How do we fix it?

How do we fix it?

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Let it die and get rebooted by Disney in 17 years


You're going to get ban

cant be fixed anymore cancel it at season 30 and be done with it


I just torrented pic related.
Should I seed it?

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Should have ended after season 8, but since it hasn't. Needs to do a better job of being ahead of their time on pop culture stuff. Every episode I've seen lately has been left wing autism. Excellent animation improvement has actually taken away from the quality of the content. Don't personally think it can be fixed, or will be.

It will never return to its former glory unless they start listening to fan feedback.

Cancel it.

Don't feed the leechers

More seed and feed, less fuck and suck

Live action reboot.

Get retarded Homer back he's now intelligent for fuck sake.

Go back to being a kid and grow up in todays world. The only reason you don't like the show now is because it panders to kids growing up today almost like it did when you were growing up, which is why you like the old show so much more.

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No, it's not. Everyone can say that quality has major drop. Flash animation is inferior to hand-drawn. Almost half of each episode is about certain cultural reference. Yeah, it's not bad when one or two episodes have these references but when you build every episode about them they just turn into trash. They can't stand on its own.

>simpsons panders to kids growing up

Have you ever watched the simpsons?

like this

You can't

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Have you watched the old episodes? The whole show is cultural references just the old ones are about 90s culture, its just you don't like watching a kids show now that you aren't a kid. Its as simple as that

The best episodes (e.g., Lemon of Troy) are timeless and rely very little on 90s culture other than one-off jokes.

it's decent.
way better than the average zombie simpsons episode

I have the first 9 seasons on DVD so eat my shorts. Do you really not think that the show is made for kids? Its just in the 90s all kids shows had things in them for grown ups to get that would go over the kids head like alice in wonderland. They don't get away with those double meanings in kids shows anymore so they changed. Still doesn't change the fact its a cartoon made for kids


you can't make a show better almost 30 fucking seasons in
just let it die

End it. They've done every comic situation they can do and rely on social commentary now. It's been dead for a long time. Just fucking end it already.
Loook at this shit and say with straight face: "that's the same as older episodes"


It's certainly not made for kids, otherwise they wouldn't have included humour that can be enjoyed by all ages. You cannot believe episodes like Homer Badman are something from a kids show.

They had MJ on the show in the 90s when he was selling records, its almost like they jump on things that are popular. Its okay that you don't like it but kids today would, I mean Kesha has millions of views on her videos so some people like her and thats all they are doing. They also had Aerosmith and shit like that on the old episodes so don't play like they never did stuff like that

This makes me wish I was dead. Fuck this gay Earth

Serious question, have you ever seen 90s kids shows? Like Cow and Chicken or Ren and Stimpy would you argue they aren't kids show either?

>How do we fix it?

Bullet to the head.

>They had MJ on the show in the 90s
Except they didn't bring up his name (not even at credits). It was a satire, not a reference.

You're the only one claiming anything is a kids show here. Simpsons is a sitcom based on satirical reality and doesn't compare to absurdist shows where the mc is a dog or whatever.

One hour

Seriously, this show is dead. Next season needs to be the last. Even if they're raking in a little bit of money, they need to just have some respect for it and let it die naturally. Every voice actor is set for life, it will be remembered as a legendary cultural icon, and there's literally no need for it. Death is the answer.

Another possible solution would be reading the first letter of each sentence above

Whose idea was this? What made them think it was funny or entertaining? I want to understand what was going on in their head



Its a remake of the flintstones basically. Homer is just a new version of Fred and the family follows the same formula even the neighbors which was a kids cartoon show. I don't understand why this is upsetting you in the 90s kids shows could be enjoyed by adults also as I tried to explain

yea they should change Apu's voice and stop being racist

Based sneed poster



Why is the 'meme-that-shall-not-be-named' a meme, especially of its scale, and spiderpig isn't. spiderpig is way funnier and the orchestral version actually CHARTED in the uk. Suck on that you dementia-tier memers

>Pointing out your joke

This has been done in this thread already

>in the 90s kids shows could be enjoyed by adults also
Which isn't even your original point I was arguing. You were saying old simpsons "pandered" to kids and implying new simpsons was only bad because we aren't now kids being pandered to. This is wrong as old simpsons is enjoyable by all ages even if you haven't watched it before and new simpsons is simply just shit and full of actual flavor-of-the-month pandering.

_____'_ ____ ___ ____ (________ _____'_)

this nigga got too much time on his hands

Snimply based

I think the last piece of my soul just died. thanks user, one less thing to worry about
imagine the smells....



based, fuck the janitors

Okay that my bad I didn't explain it too well. All I was trying to say was in the 90s kids shows could also be enjoyed by adults with the hidden messages and over kids heads jokes but in todays culture that is no longer the case as kids shows don't have those double meaning anymore and are more just made for kids.

The show has changed to fit the time so todays shows seem way more childish and "flavor of the month pandering" because thats how all kids shows are now. If you were a kid today you wouldn't know any better and enjoy the show.

My main point was you and culture has changed more than the show and todays simpsons fits the culture just like the old simpsons fit the 90s culture.

do you know a single kid who likes the simpsons? I dont. Asked my nephews and nieces at ages 16, 14 and 12. Only the 16 year old had heard about it and he thought it was boring (had probably only seen some nu-simpsons episode after school)

No im in my 20s I don't talk to kids like that. But today also has things like netflix and millions of more shows for kids to watch so im not surprised. All those shows feel new while the simpsons just feels like they're parents show now. Just like how kids call certain music dad rock and use that as a reason not to like it im sure some kids feel that way about the simpsons now

>Fire entire current writing staff
>Stop having guest stars perform as themselves
>WAY less non sequitur humor
>Stop referencing current events
>Tell original heartwarming stories about an american family in the day to day

None of that will happen, just let it die.

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Daily reminder that the Elon Musk episode is worse than the Lady Gaga episode because Lady Gaga can actually annunciate Also this is the worst cameo

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Oh my god, Quimby's voice. Dan doesn't give a single fuck anymore.

Spiderpig was a meme for a while when the movie came out over a decade ago.

Fuck off

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Simpsons nihilistically exploits established dynamics. Circumventing hedonism using contrived kindness.

It's probably too deep for kids to understand.

lol! The first letters spell out IPTDFKTU!

avatarfagging is also a bannable offense.

Literally just make it a homely show about basic every day life problems for a suburban family again.

it was MJ playing a different character, not the usual "the Simpsons family casually meets a celebrity" schtick you see so frequently in the post-Golden Age episodes

You can't fix something that has to be art but was put on a conveyor belt.

So Mr Simpson, you admit Milhouse is a meme

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absolutely based

You dont. It's a nice reflection of america.

>2010 movie
>tik tok starts playing

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>people will actually look you straight in the eye with complete seriousness and tell you this is just as good as classic Simpsons

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You can't. Simpsons was very much of its time and relied heavily on the pop culture at the time. Nowadays pop culture is creatively bankrupt and just a bunch of shit about niggers. Hence you can't parody funny stuff anymore like alot of the earlier season did.

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Milhouse is not now nor has he ever been a meme