How close was he to landing this gf? be honest

how close was he to landing this gf? be honest

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considering she already had a boyfriend, not close

Didn't he get to hug her at the end?

As close as United flight 93 was to the twin towers

You already know he's browsing r9k and jerking off to 2d waifus

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not as close as these digits

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lmao he had no chance whatsoever
she probably threw up after

hes a legend so most likely got someone better

oh no no no

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look at her eyes. you guys can't tell me she wasnt feeling even a little tingle

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He's actually doing quite well and shit, with an Instagram acc

Damn that girl is plump in just the right way

No chance. She's been dating this 6'6 chad who has a scholarship to duke

yeah but it was like a weird hug that felt sorta forced and awkward and not genuine, like when a girl actually wants to hug you.

>haha, he thinks he has a shot with me
>can't wait to tell chad about this later

Man, 5 fucking years tho...

Its what happens when you put yourself out there, regardless of his embarrassing performance.

>going out with the top ranked qb's in the state

Garrett never stood a chance

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Step aside, pleb

Is this real?

what the FUCK

i guess chad really does always win

The Eternal Question







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More power to him, hes kind of goofy-looking anyways. Normos are big into twiggy girls with no assets.

*steals your oneitis

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Sorry but she lost any hope of being hot with that fucking huge ass scar across her stomach.

Dam she is fuckin FOIN

Respect to the fredora kid for trying to get a whiff of her braps

Sorry to tell you, but he became a Chad.

>hey user, so what brings you to the hospital

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Still dating chad
Still out of fedora's league

I feel bad for this kid. He honestly thought what he was doing would get her, but only if he knew how the world actually worked.

not even remotely close.

Used to think she was hot but her tummy scar just ruined it all

Lmao who are you niggers trying to fool here? Read

if you look closely, you can see him go for a kiss and she dodges it

is there a picture of the other side of her face?

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Disgusting belly scar, no thank you.

t. chad

>got a thick ass
>she's infatuated with him
>he doesn't care

Is Garrett alpha?

not a chad, not a chance

I'd rather fuck her than that blonde chick.

>you're like a brother to me

>she's infatuated with him

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>tfw got brotherzoned by a chick at work
>thought all was lost
>we still hook up to this day
Stop being a virgin dude

what a sad loser you are to probably stalk her facebook or whatever, saving these pics to fap to on your cock shaped pillow


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girls like her always want to fuck their brothers

hey that's good

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fuck up fag

WTF is wrong with women posting that humillating shit.
Is one thing to friendzone a guy but then she has to humblebrag about some guy(aka numale orbiter) doing everything she wanted.

why can't they keep their mouths shut?.

Thats the girl in the pic? Damn Garrett if you're traveling cross country with some broad at least fuck her.

Women like her make for absolutely fucking SHIT TIER gf's and wives. You can tell she is a spoiled kid who has never once had anything truly bad happen in her life, and so as soon as anything gets remotely difficult or tragedy hits she will cheat or leave you or be otherwise completely crippled and worthless at supporting you and helping out. Kid lucked out honestly.

Mentioning Garrett on her instagram gets you automatically blocked fyi

How do you know this? got any proof?

women sure have a funny way of letting people know they aren't seeing someone

anyway he looks fine. probably suffers from ugly duckling syndrome so he thinks this fat cunt is the best he can do.

What if someone is actually named Garrett?


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Haha imagine her telling you to get hard and then letting you sniff her tights haha. Imagine her getting close to you and whispering in your ear, breath on your neck and eaarlobe about how badly you're gonna cum for her lol.
Imagine dribbling out in your pants hahhaha

>What works for me will surely work for thee.

oldest fallacy in the book

Normalfags are stupid what do you expect?

Roasties shouldn't be allowed to join the workforce. I hope she drops out.

Mothers do it to their loser sons too.

>implying that matters
In fact that might make your chances even higher.

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Make way for a real man, faggots.

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check these dubs for romantic fortune

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Yes they fucking do, I tell my mom to stop that shit. Breaks her heart too.

A lot closer than I'll ever be

At least she deletes those comments.

severe lack of dubs

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This but unironically.
Jesus Christ user, get a fucking life. Even you probably realize how sad your pathetic existence is.

fuck you

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I know how pathetic my existence is. Telling me to get a life isn't going to work since I'm a neet loser with nothing better to do.

There's nothing you can say that'll hurt my feelings

you'll get it eventually.

Chad Killington

very nice user

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Make your own chances

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What a fucking beta you are, if scars ruin something like that for you.

DAMN. Didn't even need to try

>2013 was 17 years ago

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>dance his heart out
>wasn't even fucking close to landing her

I kinda feel like if I did that and failed that hard I'd kill myself. I can't handle rejection like that

>being this beta

if he did, the roastie would have forgot his name within a year

You gotta admire the courage. I would drop spaghetti if I tried to dance for a girl.

To be honest why are people feeling for him? he made an ass of himself. He's also not a looker and he wears a fucking fedora. What do you expect, that the girl gets down on her knees and suck him off just because he put a lot of effort in embarrassing both him and her on national TV? She's as nice as one should expect in this situation, maybe even more. She clapped along and gave him a hug at the end, didn't start laughing or walk away as many probably would.


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>To be honest why are people feeling for him?
because a lot of these autists here can relate to this dumb ass getting rejected. he's like their self insert or some shit, but it's fairly obvious why Garrett gets the support of a lot of anons, my newfriend.

>the chad

Perfect. Reminds me of the comic where the girl lists all the reasons she won't date people, then a 10/10 chad that works at mcdonalds fucks her.

Hits too close to home.

I wish I was Chad. Almost every Chad I've met IRL has been a really nice and cool guy, too.

I hate comics like this because I know girls irl that think like this and it kills me on the inside

should've clarified; yeah I feel for him in the sense that I can relate to his awkwardness and embarrassment. But people seem genuinely upset that he didn't land the girl for some reason

He could still land one of the girls in the background

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You ever thought they're like that because people acted that way to them first?

>self insert
I would never in my life relate myself to Garett or that roastie. I'm better than that.

If you never had a bad day in your life you would be in a good mood too.

good for you, user, but it's clear a lot of these other anons see themselves in garrett

It's easy to be nice and cool to everyone when you look good and every woman just throws themselves at you. Piss easy life, not a care in the world to bring you down.

Chads are generally nice people and win at life. Gotta admire the work they put in just to be nice to everyone and everything they do.