Torture porn

Do you like torture porn, Sup Forums? I do. What's the best torture porn kino that isn't Hostel or any of the Saws?

Attached: 42-CORRECT-SIZE-Saw.jpg (600x300, 33K)

there are so many that finding 'best' is impossible.
i liked "i spit on your grave" remakes, they were creative. that guy hanging above lye or feces infection from sequel were pretty wicked

Martyrs, Human Centipede, Serbian Film

Nah, always feels like cheap shit catering to pleb gorehounds (same thing amirite?)

Nah, torture doesn't excite me. And I absolutely detest screaming in any film. Gives me the willies.

The New Brutality was the best thing to come out of cinema in the 2000's

>Watching saw when you could be browsing Sup Forums, /gif/, Liveleak, or any gore website ever.
Why are you such a casual faggot user?

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Or /R9K/ as of lately

Because I'm a medfag who sees Liveleak gore shit all the time anyway but I can't witness something like a Saw trap irl.

Not much of a fan of torture porn, but the saw flicks are absolute thriller kino. Not every entry is good, but the whole series is highly entertaining and jigsaw is a great slasher villain.

sometimes it's not about gore, but cruelity and creativity
i like movies where victim is challenged

Check out the "Brazil" and "prison" tags then.

I work in a country that's just as bad as Brazil and I had a guy who was burned alive in prison literally 2 weeks ago (he died).

call me a soyboy but I hate liveleak for giving people access to gore videos and deaths
like something about it just isn't right. I don't understand how people can post gore webms here and joke about it. I understand people having access to things but don't you feel perturbed by it?

I'd rather have some psycho jacking it to liveleak every day until he gets desensitized than him going out and actually doing that shit to people because he can't find an outlet.

why should you give a flying shit about what videos other people watch? are you catholic?

death was kind of "entertainment" since ancient times, today we watch liveleak shit, but 2000 years ago people where coming to great amhitheaters to watch gladiators fighting
several centuries ago, public executions were also kind of show,
technology has changed, but it's all the same for ages

>several centuries ago
Try again.
>2000 years ago
They've been around way longer than that.

Attached: tp-composite-public-execution.jpg (750x500, 93K)

In Africa they still have 5 year olds casually watching criminals being burned and shit.

Cannibal Holocaust is good just for the shock value

>I don't understand how people can post gore webms here and joke about it
Joking about it is actually a natural human reaction to seeing horrible death. It relives tension for some people.


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Kind of? Also, first Saw is the best torture porn. If you're going for shock watch Martyrs.

When I was an edgy teen it used to interest me but now I can't stand it.

The Collector is pretty good. Havn't seen the sequel yet.

Hostel and Saw look really tame in comparison to something like A Serbian Film or August Underground. That being said, Martyrs is the only good torture porn.

Guinea Pig.

Im always surprised that shit is legal. Regardless i always avoid people that watch that shit for entertainment. Cant trust freaks like that.

The posting of it i mean, of course the acts being depicted are illegal.

Martyrs is pretty good as far as torture porn goes.

I never watch the hostel/saw movies I don't like movies that are way too gorey just for the sake of it. Like why would I wanna watch that shit lol

Martyrs was a really really good movie though. I like the The Raid: Redemption and The Raid 2 but even those are a little too much for my taste personally

>I hate liveleak for giving people access to gore videos and deaths
human suffering is just reality. don't shoot the messenger.

Saw is kino but for the ideas of the traps
there should actually be less gore to have more characters survive

>Human suffering is a reality
Is that the reality, or is it people having no remorse over hurting one another?

both are. what are you, 12?

you watch videos of people dying online for kicks and you're calling him a kid?

>you watch videos of people dying online for kicks
where did i say or imply that? i don't. not that it matters.

>not that it matters
it does matter. it warps people.

when its not the 5 year old being burned thats it

Anyone else seen this?

Attached: butcher.jpg (1059x1500, 401K)

My wife grew up watching retarded shit like this masturbating to it like it was literally porn, now she's into fucked up femdom shit where we roleplay she's a serial killer torturing me with needles and torture methods I didn't even know existed.

Thanks jewlywood.

The point was that it doesn't have to be dummy

Came here to say it.

You are a soyboy. You are being sheltertered from reality. Up until relatively recently seeing people gored and executed was not a rare occurence

>Cant trust freaks like that
In college we had this guy who constantly had his hood up and extremely long hair who never spoke and just spent all lesson watching liveleak until that was suspended then went on to watch Youtube videos of people getting gored by Rhinos.

Everyone including the teachers made fun of him before he got kicked out of uni for never doing any work

gib insane gf

passion of the christ

yeah and people back then also thought bleeding cured illnesses and mercury was good for you

What are some good horror movies where a brunette girl with glasses gets it bad?