Star Wars films will never look this cool

>Star Wars films will never look this cool

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It hurts. I miss the EU so god damn much. The Yuuzhan Vong were great villains. ;_;

Ew why are they all white

>he thinks that looks cool

Because white people built it.

Luke's outfit reminds me of Krull for some reason. Come on Luke, whip out that five fingered throwing thing!

Even the worst of EU (yes, I mean stuff like Luuuuuuke) was better than Disney's Nu-Wars

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Quit with this false dichotomy of EU vs NuWars. The latter being shit doesn't magically make the former good and anyone with any brains and taste hated the EU long before the Disney buyout. Only Lucas's vision ever mattered.

no anyone with a brain and taste realized that while some of the EU was complete shit, a majority of it was well done and worthy of carrying on the star wars story on its own merit. only plebs hate the eu

A black woman will direct the Bane trilogy

I remember reading a "leaked script" on Altavista back about a decade ago now and it was brilliant. I don't remember much of it but it made a shit tonne more sense and sounded very George Lucas'y but with some fan fic twists so it was probably bullshit but far better than what we got in Episode 8.

>some kind of orc
>purple anime armor

Nah, OP. The new movies being boring Disney products doesn't make that 90s fanfic shit any better.

bane will actually be a 5'8 manlet with constant quipping just like a marvel movie.

fuck this timeline


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Redpill me on Ben Quadinaros

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Jake Gyllenhalls sister. She was in The Dark Knight and Donnie Darko.

But at least we have pink haired hags who hate star wars so much that they mouth pew pew pew to the camera while shooting. Glad Rian kept it in. Star Wars is just capeshit.

EU was a mixed bag, people were willing and able to call it out, and they actually made strides to doing something about it, albeit slowly. An example being Traviss getting the boot, and later stories working to fix some of the more stupid Vong/Abeloth parts.

New Wars is almost all shit, and nothing gets done about it.
Only Filoni’s team is even attempting to do something good, and he’s clearly being held back from having full creative control

"The EU is shit" is a bullshit falsehood that's only sprung up as Disney needs to defend its shit.

You mean Ben CHADinaros!
Greatest podracer in SW!


On a positive note, even the normies on imgur are tearing TLJ a new asshole in the comments.

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Fucking this, every time i see someone shitting on the EU, it's a Disney mom trying to make the ST look good by shitting on the EU.

Too bad the action was mind numbingly boring and forgettable

>they've officially sunk to "but at least it looked good" to try and sell that shitpile

EU is dope af desu senpai

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niggers built your home and you live in it, your logic is flawed.

>It Ain't Sheev starts playing

Pre Disney
>EU sucks outside of SotE and Kotor!
>force Unleashed is a shitty GoW rip off!
>Chewie died!
>they brought back Palpatine again...

Post Disney

Hey Disney mom.

Show your milf tits.

Pre Disney
>characters we love doing cool shit
>expanded lore
Post Disney
>characters we hate doing lame shit
>shits on the characters we love
>forced diversity and feminism everywhere
really makes you think

I'm a 30-year-old man and that has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that most of the EU was always shit.

>n no everyone liked Darksaber!
>everyone loved the Skywalker kids!
>ebin moon death for chewie!
>Lukes SSJ jedi ancient waifu is awesome and not a mary sue at all!
keep on with the revisionist history.

>people thought Traviss was the worst it would get pre Disney EU, and she was gone already so the future was bright
>it managers to get even worse with every instalment
>Disney moms think it mysterious that people look back on a mixed bag with fondness
Wtf I love the mouse now

don't you have homework to write?

>characters we love doing cool shit
>expanded lore
i see you never read much EU at all.

I'm sure at some point Disney will start poaching ideas from the EU so we'll see mediocre rip-offs at some time.

>at some point
Where have you been for the last four years?

How to spot a Disney Mom:
1. They call everything in the EU garbage, ignoring the fact that all the best selling books, games, and the best show are all apart of the EU.

2. While shitting on the EU they simultaneously defend absolute garbage like Star Wars: Rebels.

I liked the last episode the entire Sheev scene was kino

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they already have. if you had read the books you would know.

it is like you are ignorant on the EU and are just complaining that things were better for reasons.

>at some time

Cringe lord EU yuuzhon vong were never cool

but i said besides SotE and Kotor were popular before Disney and where did i defend some shit show? please do point that out.

this is how to identify a pissy faggot.
they make shit up that has no basis in reality

>best selling
I don't care, faggot. We're talking about what's actually good. I guarantee you that Disney's turds outsold whatever you like.

>they simultaneously defend absolute garbage
I'm defending nothing; only attacking the EU. Don't put words in my mouth just because you have no argument, faggot.

Spending 5 minutes browsing the unbridled autism of wookiepedia will convince anyone that the EU is shit.
>that random alien in the background of mos eisley was actually a bounty hunter, ex-jedi, rebel spy love rival of Han Solo.

