How did they get away with it?

How did they get away with it?

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What's wrong with it?

>Pinocchio is made of wood and not human flesh
does Gisnep's just not care about continuity?

The beast is still a beast and Genie still has his chains too.

Why does Jasmine look into it?

that's there's always gonna be an ugly nigga in the family

Get away with what, retard?

Also despite the fact I personally love this movie, kid-me was disappointed that the teasers weren't even remotely the plot (with a trickster asshole alien going to different Disney worlds). I thought that concept was pretty GOAT at the time, I still would watch that movie. Does anyone remember those teasers? All of them?

I’m the teaser trailers, Stitch pulls up in a space car during their magic carpet ride and cucks Aladdin

Just realized the Beauty showed great cleavage

She looks aroused.

BASED Stitch


what did she mean by this?

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How did they get away with this?

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there's a FREAKSHOW in every family

Aladin looks ready to Jihad some infidels

why does Jasmine look turned on?


Are Hawaiians aliens? Look at those faces... What if they are the real aliens all along?

As I recall there were people that complained about how anatomically-correct the characters were drawn. (i.e., triggered by butt clefts)

She's presenting her anus to him

Sanders draws a shit ton of lewds

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>yfw you miss when theaters were called "cinemas" and going on a weekend was an event for the family.

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Is she flipping him off?

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>the whole family piling into the car on a friday night
>gotta go quick before the movies go back into the Disney Vault
>dad runs with you and your sibs to the candy isle while mom goes to get the movie
>no one can decide what to get so dad just throws one of everything into the basket
>everyone squeezed onto the couch under a big blanket
>wake up in practically the same spot the next morning and watch the movie again
>watch it again with lunch
>watch it again that night
what happened?

She is a whore, didn't you play Princess Trainer?