What's next for her career?

Is she the next Meryl Streep?

Attached: my gf mills.jpg (1080x1349, 338K)

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when did his career start

she starred in the 1 season tv show Intruders, but she really came into her own with season 1 of stranger things like in 2015

probably some drug overdoses, relationship problems, nudes in the net once she gets a bit older, and she will be forgotten after her 20's, showing up from time to time as "remember that girl from that tv show..." she might convert to islam at some point


Being less of a thot I hope

Damn, Natalie Portman isn't aging so well bros

Stranger Things is getting cancelled due to the Duffers being rapists and she’ll be out of jobs soon
She has zero talents and only clinging on the hype of the show

is she being groomed by Drake?

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She’s gonna be huge until she’s 20ish then crash hard from the pressure and become a literal who.

Based Finn throwing shades at her

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Burnout by mid twenties

Lindsay Lohan

I want to work with her (have sex with her)

Not anywhere with that retarded punchable face

She's the next Bella Thorne.

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Being kissed on the lips by me

damn this dress is pretty see-through
where are the photoshop wizards when you need them ?
Also is that a thong she's wearing ?

No offence but she looks like a tranny monkey

Stranger things season 3
then probably some lame weird "thriller" attempting to cash in on her "star power" or "box office draw" or some shit that will inevitable fail because people don't give a shit about who's in a movie
then nothing

damn finn’s being completely honest here

She's taller than I thought

Fucking yikes
>this is what normalfags consider hot

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He may make it just because of how “normal” he wants to be.

Nude scene coming?

Based froggo

Next Meryl. No.

Next Winona...maybe

delet mills is pure

also fuck you janny, that was published by a major magazine, what's ur problem?

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she's 13 but lookss 40. british broads are fucking doomed from birth

>already thirsty enough to get a shitty Instagram star as bf before anyone of her co-stars did

Also what's a salad shaker?

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She's already been blacked by Lord Flacko:

>due to the Duffers being rapists
They aren't heebs so that's not likely

fuckin revolting. Jacob is 1000 times better

It's how the young folk now refer to licking ass.

Nice devil horns.


>haven’t been in a single project outside of ST
>the only publicity of her is dating some faggot and hanging out with the hip and cool drug addict youngsters
>her look is getting worse every day
>her original fans are all starting to hate her
It’s like she’s actively committing career sudoku.

I think she looks good right now. She'll grow into a beautiful woman

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Get those ears pinned, sweetie.

She's the next Meryl Sneed

how did she fool people into thinking she was white in the beginning?
As she gets older it’s clear she’s a mutt

she's an English Rose

Attached: millie looking gud.jpg (634x839, 127K)

>calls people mutts
>writes like a legitimate nigger

would stick my nose in her petals

>“Millie, what I get from her is very personal,” David shared backstage at the Critics’ Choice Awards. “I have never had a daughter. I don’t have children, so what I get from her is this feeling of being a father … this protective feeling of love, of a protective love that isn’t romantic love and I rarely feel that in my my life for things other than cats. So, to feel it for a young human being, to be that protective, that loving to someone is very special, so she gives me that piece of me which is very special!” Are you tearing up yet? Ok, fine — there’s more!

>When asked about Millie’s future, which already looks so bright considering the success of the show and the recent announcement that she, at just 13, will be starring and producing in the film adaptation of The Enola Holmes Mysteries books, David admitted that she has the kind of path ahead of her that most artist’s could only dream — but he still has fatherly concerns. “She has the potential to go very far,” David shared, “ My hope with Millie has and is always that she will be an artist that when I am in the nursing home, she will bring me her Oscars. But, I feel like the pitfalls are very deep in terms of this generation; this fame, this Instagram generation of constantly wanting to get likes… I never really grew up with that and the fact that there is somebody with eleven million followers or something like, that’s thinking about their persona to the world at thirteen or fourteen years of age is terrifying to me.”

based dave watching out for best girl

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I used to believe she was gonna be the next Bella Thorne, but now I realize she's the current Milly Shitty Brown, which is much much worse.

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Why was deleted?

Not sure about that

Whatever they paid for this is a total ripoff desu

some faggot janny, he blocked me for 15 minutes lol

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Faggot janitor should've permabanned you. millieshitfags are the absolute worse.

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fuck off retard. This is a Millie fan board

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