Just came back from showing of the norwegian movie Utoya. Any questions?

Just came back from showing of the norwegian movie Utoya. Any questions?

Attached: Utøya.jpg (1024x615, 120K)

Who plays Fjotolf?

Is it good? Should I pirate It?

No idea. We only see him briefly, like a silhouette far away a couple of times.

It was intense at times. Quasi-one-take, no music etc. Reminded me of United 93. Just came out in Norway, so no torrent

Is it pro immigration propaganda?

It's just kids running for their lifes. Some text after about right wing-extremists, but at least I gave you the trigger warning now

Do you think the guys on the boat who gave him a ride over there feel any responsibility for basically allowing the massacre to take place?

Well, this is just my opinion, and has nothing to do with the movie, but the responsibility lays with the shooter alone. Then it's probably normal to feel responsible in situations like this. "Was it my fault?" We see kids hiding among the rocks refusing to let room for others, and I can imagine they feel responsible when they see others get shot.

Is it anything like Space Jam?


So, yes. Do they c'mon and slam? And welcome to the jam?

any noods?

>guy shows up in a wetsuit and heavily armed
>dude, I'm a cop let me over there

I don't know if that's the way people automatically think in a situation like that but I know if that was me I'd probably never be able to live with myself after not thinking to question him.

I know there was kids who swam into open water and some wouldn't follow them and got gunned down on the beach, but the kids that got away couldn't do anything about that if the others didn't want to get cold.

>Any questions?

Did it have a kill counter with the Mario coin SFX in the corner?

Attached: Breivik Scores II.png (750x500, 637K)

:* :*

Nah. But you're not allowed to watch that in burgerland anyway.

For all the boat driver knows he's a cop going over there to stop a terrorist, who he might already know is active from hearing of the bombing. If he had told Anders to fuck off he'd probably just have shot him and took the boat or gone and got another one anyway.

Good point. Really don't know how the people in the boat thought after, but it was a lot of confusion after the bomb went of. Some people are conditioned to follow the authoroty/police no mattter how strange they may appeare. But really don't know

was getting caught part of his plan?

The boat driver was in on it

How many burzum songs can be heard blasting from Breivik's tactical headphones?

He said that he was sure they police would execute him on the spot, but who knows.

We hardly see him and there is no non-diegetic music either.

Based norwegians bringing the cunt in for justice to be served.

Bummer your prisons are like hotels. Too cozy for a neanderthal like breivik.

Even with all that bomb stuff going on its a little suspect for a lone guy to show up on foot with no identification or even piece of clothing with the word "Police" on it.

I don't think he would have known how to operate the boat and he wasn't a typical shooter and wanted to kill those kids on the island to send a message, what good would gunning down a bunch of nobodies in the surrounding town?

I was kidding but thanks for answering.

So they made it as tasteful as possible but in my opinion it's still too early.

By far the worst movie I saw at this year's Berlinale.


The Norwegian justice system is a joke. Some inventory guy is on trial for murdering a Swedish reporter and the article I read said if he's found guilty he'll get a life sentence, which it says is 10-15 years... not much of a life

It says a lot about Norway when people trusted him so easily. It nevef crossed their mind that a maniac would just go to an island full of kids and start murdering them. That shit just doesnt happen there.

>for a neanderthal like breivik.

I'm never sure how to parse stuff like this. "Big meanie poopoo head"? He's the most successful mass murderer we know of precisely because he had a plan and executed it. Even though half of it went to shit (the bomb wasn't as effective as intended) he killed the most people in a spree kill ever.

On the other hand if you're just trying to whine about brutality he's not even on the map of worst offenders. There are african warlords like General Buck Naked who were given sanctuary in the west (because they'd RIGHTFULLY get murdered if they get sent back), who openly brag about the amount of men, women and children they personally slaughtered. Who led war bands in modern times, full of child soldiers, that brutally raped and murdered entire villages.

Of course if you call that man a neanderthal in the UK you'll be jailed for hatespeech against a black man.

Yeha, one of the good things that was done. We followed our rules of law to the point.

Pretty sure you're thinking of the danish inventor.

That's the debate here too, if it's to early.

The system is based on rehabilitation instead of pure revenge and punishment. And it works. Burgerland, african etc. prison justice systems on the other hand....

Ironically enough they call them "correctional facilities"

>And it works

And just coincidentally the people it works on are white.

> Burgerland, african etc. prison justice systems on the other hand

Did you know if you just look at white crime data the US doesn't have more crime than Europe? Hmm.