
Sam and Dean Winchester, I'm CIA

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No Supernatural tonight so post memes

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When is this faggot going to die bros?

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>drive thru at bruger king
>girl accidentally gives me extra bag full of 2 burgers and 3 chicken sandwhiches
>no longer have to go to pub for Thursday night

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>fans aren't digging Sam and Dean hanging out with their mommy
>OK, let's replace her wit ha twink

He's worse than 3 seasons of Kevin and Felicia Day.

i generally don't care much for Jack but I gotta admit, him going all out ham on angels in apocalypse world was pretty boss

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*blocks your path*

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wtf is this shit?! fucking fuck i thought there was new ep tonight!

animators probably needed more time, which is why there have been a few breaks so far

ScoobyNatural doesn't air until the 29th

the episode is done. There's an early showing in one of the cons

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what ever happened to their other brother trapped in hell?

>other brother trapped in hell?

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their half-brother who was a vessel for Michael. They just left him in the cage.

>half-brother who was a vessel for Michael

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hi cas roasties

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That's a big car.

Non-meme answer, he's still there.
The writers and the brothers have no interest in breaking him out.
He was such a plot device that it's sad.

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>ded thread

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: (

tons of writers, producers, set designers, etc all frequent this board. they know some of the memes but they all know about baneposting. if you see something that looks like it could possibly be a baneposting reference then there's a good chance that it's intentional. the repeated "big guy" in MCU, the "for you" in GoT when the Viper dueled the Mountain. It's all intentional.

>if you see something that looks like it could possibly be a baneposting reference then there's a good chance that it's intentional. the repeated "big guy" in MCU, the "for you" in GoT when the Viper dueled the Mountain. It's all intentional.
fucking idiot this happened in S2 aka 2006-2007

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fucking idiot, I don't watch this shitty tv show. but what I'm saying is correct. baneposting is becoming an inside joke easter egg, like the wilhelm scream

S13 finale to air on May 17

>baneposting is becoming an inside joke easter egg, like the wilhelm scream
fucking idiot, if a precedes b, a can't be a fucking inside joke easter egg

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fucking idiot, I'm talking about post-TDK references

Never seen the show, aren't Sam and Dean in love with each other?

The no hotheads, we're on TV in that OJ show is suspect as fuck.

>imply the OP is intentional
>get proven wrong
>ad hominem against the show and call it shitty
>move goalpost to post-TDK references, which becomes an irrelevant comment to the OP

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>ywn be as chad as jared palecki

why even live

it's okay, i'd rather be as chad as Jensen Ackles

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Bad face from Jense

Should have used smug half smile, this is what leftism does