>Dwayne Johnson was very interested at one point. One of the worries, for me anyway, of having a big star like that, was that we’d have to tone things down. This was going to be hard R, balls to the walls. Sure enough, I was asked to prepare a draft that was PG-13. Soften the violence, no nudity, only one “f***” allowed. If you’ve played the game, you’ll know how hard that would be and still keep it SR. I couldn’t even use the “Phuc Mi Phuc Yue” Vietnamese Seafood sign I wanted to have!



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I would've paid to see a Saint's Row movie.

Wasn't saints row just a shitty GTA clone?

>video game movie
It would have been shit because of the curse

yes but a GTA movie is completely off the menu due to Rockstar.

at first, but the sequels reinvented the formula (ie. added a bunch of increasingly wacky shit) it's much better imho


agreed , all of the games where so crazy and over the top!

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>tfw saints row 4 is the best super hero game in recent memory

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Take Two interactive wants full creative control of the film. They have to find a studio that is okay with this and willing to let them make the film as they see fit.

Saints Row is already a movie desu,
>tfw played every saints row and watched them grow into who they are now
the greatest feeling

So why is tv the only board that's working or has been for like the past 14 hours ?

Sound #litty desu

If you don't think SR died after 2 please escort yourself back to Sup Forums

But Sup Forums likes SR2 though?

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>a game with a story that is literally 15 crime movies put into a blender as a lazy excuse to free roam and let your Id run fucking wild in an excess of cold blooded sadistic murder and wanton destruction.
If you want to know what kind of person you REALLY are, look at the stat for number of pedestrians run down and think about what that says about you.
How the fuck are you going to make THAT into a movie?
It's the same thing with the fallout games. It's every post apocalyptic sci fi story every mooshed together with a moderate level of self awareness. The fun is in using your agency to explore the world.
The fuck do I want to watch a movie that's just a lazy rehash of movies I've already seen but without any of the things that distract you from that cliche ridden gobbledygook.

Saints Row 4 was the shit. Had a nude mod, and made my character have overclocked titties that had some pretty realistic physics. For the first few weeks of playing it, I'd get a boner every time.

First one was but 2 was GOAT.
Then they did their own thing with 3 which was shit, then they added super powers and shit with 4, and flying in hell with two different characters in Gat out of Hell.

I wouldn't know

Didn’t read any of that lmao

i still watch the game trailers from time to time
so good

Think it has to do with what happened live last night.....

Its widely accepted atlease on Sup Forums that SR2 was the last good one. SR4 was a good game on its own but it was a dogshit Saints Row game.

Would the Septic Avenger mission be in the movie?

Attached: SaintsRow2Tscr_003-large[1].jpg (1024x768, 521K)

While that was fun ingame. I think that just might be too ridiculous even for the big screen.

What happned

The north korean guy sucker punched trump bodyslammed him through the negotiation tabled and challenged him to a triple cage and ladder match at summer slam for the heavy weight trophy.

Is this something like the time someone posted an alien on /x/ and the feds had to shut it down by murdering the image servers?

some guy an hero livestream on r9k


Why does that affect every board but TV though?

We've got another one.

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how would you even make a gta film. A saints row film actually makes more sense because the games have a consistent cast of characters and there is a general storyline running throughout the series. But gta? it doesn't have anything. It literally has nothing. The only way it would work is if it was a sequel to GTA5 and used the same main characters. That would actually work. It's the best selling game of all time. People know those 3 characters. It could be a weird cross between the hangover and a crime film. Trevor Michael and Franklin go to vegas or some bullshit

Do you know how much money disney pays to shill on Sup Forums?
Hiro can't pay that back is Sup Forums goes down.

If 5 then We've got another one

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Sup Forumsermine can't into dubs

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