If the Wakandans are so advanced why did they act like a bunch of savages the entire movie?

If the Wakandans are so advanced why did they act like a bunch of savages the entire movie?

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>amazing healthcare
>mind their own business
>rational immigration policy
>technological wonderland
They can afford one or two backwards ways.

Why do Jews circumcise their kids?

To make the CIA agent look good. US State Department Pictures presents....

No future without roots.

1. That is the society demanded by capeshit plots.
2. Our real world state/society anywhere ain't so advanced from the movie
In this movie we saw:
tribal fed between tribes
Chieftan within a tribe
One tribe is assigned to border watch. One seems to be the military.

Except the duel, everything looks familiar in modern countries

if they didnt have backwards values t'challa wouldn't have gone through the dumb shit he did and there would be no movie

>developed country
>ruler is chosen in a 1-on-1 combat
niggers gonna nig

There’s nothing savage about tradition, a matter of fact it’s probably not a coincidence the West is turning into a shithole once we threw out Christianity and family values for video games and hookup culture

They also fought without guns lmao

It’s called actually having a culture. But I guess whites wouldn’t understand something like that.


I could ask myself the same everytime I see European football fans.

Same reason Amerifats are obsessed with guns, to the point they don't care about mass shootings happening every other day.

>this is the only thing blacks have going for them

t. person living in the most advanced country in human history that still ritually mutilates their baby sons genitals at birth and everyone defends it

Bc the whole thing is a condescending comic movie made by Jews. The fact blacks are proud of it for some reason is the saddest/funniest part

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it's black people, that's just how a lot of them are.
>once lived next to a black family
>parents are upstanding citizens providing a great environment for their kids, dad is an engineer, mom is a nurse
>kids act like fucking apes that grew up in the jungle asides from the youngest ones who are not into that nigger culture yet

They get a pass because they have an iq above 60

If Wakanda is an ideal country, why haven't they come up with democracy?

>Keeping traditions alive is a bad thing

In the comics it was because they developed too quickly from tribal to futuristic in just a few years.

I knew a lot of black kids growing up who were all smart, well behaved good people but once they turned about 14-15 they all went full chimp mode.
I'm not sure what brings it on, perhaps the inner animal awakens during puberty.

is this movie as funny as it looks. Like on a scale on 1 to "we wuz muthfuggin' kangz and kwangs n' sheeeit" where does it rate?

>continuing a dictatorship is good because it's tradition

>every single monarchy is a stereotypical jackboot fascist

Not the point. The government should derive its power from the people. A monarchy is inherently immoral.

>inherently immoral

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So do wakandans. I don't get your point.