What starts playing Sup Forums?

what starts playing Sup Forums?

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Forrest Gump probably.


school house rock

Bill Nye the Science Guy

One day they pumped Jeremiah Johnson through every tv in my Jr High.

Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier (1955)

that martin luther king cartoon where the kids time traveled and met him as a kid

latest episode of BLACKED to promote cultural enrichment


Diary of a Wimpy Kid or Cars 2

>It was always the first 20 minutes of SOME BODY

Remember the Titans


Seems to be around midday, so it's enrichment hour.

A beautiful, petite blonde, fair skin and green eyes claims to be a virgin and then takes a gargantuan black penis in her vagina, mouth and anus.

>better pay attention! you'll be quizzed on how to breed mutts!

who cares? the lights are going off so i'm putting my head down.
tv in class = teacher doesn't want to deal with it today fpr whatever reason.

Usually Bill Nye but I took a lot of science classes.

The Miracle Worker, for the 10th year in a row.

Playboy Presents, a Roman Polanski film, MacBeth

My bio teacher last year showed us clips from the movie Splice

There are only 3 possible answers. Reading Rainbow. Sex education video. 9/11 when it's actually occurring.

Ilha das Flores

schoolhouse rock

october sky obviously
or the cat in the hat and Im the only one laughing

Science Court

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Some fuckin' TV-film adaptation of a Shakespeare play.

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Free Willy. Every year we had to watch it in jr high


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra

retard kino

*Bill Nye the Soyeince Guy

When I was 16 and in high school our teacher showed us requiem for a dream, yes with ASS2ASS. There was some drug related incidents on school and I suppose they wanted to scare us.

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The Wave


Only a related note, the only time I've ever fainted was watching some fucked up lung cancer video in like 4th grade science class

School of Rock, Cool Runnings, or Remember the Titans

Mr Smith Goes To Washington

It ain't me

There was a senior guy in high school my freshman year who taped over his least favorite teacher's video he was going to play during the last week of class and replaced it with gay porn. The teacher left the classroom for minute after hitting play and the regular video played for a couple seconds before the porn kicked in. The teacher almost lost his job over it and the student admitted he did it after he graduated so they couldn't punish him. The guy was already a legend for convincing a sub teacher that his name was Moe Lester.

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I almost forgot about this

My based science teacher would rather put on movies half the time and he would play Constantine, Happy Gilmore, TDK or Lake Placid.

He even had a cool glass eyeball.


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I watched that shitty Dustin Hoffman epidemic movie like 4 times during highschool.

Also, what was that series of science videos called that we're narrated by Martin Sheen?

When I was in highschool they had class watch the Romeo and Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio. The teacher didn't even give a fuck about nudity.

They used Christiane F. for that in Germany. All it managed to do was give druggies nicknames from the movie.



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Watch contagion if you want to see an outbreak grounded in reality.

>High School
Finding Nemo
>Middle School
Planet Earth
>Elementary School
Bill Nye

some movies we watched last year in class:
Life Is Beautiful
The Diary of Anne Frank
Escape from Sobibor
The Day the Clown Cried
Sophie's Choice
Naked Among Wolves
The Book Thief
The Reader

Fat Titty Bitches 16, it was Sex Ed.

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A Knight's Tale

Who went to TC here? I transferred out sophmore year so I've only seen Remember the titans about five hundred times

Some tard brought in Jackass 2 during one of the last days before summer and we watched it on a projector. Our teacher was away and it was all going great until some fucking SOYBOI English teacher walked in at the "how to milk a horse' scene and got it turned off.

It was an all boys Catholic school ffs.

gg&s is reddit tier pseudo history

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*Pan flute intensifies*

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Freedom writers for my Composition class. Or was it grammar?

Social Studies teacher played Black Hawk Down on the classroom projector and forgot to mute the parts when the soldiers are shouting "Irene, Fucking Irene"

Blackadder in history class

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Anne of Green GAYbles

First three weeks: holocaust. Next three weeks: black history month. Three weeks after that, BIG tests.

Poor lil' White Boy

the sex education video where they show live birth

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Cirque de Soleil nearly once a fucking week. God damn I hated that.

All history is psuedo history.

>angry social studies teacher pauses the movie for a minute to explain why the old aboriginal woman hitting herself in the head with a rock isn't funny

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>you will never kill you a bar when you was only three

Damn, I didn't know Malkovich was THAT big of a guy


Miracle of life with the ejectulating penis in the vagina?

Malkovich is like 6ft and Gary Sinise is 5'7"

Gary sinese is a 5'8 manlet. John aint that big but his Character is supposed to be

Birth of a Nation (original)

The Indian In The Cupboard

Schindler's List
The Boy in the Striped Pajama
The Pianist

>The grandmother then engages in an Aboriginal form of mea culpa by repeatedly hitting her head with a rock
just lmao at aboriginal culture

actually I just looked it up and they are 6ft and 5'11'' in that pic

we unironically saw those movies the same year

yes goy, look how victimized we are

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At least you didn't see No Homo with guys sword fighting

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this guy knows

The Patriot
An Inconvenient Truth

I love this film.

the "cool" religious ed teacher showed us Zeitgeist and that shitty Bill Maher documentary

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That one PBS program about people building a trebuchet and trying to knock down a wall


I'm from Australia and the movies we watched on school trips constantly were: She's the man, Cool runnings and Antz.

Was fucking cash

Fuck the asshole best friend

For a second I almost thought they did some LotR fuckery to make M appear that much taller
Are there any other films where this has been done?

This is what students of tomorrow are learning:


Anti-Liberal Propaganda Movie Friday's was the best day of the week tho. None of the subliminal anti-gay, anti-abortion, anti-Jewish messages took hold but it beat classwork. One film we watched had a scene where a gay teen ate out of a trough with farm pigs on his hands & knees. it's their porn.

The worst was in science class watching a boring science video, but having to pay attention cause you have to fill out the worksheet

Came in to post this.

Reading Rainbow

based Horatio Hornblower


That is old science, today we have intelligent design and non binary genders.

my sex dubs