Blue Zoe best Zoe!

Blue Zoe best Zoe!

Attached: tugging.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

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why the fuck is not on 4k


Attached: Neytiri_4026.jpg (1920x1080, 190K)

i like that they gave them nippels

Fuck off

Gotta give them credit. 90% of the effects still completely hold up, which is saying something for an almost decade old completely CGI movie. Newer movies with bigger budgets like Avengers 2 and Pirates 5 and Justice League already look like dogshit.

She's so cute!
>you'll never kiss those lips or her nose
>you'll never nibble on her ear
>you'll never kiss her neck

yeah, because there's too much carbon dioxide in Pandora's atmosphere for humans to tolerate without a breathing mask

Could a na'vi breathe on Earth? They never specify the oxygen amount, but the Pandoran atmosphere has 18% carbon dioxide and 5% xenon.

you can quickly take it off and kiss her and then take it on again

Attached: kissu.webm (1280x720, 2.13M)
Yellow's better.
>practically flat
>GotG and JayJayTrek always dress her in ugly clothes trying to trick you into thinking that she got tittays
They should embrace the flat. Gimme real milkies or give me the wash board. Fake or what's worse, padded clothes should not be allowed.

oh wow crystalsong forest looks great there

Attached: 1.jpg (1366x768, 307K)

That film is so fucking ugly

well they are technically huge for humans

Attached: Neytiri_3965.jpg (1920x1080, 245K)

t. bad taste

Can't wait to see more Neytiri in A2, mang. Just look at that cute haircut.

she has beautiful hair

Attached: icranrider.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>walkinnnng throoo a dreeem
>I seeeeee you

Attached: walkingthroughadream.png (1054x526, 137K)

>when you miss the countdown thread but based ney poster makes his one

Attached: beautiful.png (307x286, 118K)

Attached: L5bOZ.jpg (1920x1080, 300K)

Needs fedora shopped on and probably a glass of wine and a cigar. Not quite euphoric and enlightened enough otherwise.

or you could, you know, go to a cosplay convention with a hand full of hundred dollar bills.

but I can't find any 3 meter tall blue women at conventions

i missed it too, but it's always nice to see Neytiri

Attached: hornytiri.webm (1280x720, 1.04M)

I watched this a few weekends ago, and I get it. I get why based Avatar poster is counting down.

How big are Navi cocks?


Neytiri... late to the countdown thread but still able to be posted in another based avatar thread?

Attached: cm_ney - Copy.png (1081x1867, 3.89M)

>tfw got existential crisis after watching first time