What are you attempting to say?

>We're talking about what's actually good.
And what do you think is good?

>that random alien in the background of mos eisley was actually a bounty hunter, ex-jedi, rebel spy love rival of Han Solo.
That's pretty cool though

No matter how hard I try I will never post something this embarrassing.

you write fanffic dont you?

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>Bane will be a 5'8 manlet
So Tom Hardy will reprise the role?

Dark Empire was a great story told exceptionally poorly.

> Sheev's back, and he's decided to truly go balls to the wall in pure eeeevil
> Altered Carbon-style clone lightsaber fights with Sheev's wrinkled cock swinging in the air
> Empire goes full edgelord
> Evil Luke being a manipulative asshole instead of a goody little two shoes
> World Devastators are only good superweapon the EU ever came up with
> Astronaut Cripple Jedi
> Pregnancy story gives Leia a more personal plotline to follow
> R2-D2 does something useful for the first time since ANH
> Han shoots Sheev in the face

If you cut out all the extraneous Dark Horse bullshit, it's a cool story. It would have made a great movie with a few rewrites and a competent director.

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if you say so krager

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Has Ezra got the old Sheev heave yet?

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I am never going to watch Phantom Menace again just because the Naboo space ships look cool.

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>Mara is perfect! she is an assassin and a jedi! and a sith that trained under palatine and was brain washed by him! she is also more powerful than Luke!

>Rey is a Mary Sue!


somebody call Snoke, I found us a new weapons designer

At least Mara looked hot
Rey is an ugly xenomorph

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1st row second column is the only decent one. Last row is some frog thing outside of Jabbas palace. I used to read one of the universal guides as a kid.

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>Guys you dont understand! everything from pre disney is amazing!

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I agree. That's why i'm going to watch the TLJ instead because it isn't the shitquels or the icky nerdy EU so it is good by default.

>>Chewie died!

he sucks in TLJ, just hangs around whoever the plot needs him to

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I'm not interested in your deflection. Either defend the EU on its own merits or don't.

That sounds like a sitcom that has gone too long and is groping for any situation that hasn't come up already. Why would anyone want Sheev to come back?

best Star Destroyer design, prove me wrong

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That doesnt even look remotely good. That shit looks fucking stupid.

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And instead of the world devastator they just use recycled death star.
Instead of an infinitely better concept for the new trilogy (first order is new so it would make sense that they need resources)

>doesn't want to say because she knows it will instantly out her as a Disney Mom
As if we already don't know.

She's ugly as shit
Look at that fivehead

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It's styled more like a fighter than a destroyer. Doesn't have enough mass.

Stop, you're gonna summon that Rey worshipper from the thread that shall not be named.

No it's not you fucking dork, it's because it hot garbage. All the prequel and EU apologists coming out of the wood work because it's the contrarian thing to do lmao

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Why do people believe the EU was ever canon? George Lucas said ages ago that it was never canon and more like an alternate universe. He'd only pull stuff from the EU if he needed something that had already existed in a star wars book or some shit(like Coruscant) other than that, the canon was always what George said it was.

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well we'll load your fat ass on it, that should give it all the mass in the universe

>The Yuuzhan Vong were great villains. ;_;

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Some of the EU was shit but most of us went into the EU expecting a shit parade of bad ideas that snuck through. I don't care how bad some of the writing was. In the long run the EU was great for building the lore and expanding the Star Wars saga.

Want to know how I know you never read the Thrawn trilogy?

I already know those dumb fucking faces don't match the intensity of the scenes, nor do they present a genuine human emotion to the situation matching her character. It's poor character development made up for by an exertion of strenuous effort. Then the other characters trying to compete with the 'main' character did the same thing. Horrible casting and horrible directing.

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is that stone cold steve austin

This canon shit is so fucking dumb
Who even cares? Just enjoy the stories for what they are. If they don't contradict themselves then even better. I don't need some fat jew to tell me what's canon and what's not.

I unironically enjoy this concept

Mostly because they are sad and depraved lunatics who need to hinge on the word canon in order to validate the worth of what they are reading.

>Luke dressed as Guyver


/swco/ cares very strongly about it, they hate anything not canon because in their words "If it isn't canon than it never happened and it isn't worth watching, playing, reading fanfiction shit"

But everything that Lucas hasn't written himself is fan fiction.

so everything is fanfiction besides the prequels?

And there you go. You have absolutely nothing to say about the EU itself, or OP's faggy picture. Your only defense is to attack disney wars, which I don't give a shit about.

Tell that to /swco/.

Sup Forums also believes that TCW repairing prequel character issues magically means they don’t exist in the films themselves, so is a good idea to never take what they say seriously.


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I've already said my thoughts on the EU, all the best vidya, comics, books, and show are apart of the EU. i think the EU was good, sure it had garbage in it but when it was good, it was the best content the Star Wars franchise has to offer.

Disney has nothing.