Wind River

Damn this was great. Characters to actually care for and the last scenes were crazy.

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Liz Olsen can sit on my face any day of the week

i didn't care much

yes, thx to anons who recommended it
that actress is great

Aren't you worried she might poo in your mouth?

The director also wrote Sicario and Hell or High Water. Haven't seen Hell or High Water but I'm going to check that out.


This movie was so lame, I don't get what's wrong with you people.

Hell or High Water was easily best film in 2016. Wind River is top 3 of 2018.
Based Taylor

>Hell or High Water was easily best film in 2016
You're fucking nuts

I just saw that Ben Foster was in it and decided right then just to watch it

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Unironically no.

OH my where do I begin? It's just a disappointment really.
Beautiful film, great acting, pacing, intense action scenes, nice symbolism but ended up feeling like a shitty PSA.
I hate to make it about race but this movie was straight up propaganda. It's so blatantly obvious what it was trying to portray.
So somehow this native woman, who just so happens to be a perfect ideal of a person (beautiful, smart, driven, funny, literally no flaws) gets raped and murdered on the native reserve by a bunch of greasy WHITE guys working on a drilling rig (literally raping the land, like, come on). Then the movie hits you with the whole "hundreds of aboriginal women go missing every year" shlack implying it's white people's fault and they should feel bad. I actually laughed out loud at the last scene. In the real world there's not a fucking chance you'd have white guys working like that on a native reserve. The film just had to invent some unlikely scenario so that it didn't have to show what actually happens. Yes, it's a real problem that hundreds of aboriginal women go missing every year but I assure you it's not white peoples fault. It's the deadbeat boyfriends and alcoholic chiefs that beat their wives daily and get away with it because they cry racism if a cop steps on their land. All the while the government shovels pity money at them and hopes their problems go away.

I'm sick of this. Why do so many great films today have to ruined by political agendas? when will it end?

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What was better? HoHW is in my top 10 all time

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I’m genuinely surprised people liked Wind River so much. Seemed pretty convential and uninteresting. Renner seemed flat and without any range as usual. Dialogue felt like what a movie screenwriter would say, not some working class folks on the Great Plains. I just had zero emotional investment in the characters or the plot. Good movies make you forget you’re watching a film. Wind River never came close for me.

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I wish you psychos could just enjoy a fucking movie

>film is about 2 opposing cultures coming together because the world has left them behind
>Sup Forums posters think it's Hollywood out to get them

I enjoyed the movie. Actually it was a pleasure to watch. But imagine how much better it would have been if they didn't invent an unlikely "white-guilt" plot and actually told an honest story about the real world problem.

>Conventional is bad
It was well shot, good pacing, beautifully stark landscapes, and the standoff scene was flawless

It's interesting that you (and I'm sure others) say it's conventional, when Taylor Sheridan got an award at Cannes for best director of 'unconventional' films.

>Renner seemed flat and without any range as usual

Did you even watch the movie? The man showed genuine acting prowess.

>not some working class folks on the Great Plains.
What were you expecting, more colloquialisms? More grunting?


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What was the purpose of this scene

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To show that Renner wanted to fuck his daughter.

You got a point. My respect.

I was actually really glad they didnt throw in some contrived love scene between the two

that would have been really awkward since she's supposed to remind him of his own daughter.

No the dead prairie nigger is supposed to remind him of his own daughter. But i'm glad they didnt have him have sex with her corpse also. unnecessary

It had the same vibe as Sicario with an inexperienced female cop partnered with a male local cop that's world weary of the area.

She sucked 37 dicks in the snow
Now that's a warrior

my one complaint is how Renner dragged the unconscious rapist up to the tallest peak in Wyoming despite how integral to the plotline it was that heavy exercise and breathing heavily in extreme could would perforate your lungs

I think he used the snow mobile

He was a warrior

snowmobile was nowhere to be seen, plus he chased him uphill by foot to begin with

to make me chum in my pants

whats more likely? he climbed the highest peak with 180 pounds of dead weight on him? or he tied the guy up and walked 200 feet to get his snowmobile lol. come on man

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she's a slut

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I was bothered by that too

Does Sup Forums churn out brainlets or are brainlets lured to Sup Forums?
Will we ever truly know?

Great scene

It's guaranteed replies

I hate Sup Forums but he's not wrong about it being a lame PSA about how the white men literally raped the Indians.

I don't even browse Sup Forums. I'm just not blind to propaganda in movies. How about instead of spewing le brainlet meme you actually tell me how what I said was wrong. I thinks it's genuine criticism of the film. I think they missed a golden opportunity to actually talk about a real issue.

Armond White hated this film.

BASED black man!

it wasn't night you fucktard.

I could finally die a happy man then

sheridan likes writing about injuns. his next moving picture film is injun related too.

>Renner seemed flat as usual

Kek at your acting "perception". What a joke

It's a great film and I liked the ending shootout but I honestly couldn't believe 6 guys on a oil pipeline were gonna try and murder 5 cops and a fed to cover up their crimes. An actual cover up and frame job would've been more beliveable but that would make the film drag.

