorien, it will start to die. She's also not a fighter. Sauron is. If he bests her, the elven kingdoms will wither away immediately. They can't risk that

It's debatable if Gandalf had his true power or not. Manwe is a cunt like that.

The weaker you are, the more resistance to the ring you have. As a general rule of thumb at least.

True, although him being on practically even ground with the balrog does indicate that he may, as both are maiar.

so you're saying that she's willing to let the entire middle earth go to shit to stay in lothlorien
i really hope someone makes maleficent-style movie about how Sauron was actually the good guy, like in that russian book. Frodo has the worst fucking scum as allies

Sure, but balrogs were basically shit tier maiar. Even they had power levels, kinda how Sauron is pretty much one of the strongest.

Elrond was Gil Galad's successor as the king of the noldor, but there weren't enough left after the last alliance so he filled the role of loremaster. Galadriel was in charge of Lorien with her cuck. Based Cirdan was the lord of the grey havens, and the Kingdom of Doriath in exile was in mirkwood and was in charge of all the sylvan elves.
They all pretty much maintained their own enclaves and left the others well enough alone, though Elrond and Galadriel were both on the white council while Cirdan maintained his position of hanging out with Ulmo and not getting involved in middle earth faggotry.

Samwise Gamgee.

What was the deal with this guy? Why didn't he help out in LOTR?

>that doesnt mean she should stay away from all the giant fucking fights that had elves in them anyway
While Gondor was getting wrecked even greater armies were descending on Erebor and Lorien, seeking to burn the west down to the ground while the legitimate threat was bottled up in gondor.

He sent his son legolegs to the council.
Meanwhile they dealt with Dol Guldur in mirkwood and provided aid to Dale and Erebor.


how much more complicated is the book compared to the movies? so many extra fights and characters and shit

Tom Bombadil

That stuff is almost entirely in the appendices. It's not like ASOIAF where they follow everything happening everywhere.

Galadriel is Elrond's mother-in-law.

I had thought Sauron was a low low tier Valar? Read that somewhere in Tolkien’s unfinished works on Morgoth

sauron is among the highest tier of maia when he turns to morgoth. he then gets more powerful which should make him comparable in powerlevel to a low tier valar. in rank he is still a maia.

Mirkwood Elves are podunk hillbilly innawoods hick Elves, their king was not a bigshot, not nearly so much as either Elrond or Galadriel, the latter of whom is royalty in her own right, and much more so than Legolas' father.

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Could tom bombadil defeat galadriel?

he preferred to give legolas wet willies

Tom Bombadil, because he is God.

I think your all forgetting women in middle earth in the books tend to act like women and not like tauriel the assassins creed character insert into the hobbit abortions

Honestly, Sam would have the highest chance.
The ring literally didn't know what to do when Sam possessed it in the book.


What about bombadil?

Tom Bombadil doesn't give a fuck about the ring

Galadriel is probably more powerful than a bunch of Maiar, who are waaaay waaaaaaaaay overrated.
Sure, one of them (Enowe i think) is said to be the best fighter ever, Gandalf is the wisest person on the planet and Saruman was legit dangerous as fuck, he achieved arguably the most during LotR. He was like Sauron on steroids really. But whatever, most of the other Maiar were highly autistic, especially when it came to nature.
Radagast turned into a useless piece of shit because he became addicted to trees, IIRC there were Maiar that turned into Ferdinan the Bull and just sat in gardens smelling flowers. They may have had the potential to become very powerful beings, but most of them did not live up to that potential.

The most accurate depiction we have of Maiar powerlevels are the Balrogs, which i take as their ultimate form or something - immensly strong, durable as fuck and you couldnt wrastle them because they were literally fire. Yet a bunch of Elves (mostly noldor) 1vs1 them and won. Galadriel was on that level, i think she was the best at sports back in Valinor or whatever the fuck too.

