Alright guys, what does Jennifer have to do to redeem herself in Hollywood?

Alright guys, what does Jennifer have to do to redeem herself in Hollywood?

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Go back in time 4 or 5 years. Her career is fizzling and she'll be irrelevant by the end of the decade.


Not show her butthole

+lose twenty
+take some acting classes
+never be in more than one or two scenes

a blowbang scene with 30 black guys

post bobs and vagene

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star in a decent movie

unsimulated sex scene with a black man

take a long break

bich lasagna

Just say she enjoyed it instead of saying metoo

Quit being in movies.

Kill Lena Dunham. I still won't care about her movies, but I damn well will stop talking shit about her.

-Quit being an arrogant smart ass
-Go back to school
-Act better
-Stop pushing her shitty agenda and politics all the time


hardcore porn

Woody Allen

>-Quit being an arrogant smart ass
Fucking THIS.

Her attitude makes her 100x worse. Tons of other actors/actresses have made their careers last longer despite having less high profile roles under their belt simply because they were humble or generally pleasant people to work with.

Every time I've ever seen her interviewed she just comes off as insanely arrogant, like she figured the world out at 12 or something and she is just waiting for the rest of us to catch up to her level. Shit is maddening to watch.

Not be ugly

Find a more powerful jew to fuck

Give me a handy, while complaining about my size. Not to much to ask I think

extended uncut lesbian scene

There's absolutely nothing she can do


Not have picked Weinstein


entrap weinstein to put him in jail then an hero so we don't have to look at her anymore

Post them already so we can get this over with.

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Leak her Katniss sex tape.

Too late, sucked too many dicks, acts like a feminist diva cunt, no one will work with her. Expect to see her in nu-Ghosbusters 2.

Shoot Weinstein in the fucking face

12hr fucking machines session, single take, no cutaways.

Get plastic surgery to make herself look less like an ugly bong.

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I was gonna say come out as a lesbian but that didn't exactly work out for Ellen Page. So i guess the next step would be to come out as transgender.

She's already done

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maybe she should finish middle school and even high school so she isn't such a fucking retard

I think she should stop lying.

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Not being a hypocrite would help a lot.

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>The highest-paid actress in the world, with her films grossing over $5.5 billion worldwide, Jennifer Lawrence is often cited as the most successful actor of her generation. She is thus far the only person born in the 1990s to have won an acting Oscar.

What are you fags even talking about?

she'll have to present her dirty smelly brapper to us

>anyone needs redemption in Hollywood
That's literally being redeemed in the eyes of pedophilia moloch worshipers who gives a fuck.

These people are desperate for fame and money. Neither of which is redemption material.

go to bed lawrence
we know you're suckessful

several of my friends have chicks STI'd before they start rawing them so this seems totally legit. I am married but from what they tell me, there are a shit load of STD's rolling around. Statistics show it is true too, especially among the sexually active.

baesd bobs boster

probably learning how to act would help

getting into shape, having real talent

Doing an AMA on this board.

J-LAW BTFO BY Sup Forums

Get an education

I don't care about a single one of the things she does off-camera. All she has to do is a couple great performances. So far she's had maybe a couple good ones, but I hope she can take it to the next level. I'm not really sure if she has the chops for it but I would like to see her become a great actress

She's perfect

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Fry up some Latkes come next December.

>"I don't like sex"

hahaha sure jlaw

Other than when she’s acting, she needs to keep her mouth shut. When your dimwit political views and real life personality is damaging your acting career you’re an idiot if you fail to realize that you should shut up.
But the current super feminist environment tells an actress to speak louder because she’s a woman, when she should really shut the fuck up because she’s an actress.

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Hopefully never, all Actresses/actors should keep themselves out of politics.

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I need to be inside her.

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i got some bad news for you pal. she hates sex


She hasn't found the right dick

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*was perfect

succ some mean dick and swallow with a smile

I unironically liked Passengers

stop being a smug cunt


Better than frog

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did she show her butthole? I wanna see her butthole.

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Suck more jew cock.

How is that being a hypocrite shitlord

>suck and fuck a network of powerful Hollywood jews for your career
>old jealous cunts who cant suck and fuck their way into work bring down the entire system
>powerful jews no longer promoting you
>career downswings immediately

who's the chair and who's lawrence?

Sorry we're all out of that.

I love how you can tell she was planning on getting a huge paycheck one day when she "finally went nude" in some classy oscar bait shit and then the fappening fappened and all that shit went down the tubes, and she's clearly pissed about the money but she has to pretend she's outraged that people saw her acting like the dumb bimbo she is.

At this point I'm not really sure which one starred in Red Sparrow.

A kino sci-fi netflix show.

Suck another Harvey Weinstein's dick

kill herself

holy fuckin hell. please tell me you shopped her face to look like that......

None of #HarveysGirls can be taken seriously anymore. They literally sold their asses to a big fat jew for movie roles.

Besides once youve seen their butthole whos going to pay to see their movie. its like theres nothing more to see. wheres the motivation anymore?

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I finally got around to that second mockingjay movie and holy shit her acting is beyond atrocious.

>lose twenty
what are you, gay? her body was so dynamite in Mother. I was edging through that whole movie.

She's the embodiment of dumb, uppity stacey stereotype. There's no saving from that.

I've had unprotected sex with at least 50+ women and not once, NOT ONCE have I ever caught anything.
I've fucked some rancid slags too.
She should stop being a pussy and gobble down... STDs are a myth.

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>like she figured the world out at 12 or something
Funny how thats when she stopped showing up to class

licking weinstein's greasy circumcised chode as a teen probably soured the whole thing for her

>tfw I've had chlamydia
>have herpes now

I wish STDs were a myth

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