The rapist died after running a quarter mile in broad daylight at full sprint ya dummy

I thought it was more ridiculous that the cops would continue on with investigating the next trailer after such a tense standoff and obviously suspicious behavior with the guards still armed

Considering how isolated they were, considering how just six officers + the FBI Agent and Cory were in charge of a tract of land the side of Rhode Island, and considering how they fairly easily could hide Matt's body (if not Cory's daughter also) (inb4 why didn't they dig a hole, the ground is frozen solid at that time of year), and considering how crazen and alone they were, it was completely within reason

Everyone involved pretty much knew there was no way out of a shootout at that point. At least the officers had the hope of getting Pete since it was a guarantee that he was the most likely suspect, though the rig crew pretty much knew they were going to die in a hail of bullets once their cover was blown

The cops going missing sure but a fed? Nah brah that wpuld bring down a whole lotta heat

The rape scene was really well done
I'm not even try to sound edgy, but that scene and the mother's girl fucked me up

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Didn't expect that

I thought this was great except for the Punisher man parts. Couldn't we just imagine the rape scene?

because he got shot. turn your brain on when you point your eyeballs at your ipod nano, brain dead mutant. you have no business discussing moving pictures.

to show how unprepared olsen's character was for the area she was in


This film was more about the world having moved on and mourning lost (cultures, people, lifestyles, etc) than the white man raping the indians. You might have something of a point if literally every character in the movie wasn't white.

Hell or High Water is probably my favorite film of all time right now.

Do yourself a huge favor and watch it right now.

I took that bit specifically as more showing her as an outsider

True. It was also about those things, which I liked.

>if literally every character in the movie wasn't white

The only important white characters were Olsen and Renner's. Olsen's character was sent from out of state to investigate and Renner's was a local game tracker. basically an honorary Native since he knew them for a long time and had married one of them. It would've made more sense for them to have cast Renner's character as Native anyway but they probably wanted a white lead role.
What I'm saying is that there was no logical reason why every single contractor working on the rig was white unless it was for a political reason. They could've tied in into the native drug and gang violence on the reserve and it would've made more sense instead of shoehorning in a random white run drilling rig to conveniently be the bad guys


>there was no logical reason why every single contractor working on the rig was white unless it was for a political reason
or the fact that the vast majority of oil workers are white

>unless it was for a political reason
The political reason is that these companies usually bring in their own people and rarely employ the locals. That's been standard practice for a while now.

Why you flanking me bro

Maybe I'm completely wrong but I thought the whole point of a native reserve is to protect the land from industrial projects and make sure that doesn't happen. I admit, I don't know the specifics of the laws and yeah, I'm sure it happens from time to time. I'll give you that. but either way it still proves my point that it was shoehorned in, had nothing to do with the characters development or the plot, and it certainly doesn't make up for the countless missing native women that the film tries to make you believe it does.

Wind River was 2017, friend

They weren't even oil workers. They were security guys from a PMC hired to protect the rigs.

yeah you're right. admittedly it's been a few months since I watched it. IMDB has them listed as "contractors". Either way it doesn't change anything

I loved it. Shot on location, simple story, great writing, awesome acting. It even has the SJW angle if you're into that sort of thing.
Lots of native girls go missing at a hugely disproportionate rate.
Solid movie all around

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Is there a movie armond likes?

he's great

Those guys obviously weren't the thinking type.

>Luck don't live out here

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>It would've made more sense for them to have cast Renner's character as Native anyway but they probably wanted a white lead role.

Why? Didn't renners character grow up in the area? It's entirely plausible he married a native and slowly became accepted into the community since they knew him from birth.

i never understood why there was a set of snowmobile tracks leading away from the crack house to maskew summ's body
I thought the crack indians werent involved at all

The dialogue was cheesy as fuck. You can show native desperation and normal suffering from loss without very redundant speeches from the characters. The rest was good and I also enjoyed sicario and hell or high water more, both were superior to wind river

Hell or High Water is the best of the three. Great soundtrack too.

It's true

I agree. For some reason, villenue movies don't hold up as well in repeat viewings

this. I mean he literally lived on a reservation. If you want movies about your culture and people, how about making them yourself ;)

Is this pencil

>she ran muh 6 miles in muh snow without muh shoes

i sure am happy the movie made sure to remind me that she did in fact run 6 (SIX) miles in the snow without shoes (that means barefoot!) in every single fucking scene.

Agreed, it was a pleasant surprise
You've had way too much Kool-Aid if you can only see a nefarious agenda in this, not a single person in this movie was a saint

right? I walked into the theater totally blind, having missed one showing and was forced into the 10:40pm for Wind River when literally everyone else there was for IT. The ticket clerk almost laughed when I said "one for Wind River, please".
But really, I agree with you. Nobody else commenting has anything good to say about the dialogue, because it was completely stiff and seemed like something out of a TV movie. The scene with the mom cutting herself was kind of unintentionally funny to be honest, especially Olsen's reaction to it.
Also there's virtually no mystery. They follow up on like 2 leads and then get to the place where all the murderers are.
I will say I liked the movie though. It was really stark and had a great atmosphere, Elizabeth Olsen is a cute, and the ending had enough emotional weight to make up for the other 90% somewhat. The shootout was also cool.

>that butt shot


Best scene.

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Tension was great. Can't wait to see what the director's next project is.

It was pretty strange that no one cared that there was a massacre though. The aftermath of that shooting wasn't mentioned at all.