>In terms of “power”, Galadriel was much more powerful than practically anyone save the maiar and Sauron in middle earth by the end of the third age
I'd say Gandalf and Saruman were ahead of her. Gandalf the Grey was arguably less powered, but not Gandalf the white. Saruman i say because he did so fucking much from the time he turned till the Ents fucked him over its not even funny. Saruman is the most underrated villain in LotR.

>Creates a breed of orc that is superior to the ones Melkor made
>makes his own ring of power, its shitty af, but whatever
>is able to command a giant army of orcs even though Saruon is around
>Hypnotizes Theoden before the clock is even invented
>Is able to deduce who aragorn is by the description of a ring
>Is able to create storms that shoots lightening with accuracy
>Invents gunpowder
>Invents kamikaze orcs

lol Gandalf is way more powerful especially as white just like in real life

The weaker you are the less interest the ring would have in you also.

But its weird, because Elrond has nothing but disgust for the ring. He's a pretty impressive dude, his father kills Dagrons and doesnt afraid of anything. aragorn could give two shits about the ring other than getting it melted. Gandalf is terrified from it, Galadriel is intrigued by it, but knows it would be a poor choice.

Boromir is the only good guy who cant shake it. He wasnt a weak person and he wasnt a bad person. So why did he turn so fucking Beta when it came to the ring? Was it his paladin like obligation to protect Gondor and the brainwashing Denethor had given him? Maybe that made him weak enough and the ring singled him out in the fellowship. I dunno, its weird how it was i reckon.

boromir is the most desperate about the situation and has the least amount of knowledge about the ring. all the others know about the corruption and try to stay away from the ring while he still thinks of using it.


>he ring literally didn't know what to do when Sam possessed it in the book.
Elaborate please.

This desu, her husband defended lothlorien and destroyed dol guldur though

aragorn turns it down, faramir lets it loose, it actually begins to control sam but he was too loyal and retarded so he gave it back.

He can defeat anyone.

Is right
Is wrong as fuck.

If you've read the Silmarillion you'd know that Sauron is an abject failure at almost every endeavour.
The only thing he has are marginal victories.

and there is no such thing is a low tier valar. The valar are admins and the maiar are mods.

In terms of feats, Sauron has nothing. Its his fucking ring and thats it. Ossë raised a fucking island. Saruman, even though gimped in human form and forced to wave a wand to use a fraction of his powers did more impressive shit. He made better Orcs than Sauron, and he invented gun powder.

sauron essentially fucked numenor by himself and also was morgoths second in command.

>He's a pretty impressive dude

Literally Isildur's bitch.

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>Who is Bombadil
>Who is Gandalf the Maia
>What are the Balrogs
Galadriel is just an OG Noldorian , there are small time gods in Middle Earth

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Non-existent in the versions of LOTR relevant to Sup Forums.

>Non-existent in the versions of LOTR relevant to Sup Forums.
So Sup Forums headcannon?

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>sauron essentially fucked numenor by himself
>and also was morgoths second in command.
Yes and no.

Sauron overplayed his hand with the Numenor debacle. He did the only thing he's ever been great at, manipulating people while disguised as a twink. Then he made the dude's go to Valinor to reeeee about immortality. Eru didnt like it and hit Delete. and thats when Sauron realizes he's fucked up because Eru decides to sink the entire island, and Sauron is on it. Thats when he stands atop a tower and deflects lightening and shit. I think there is a pretty sweet quote about people thinking he was a god at that time.

as for second in command, i'd lend that to his analytical (autism) skills. Because Morgoth was equal in rank. Sauron was keen on order and controll. Every time he tried to fight he either lost or nearly lost.
Sauron, in my estimation was a bureaucrat.

That’s how powerful Tom Bombadil is, he’s always relevant,

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>le try his hardest to find an inconsistency poster

When you are as OP and as autistic as Bombadil, you just don't care. Gandalf himself said that was a waste of time to talk with Tom, because he simply can't understand the problem. Tom didn't understand the power of the Ring. Tom PLAYED with the One Ring!!!

Tom is a neutral being, he's not ally of the free people, so he wasn't going to take a side during the first war. He's literally THAT kid who just says he's invincible and plays by himself in the corner.

Neither. She was, however, one of the last of the Elves which saw the light of the two trees, and she came from Valinor. She was immensely respected and vastly old. Her magic was taught to her by one of the Maiar, a queen who taught her how to make the bread and ward the forest against trespassers. However, her foresight was a gift to her from birth. She was senior to him. Although they did not rule one another. They did not need to, they were intensely aware of the Valar and Eru's existence. It would also be worth mentioning that they cannot, really, be 'criminals' as a man could. Man was uniquely blessed by Eru Iluvatar with free will. Elves were so in turn with nature that the song of creation drove their actions indirectly.

>there are small time gods in Middle Earth
No, there arent.
Maiar arent Gods. They're angelic. They only have the power granted by god(s).
Evident by the Istari who were turned into mortal men when they came to middle earth.
The staffs are never really explained, but its fairly clear that they were an integral part of channeling what power they had through them.
and by being trapped in mortal flesh, the maiar once killed had to return to valinor or roam around like an impotent invisible spirit.

So no, the Maiar were not Gods, much less so the Wizards.

Balrogs were no more gods than Maiar. The inverse of angelic would be demonic. So they were demons. and while a unleashed balrog in the 3rd age would probably mean armageddon, in the 1st age the Noldor had literal randoms who could 1vs1 them.

Just proves women are lazy

Why didn't Galadriel just give Feanor strands of her bush?

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I kind of love that you guys have arguments about the deep LotR lore on the regular.

Nobody tell OP about Cirdan the shipwright or he'll get even more confused.

he had a vision of him being the dictator of a world made entirely of comfy hobbit farms if im not wrong.

Its just fuckin trees does her pussy queef fertilizer when she walks?


Her poopies are very fertile and magical.

>Maiar aren't God's
>Exist beyond the realm of Illuvatar and become lords of different aspects of Illuvatar's creations as apprentices of different Ainur
No, so much no.

Sauron was literally fighting white male patriarchy with intersectional politics.

And his army of dindu mulattos were defeated in the end

Elves don't have pubes my man.

What the fuck was tom bombadil?

>No, so much no.
Soy, so much soy.

Name 2 godlike feats made by Maiar. I'll wait.

The bad guys won.

He was a retarded Maiar.
Gandalf only feared the ring because he was trapped in an actual physical body. Tom was not, Tom was just an avatar. Regular maiar doesnt have to fear the ring.

There is a fun fact people forget. The Istari got nearly mindwhiped before heading to Middle Earth, and their 2000 years fucking about hasnt made them any closer to what they used to be. They're not "Maiar" anymore. Gandalf the white is, but before he was sent back they're not.

How about being assigned mastery over different aspects of the Ainur's life and different Maiar were worshipped as God's? Uinen was worshiped by the Numenoreans for example

he was earth manifest

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I mean Sauron is an actual small time god so there is one.

>ywn see the cut of the film where the entire fellowship creampies Galadriel every night as they make their way to Mount Doom

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The Istari are the Maia I was referring to

He was Eru fucking around

>Sauron isn't easily the most powerful being in ME at the time of LOTR
this fucking thread

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Who would win in a fight, the Witch King or Shelob?

this. Whiteness in LOTR equates power and closeness to Eru

Shelob, of course

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Why didn't tom bombadill just bomb the ring?

why are people even debating LotR powerlevels at all. it's fucking retarded, everyone is a proxy for a demigod and bound by retarded rules limiting their strength.
>ackshually Gandolf was liek Jesus but he couldn't use his powah

this is all nonsense.

>gandalf is super powerful and blablablabla
>all he does is like cast some shitty flashlight from the skies and call some retarded eagles through whatsapp

wow so powerful